Friday, February 13, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.03 - Vanderbilt Debutante Society

Beta Pi:
IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. THE BLOG HAS MOVED TO A NEW ADDRESS. To get there, go to web address: .

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY: I was thinking about Valentine’s Day - as it relates to Tick-a-lors - and I began having memories (or flashbacks?) about . . .

THE VANDERBILT DEBUTANTE SOCIETY. Then, it hit me. Who better to interview about this phenomenon than that wacky guitar man, Joel Kadarauch, a.k.a. "Itchie" a.k.a., Jor-el.


BLOG: Do you have any recollection of the "Vanderbilt Debutante Society?"

JOEL: Totally clueless about that one, Larry. Maybe it's just my foggy memory. Ask away!

BLOG: I thought there was a Valentine's costume party at ATO Social Affiliate Miles Walsh's house - you came dressed as the "humanoid-penis" - am I mistaken? The twist was on "VD" - Vanderbilt Debutante - society.

JOEL: Ahh, Yes. I think I remember the Penis-Man costume. I made it out of a waste basket, plastic wrap, Paper Mache, paint and balloons (testicles), in my room in Carmichael Towers. I remember....I remember..."heavy", "scratchy", "pink", "hot".....not much else. The party was at a house next to the "round houses" on Vanderbilt Drive, right? Was that Miles' house? I also recall extricating myself from it after a time, and having it sit at the house as a prop afterward. Someone hooked up red lights in its eyes and a speaker inside, through which could be projected improper utterances to unsuspecting coeds passing by. Could all this be a dream? Quite possibly, but some of it has to be true.

BLOG: Yes, that was Miles' house on Vanderbilt Drive. Now, of course, after Vanderbilt gobbled up that neighborhood, its nothin'-but-nothin'-but-parking lots. As I recall, you also utilized a burlap bag, which hung around your neck, beneath the cylindrical head-piece. I remember seeing you surrounded by girls - admiring the head-piece and touching the burlap. Was it the burlap that was "scratchy?"

JOEL: "scratchy"

BLOG: I attended that party dressed as "The Sheik" - a costume I rented from Bittner’s. It was such an agonizing decision - which costume to wear - but when I got to the party and saw your home-made costume, I felt truly like a dork. Do you recall if "Gib-stone" attended?

JOEL: Guitar god Steve Gibson did inhabit one of the Round Houses - but it was a costume party, I didn’t see him.

BLOG: As to the origin of "VD Society" - I always thought that someone wanted to plan a Valentines Day party, but thought that concept too lame. I surmised they used the letters "VD" which sounded so, well, hip (Remember, this was the ‘70's, when the worst VD there was could be cured by a shot). Weren’t we so young, brash and clever?

JOEL: Jiambo!

BLOG: I recall a certain guest of honor arriving at the party, in a horse-driven carriage, complete with a Footman, wearing a "Southern Belle" gown. There was much pomp and ceremony attending. This lady was a friend to all Vandy Students, and operated an establishment on Church Street - "The Southerner" - can you sweep away some cobwebs and recall her name?

JOEL: Mrs. Mize?

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of February 13, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 95 Beta Pi brothers, 87 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 6 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JOEL KADRAUCH, February 16, 2009:

"Larry, the reason I didn’t get your other emails is that they wound up in a junk file. How some emails wind up there (which shouldn’t), and others don’t (which should), still baffles me. Nice job, tho! The answer to your question about the mystery lady attending the party wasn’t initially apparent to me.

I was tempted to guess, “The Deb”? Remember her by chance? Only gal I’ve ever known whose first name was “The”.


TO JOEL: "The Deb" rings a bell, but no name comes to mind. Oh well - great reminiscing with you, old friend!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TICK-A-LO BOB "SMOOTIE" SMOOT, February 16, 2009:


VDS was started so we those who went to the first big trip to the islands could participate in the spring sing, and it included a couple of non-ATOs, like Miles. The event was held in the "Alumni Hall" auditorium. ATO was on the shit-list and this was the only way we could "win" the trophy. Ask Hart about it. I believe we had parts of "on my way to New Orleans" pieced in the song.

Which makes me remember a rather strange coincidence Matt first stayed at the "Hilton" which had a concrete floor and walls, but the roof was missing, while the rest of us stayed in the dump, dirt floor, walls,and a roof (it did leak) and we had a nice shower - of course it was running cold water all the time. How weird, Matt winds up being the President of Hilton after so many years. Then a bunch of them rented entire houses on the hillside over looking the little bay, I guess from Wendel Swindle.

But back on topic - VDS was sort of an off shoot of the "Danny and the Juniors" gig, which included several of us from the pledge class of 52.

Love the blog.


TO BOB: Thanks for your comments! Very interesting. Duly entered in the annals. Be well, old friend!
