Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol. 2006, No.11 (July 26, 2006) - Honoring Mark McGann

Beta Pi:

In a message dated 7/25/2006 8:17:19 P.M. Central Standard Time, JimGrissett writes:


Thanks for setting me straight on Marlon, and thanks for the nod to "Bozo." That nickname, Buck Biller morphed it into "Dozo" because I slept through so many classes, but my favorite was the Matt Hart variant "Bozino."

On your word, I'll enter a correction, to hereafter list Marlon as "Grissett protege Marlon McGann."

Hey, if you did not know, let me tell you a true story about a miracle - Marlon has survived a very rare form of cancer (that is clinically unbeatable) - our own Marlon is literally a walking miracle. He needs our continuing prayers - I have been praying for him, and I hope you will too.

Speaking of prayers, and since ATO is in fact a Christian Fraternity, it is appropriate to use this venue to say a prayer now and then, when there's a need. Don't get me wrong - no proselytizing - I am the biggest sinner I know. Buck Biller reminds me of that often.

Remember, how awesome it felt right before dinner, when Alexander Wilson would lead us in prayer?

Lord of Mankind, Master Divine,
Keep us pure in heart and mind.
And so that we may know Thee,
Thy presence show,
Guard and guide us, ATO.

Here is a photo I have of Alex, attached. Be well.


Larry Simons
Beta Pi '72


Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, Grissett was Marlon's protege.  I don't care if Grissett said Marlon was his protege, I'm telling you.
Zeke Floose
Beta Pi '72

Anonymous said...

E-mail from Jim Grissett, August 3, 2006:

Well, well, well ...

Actually, for the uncognoscenti amongst us, protege' is Bulgarian for "Lucky Pierre" -- and while Marlon may have been behind me in that regard, I was squarely behind Chip "Maurice K" Heartfield, as he, in turn, had his way with the quarter slot in the pinball machine at the Tic House -- the fit was about right, and thus the name we know him by today: Pencil Dick.

Also, the Colgate chapter he refers to is the Colgate toothpaste plant in nearby Eyetwitch, WV, where he spent most of his days torquing the tops on the tubes at 17 footpounds and asking himself of each tube: Would I serve this to my family?  After 7 years (and 4.2 million tubes) of doing this, he killed the real MK Heartfield on the way back from Christmas break and assumed his identity in Nashville -- please humor him, and my Stumpmate Pete Silberling, for all our sakes.

As for Ed Oppenheimer, please continue to send occasional missives to this address and let him believe this is my real e-mail address so I can continue to let my sperm, I mean spam controls handle his futile attempts to communicate with me.

Yours in Otis,
Brother JAG III