Friday, March 6, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.04 - The Ta-ta Obsession

Beta Pi:
IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

THE TA-TA OBSESSION: After the groundbreaking "Girlfriends-o-Yore Contest" (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.32 to No.34, July 2008 and No.48, September 2008) - apart from the incredible coup of Travis Parr in bringing his former-flame Rena Dabney into the fold of the Blog - there are a few lovely co-eds who have been discovered in the blog-o-shere who will, for the present, remain unnamed.

The dilemma - how to invite or induce these fine former female friends to participate in the Blog without blowing it, without "spooking them" as it were? Then it hit me - testimonials. We need the testimonials of the several ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore! With the help of these testimonials, an invitation to join the Blog would be loaded for bear. So, I contacted a few of our Girlfriends-o-Yore.

My friend Penelope Malone suggested in her testimonial that the Blog suffers from a "Ta-ta obession."
I can state categorically that the Blog does not have any TA-TA obession. We’re just hard-wired that way. Yeah, baby!

Here is the e-mail which is being sent to the co-eds in question:

Dear ________:

Long time. ATO. Vanderbilt. I found your e-mail, and I’m contacting you to reconnect, and to invite you to visit my Blog. The ATO Alumni of the 1970's misses you.

I write a blog, known as "Beta Pi Blog" which has but one purpose: to facilitate communication between ATO Alumni and their friends. Hard to believe that’s all I’m up to? My reputation precedes me. However, my wife, Ann Polk Simons reads my Blog, and additionally I thought that a few testimonials from other noteable Vanderbilt Women who have joined Beta Pi Blog might help to persuade you:


"Dear Ladies:

Your initial reaction to the Beta Pi Blog, seeing those umpteen different views of ta-ta's, may be something like this: "Good Lord, have the ATO's not matured AT ALL since they were throwing paint every weekend on the SAE lions." Well, to quote the Blog, "Yes...and no.."

Yes, they remain ta-ta obsessed. Hope springs eternal. But, ladies, be brave, scroll past those Heaven Lee lookalikes, and read on. You can find out what all those guys you knew (or wanted to know) are doing today. You can see who has gotten fat as a bear in the intervening years, and who still looks pretty damn good. Above all, it is nice to see that the ties that bound us together at VU are still strong, and the Beta Pi Blog is a hoot! Read and enjoy!"


"I would love to attest to the Blog - it’s very cool. What is really so funny is that I discovered it about a month after I got divorced last year - and I have to say, I was delighted and comforted to hook into it. I am still impressed at how close the ATO’s have stayed through the years - this rarely happens in a catty sorority. Plus all the ex girl friends and I have fun gossiping about who looks the hunkiest after all this time. (By the way - two of you are totally outstanding.) Anyway, it is exactly what you said - a pleasant diversion.



"Dear 'Dore Friends,

My old friend, Larry Simons, asked if I would be willing to admit to the public that I endorse his blog, and that other former friends and girlfriends of ATOs might find it fun also. I thoroughly enjoy dropping in on Larry's blog from time to time and seeing what all the old guys (and I do mean OLD) are up to now. It has brought back many fond memories of my four years at Vandy and I have been able to find out about old acquaintances that I wondered what had happened to.

I love the fact that Larry posts the old pics of his ATO buddies along with their current pics. If you can get past the buxom babes on the blog I think you would find it fun too. And, it's always gratifying for us women to reaffirm that guys truly do not ever mature beyond the age of 18.

Seriously though, Larry's blog is a blast and occasionally has some real literary gems.

Go 'Dores

Sally Tucker Jasper, BSN '75, MSN '83"

* * * * *
If you’re interested, go to web address: , check it out. If you want to join us, all you need to do is e-mail me at I look forward to hearing from you.

Larry Simons

* * * * *

I will send the e-mail, and try to increase the ranks of those famed ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore, and I’ll keep you informed. If you know of one, get her e-mail to me.

CHECK OUT THE COMMENTS - click on "comments" below. Its easy to post a comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of March 6, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 95 Beta Pi brothers, 87 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 6 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, March 6, 2009:

" I am here to fess up and admit that Steak is talking about me and Larry. God, I loved that girl. I think that's why Travis always tried to crush me when I came in the door at the Tic house. Steak: i still love you!


P.S. I wonder if she remembers me?"

TO FRANK: How could anyone forget the inimitable Frank Collins? You should e-mail Rena - I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, March 6, 2009:

"Hey Frank--

Of course--- You are most certainly remembered and loved by all.

Now---- I believe the proper response, to those who may falsely accuse the blog of the over emphasis of TA-TA's (from all of us ATO "TA-TA" Lovers),
is " Have great ones?.... then "Flaunt Them!"

Big Style Points were and will always be awarded for those ladies (i.e. "the Steak") who exhibited such true style and spirit in acknowledging their superior assets with such terrific good humor, a positive attitude, and a certain slyness when entering the den of lusty young men at the Tic house.

Rena "the Steak" absolutely exemplified this----- and I have to believe she would and we should all honorably defend Larry's wonderful choices of photographic subjects for the blog site.

I still count my blessings!

TO TRAVIS: All for one - and One for All! Viva la Ta-Ta's!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DARA HOWE, March 6, 2009:

I'm pleased to do what I can to enhance the credibility of the Beta Pi Blog. Perhaps you can attach this response to your email below in a message to the co-eds of yore. Although I don't read every message and thread of the bloggers, it has served to enrich my memories of David and the people and college experiences he shared with you and the other brothers. It's nice that you have kept me on your list. You are a faithful servant to the ATO brotherhood and they are fortunate to have you conjuring the collective memories from those days of youth!
Best wishes!

Dara Howe
(wife of David Howe BE'75, departed 11/30/06)"

TO DARA: You are awesome - if there is an internet connection in Heaven, David is plugged in to this and digging it. We miss him.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I'll admit that the blog is all in historical "tic" fun and fashion. A little hesitant to offer too much since the last time someone asked to borrow my sorority jersey, it ended up front and center in the ATO annual photo!!!"

TO ELIZABETH: Glorified forever! Thanks for your note. Tell Chet to get off his a_ _! We miss him.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Letter to Rena Dabney aka "Steak"

Dear Rena,
You remain the consumate ATO Woman of Mystery. In addition to your world class looks (For the record, unlike my unwashed bretheren, I loved your eyes the best) you had a native ability to send a roomful of boozy frat boys into a swoon with the turn of your head or a witty remark. Your power over us was was immense.

Today, I read your entry in the ATO blog. My God woman! You still have it. You JUST HAD TO KNOW that each and every one of us balding, paunchy, well-past-our-prime doofusses is preening in front of the mirror this morning and thinking "I bet I am one of the two that she thinks is Hot".

In addition to creating a great "Win a date with Steak" sweepstakes opportunity (the ATO guy that guesses both of your candidates correctly would get to sit next to you at Homecoming next year. Entry fee would be $25, the proceeds to go to the charity of Rena's choice) you have reminded us of the Power of Steak.

I pity the poor fool that lost you as a mate and I salute the lucky man who may win your hand again some day.

Fondest Regards,
Frank J. "Buck" Biller

PS. I have included a more up to date (and I must say flattering) picture of myself for your kind re-consideration. Note that I have most of my original hair, many of my teeth and a waistline."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM RENA DABNE, March 7, 2009:

"What a great letter to wake up to on a warm sunny Sunday morning. A hot cup of java, a warm cat and a Buck. I am one lucky girl. You guys are very cool. R."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I been meanin' to drop ya a note... This is a good trigger...

First, is Buck on meds?

Second, I noted with interest the last blog round... I read with pleasure da Steak's comments and loved the "hunk" comment... And, then Frank's response which troubled me greatly since I was sure da Steak was referring to you n me, not you n him...

Considering your effort to con former ATO ladies into da fold, which I believe to be a truly fine idea, perhaps you should have a "Hunk" contest and ask them to judge/vote?

The third item: 'Tween you n I, I feel some personal reservation about keeping the Whale Tales thing alive. You know why. It is certainly NOT responsible drinking... I have seen too many people ruined by alcohol, that got started down the path due to what I refer to as "macho" drinking. Do not misunderstand, I still drink, but a whole lot more moderately than in earlier years...


TO NEAL: The "meds" you refer to was probably Buck having one-too-many martini's and then penning his letter. Your idea of a contest is similar to an idea Buck had - its evolving. Yes, Wales Tales was irresponsible - that's why it was so fun. Personally, I don't drink alcohol anymore - and I know several Tics who don't. But many Tics drink, and in my humble opinion, Wales Tales will never die.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Ok girl, all us Tic guys are dying to know the results of you informal "2 hot Tics" poll. You gonna give it up or are we going to have to bribe you?
PS- I hope you received my updated photos"

RESPONSE FROM RENA TO BUCK: "I will have to have a personal tour of the Tics to make a final analysis of who wins the “hunk” award. Body fat counts, you know. I did not see your new pictures. Please send them. R."

"...Are you callin' me out gurlie?
Hello Little Miss "R",
Attached are recent pics of me in "bathing attire". I showed you mine gurlie, can I get a pic of "Steak '09"? Feel free to distribute my pic to the judges as you see fit.
Your Tic pal,
PS. I am the guy in the Speedo. Circa Vegas 2007. There's a great backstory. I was drunk and disorderly with business associates and good friends/customers and having a load of fun. Call me sometime (651-402-5787) and I will share."

RESPONSE FROM RENA TO BUCK: "Holy shit, Buckaroo - you are a hunk - still in great form. I am impressed. R"

RESPONSE FROM BUCK TO RENA: "Thank you Rena. So I can count on your vote then?"

"Really, Frank, you are the ONLY Tic that I have had the pleasure of seeing in a Speedo. I think it would be premature to cast my votes at this point. Rumors will fly. Perhaps if you could get the rest of the boys interested in submitting up to date and substantially revealing photos, we could bring this to resolution. I do get weary of only seeing ta-tas on the Blog. And while I understand that the brothers have a truly healthy respect for them, we girls could use a little eye candy ourselves. Good luck. Steak."

FROM BUCK TO THE BLOG: "Well Larry, Steak has spoken. We need to solicit "Eye-Candy" from the boys for the girls. Good luck on that deal. I would hate to win by default.

EDITORIAL NOTE: As I understand it, Rena wants to see "eye candy" -revealing photos of Tick-a-lors on the Blog. I agree with you, way too much luck is neccessary for that to ever happen. It appears you have won by default, old friend.