Sunday, June 15, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.30 - D.C. Tick-a-lo's / The Wharton Files

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

Just in the last few days, there is much to write about. Let the floodgates open . . .

THE WHARTON FILES: So I get a "cc" of this really cryptic e-mail from Bedroom Boy Chuck Wharton:

"Thanks again for the great trip - the Heartfields are wonderful hosts.

Here's a few of the pics - not the best results on some of the other ones."

It was sent to Chip Heartfield, Don Scott, and Clone-of-Bedroom-Boy,

Bedroom-TwinDavid Haines, Dick a.k.a. EzekielStoner, Gregg Qualls, Mark McGann


 and Ed Oppenhiemer, with photos attached. Looks like the D.C. Boys threw a big wing-ding. Here are the shots:

Looks like the D.C. boys and their women had a memorable time.

BUCK TICK-A-LO HONORED ON FATHERS’ DAY: Buck sent me some pictures of his kids a few days ago. Those of you who know Buck (since the infamous days-o-yore) know he is a devoted family man who loves his kids - and having personally met them, I can attest - they are beautiful.

Old Topper, I note that your son Jack has red hair and blue eyes. I have blue eyes, and before I became a gray geezer, my hair was red.Red-haired, blue eyed people rule!

And I have a few shots from when Buck brought his daughter Mary to visit Vanderbilt a few years ago, but I can't find them. We had dinner at this great place called Rumba. Mary had my step-son William and his friends charmed. They were in a high-school-daze, being in the company of such a pretty, vivacious girl. Buck, my friend, you have a beautiful daughter.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of June 13, 2008, the Blog roster total is 90 Beta Pi brothers, 82 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...


thought for the day.
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body.
But rather, to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit...what a ride!!!"
VTL, t"

TO TED-ZILLA:  May you you get everything Life has in store for you.  Nevertheless, tripe, by any other name is still tripe.  Ride-on Mighty Ted-Zilla!

Anonymous said...



Thanks for the pictures - hope you enjoyed the blog feature.

Hey - in the group picture - the one with guys standing in the rear, and gals seated - could you give me names please.

Left to right, I recognize Ed Oppenheimer on the left, and Mark McGann on the right.  Who are the other nebuloids?

And seated, I recognize Dick Stoner on the right, but who is the guy seated in the center with the beady eyes?  Hey, nothing personal meant.

And the picture of the 2 buds giving / receiving a hug - who are they?  I thought we got rid of all the gay-types (kidding).

And what's with Marlon - looks like he got tasered with a cattle-prod?

And how come Mr. Ed looks almost exactly like he did way back when - this is not right.  Ed must be vying for the All-time-youthful-look award.  J.D. was last year's winner.  Grecian Formula 44 could disqualify Ed - he must be cheating somehow.

How many of you Les Miserables of 1978 are coming to Reunion in Octoberfest?


Anonymous said...


"You won't be able to find it anyway you Trog.  Also, you didn't use the magic word.

Back row L-R: ESO, Gregg Qualls, David Haines, Chip Heartfield (beneficent host), Don Scott, standing behind their respective wives Anne, Kim, Kathy, Linda and Stephanie.

Front row: Robbie (Chip's son and aspiring Prince), Chuck Wharton (Prince) and Karen, Dick Stoner (former Worthy Master) and his daughter's name escapes me.

Anonymous said...

TO CHUCK WHARTON, June 19, 2008:

Marlon gave me the names - I plugged them in.

I'm particularly fond of the bit on Ed Oppenheimer, although not fond of Ed (kidding) - who never failed to take pleasure in irritating the hell out of me - ILAMATOB-including Ed.  Ed is perhaps a sadist, no?

I need an update from you as to on your Class-o-'79.

Anonymous said...


Keep up the great Blog! I appreciate it.

I suspect that the DC trip was the extent of reunions this year for the group that was up at Chip's - it is as far as the Whartons at this point.

What a great time - it was great to see some folks I hadn't seen in almost 30 years - still strikes me as odd that all of us misfits and malcontents ended up "successful" and relatively functional!

The AARP Tales game was as Marlon so kindly put it "slow and choppy" - but highlighted by a relatively brief but legitmate appearance of one Edward S. Oppenheimer in the game [a sight not seen for decades!! ] and a vigorous, excellent hairlip round by one Richard Stoner -

On a seven, who?
