Friday, June 13, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.29 - Bozino Does Memphis

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

So nothing is new with any of the Brethren, and I’m thinking I have writer’s block again, and then I remember the cardinal rule: write about what you know.

But then, I’m thinking, what the hell do I know, anyway? I know very little - in fact, the more I learn, the less I realize I know. No matter. A few weekends ago, I was on my way down to New Orleans, when I stopped in Memphis . . .

BOZINO DOES MEMPHIS: A few of you might have received an e-mail from me, sent by my Blackberry, from the Hi-Tone Nightclub in Memphis, Tennessee. I was there for the Release Party of a band I am producing, Groundspeak. My son Andrew Simons is bassist in the band - it is a jazz fusion band.

The opening act was great, they had an awesome horn player. The crowd was stoked! About 11:00 p.m., Groundspeak started, and they cooked! Crowd was great, kids were dancing. One of their fans, a dude with a hat, and his girlfriend (quite a babe) were rockin’-in-the-U.S.A., I mean this dude was pumped - he was enjoying the show so much. So excited was he that after an up-tempo number, dude yelled out (over the applause) "MAN - YOU GUYS ARE FREAKIN’ AWESOME!" - and he used that other f-word. Of course, that got a big, big laugh. Seizing the moment, Andrew went to the microphone and said "Somebody get that dude another drink!" - which got even more laughs.

A good time was had by all.

Their album, Local Language, is available on CDbaby and I-Tunes. Here are the links: and . Just type in artist name Groundspeak - that should work. Their plan is to sell CD’s at their festival gigs. For those of you who, like me, are approaching geezer-dom, Cdbaby is a site where you can buy CD’s online, and you actually get a CD. I-Tunes is where you "download" music. That term "download" always makes me think of a certain thing humanoids do, every morning. Whatever.

Groundspeak is actually a good band. So good, they were selected to be on a CD called "This is My Memphis" - one of a dozen bands picked. Tomorrow night, they play a gig at the Memphis Hard Rock CafĂ© as part of the promotion. Very cool, no?  Check out their YouTube Video "Groundspeak at the Hi-Tone" (link on the right).

CLARKSDALE UPDATE: So, I headed down to Clarksdale after the gig. We had the exterior painted recently, so the 149 Delta got a face-lift.

I got this really cool CD by one of my favorite blues artists, Fred McDowell, put out by Rounder Records. Bottleneck slide guitar is a beautiful thing.

The blog will fall silent during June 20 to June 30, Ann and I and the kids are going to Mexico (we love it there). Be well.

NEW FEATURE - "TICK-A-LO FEEDBACK CORNER": I was talking on the phone with Pierce Hodnette a few days ago, and Pierce said: "Larry, there’s been lots of cheesecake featured on the blog - too much. Think about putting up just one piece of cheesecake, instead of a dozen. Too much of a good thing." Point well taken. I was simply doing that much cheesecake because of favorable feedback I got from LOVE-MAN, who liked the photos of female-archers so much, he requested more of "those bow and arrow pictures." One man’s ceiling . . .. So, your Blog Editorial Staff convened, and the verdict is . . . Pierce be damned - if the cheesecake is really good, let the banquet begin!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of June 13, 2008, the Blog roster total is 90 Beta Pi brothers, 82 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

FROM THE HEME, June 13, 2008:


Thank you for putting forth the effort.  As little as we may show, we all appreciate your enthusiasm.  From one brother to another………..

George Tomlinson
Concklin Insurance
630-268-1600 x-32
800-451-1565 x-32"

TO THE HEME:  Heme my old friend, you are welcome - my pleasure.  Looking forward to seeing you and the Tick-a-lo's -O- '73 in October!  Let the Tick Red Carpet roll!

Anonymous said...

Larry, You are a horny old guy.  Too much cheesecake is not as good as a little cheesecake.  L. Pierce Hodnette

Anonymous said...

TO PIERCE HODNETTE, June 17, 2008:
Pierce, thank you for sharing, my dear friend.  I am DAILY endeavoring to heed your advice, and in support thereof, offer into evidence Blog Edition #30, which contains only 1 piece of cheesecake - Mae West.  Ah yes indeed!  Keep me in your prayers, my brother.