Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.28 - Busy, Busy Boss-Man

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/ .

BUSY, BUSY BOSS-MAN: About 6 months ago, I had the pleasure of dining with The Immortal Boss-Man, John Stein john.stein@bankofamerica.com at the Hermitage Hotel (see Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.61 - Boss Stein, Come on Down!, December 7, 2007). The memory of French Onion Soup lives in my memory to this day.

At that luncheon, Boss was telling me this awesome story of a trip he made to New York to visit Matt Hart, back in days-o-yore. Boss told me that he, Doug "Fotch" Campbell dougcampbellsr@comcast.net , and Thomas "Cyclops" McCown thomas_mccown@med.unc.edu , met up with Matt "Don’t Call Me Hart" Hart a.k.a. The Abominable Dr. Phibes matthewjhart@yahoo.com in New York City - within a few years after they graduated. John said he had this great photo that Hart had sent him, hanging on his wall at home, and promised that he’d send it to me.

It was an incredibly funny story - as only Boss-Man could tell it. Sensing an opportunity for "da blog" - I encouraged Boss-Man to pen the tale, and get it to me to post in the annals. A few days later, as promised, John sent me the photo, but he procrastinated on writing the tale itself, promising to get it to me "when he had time." Since then, I’ve e-mailed John a few times, and each time - much to my chagrin - the Boss-Man has blown me off.

VIVA LA BLOG! Boss-Man, six months is all I can do, old friend. I simply cannot sit on this great photo and immortal tale any longer. So, without further adieu, I am invoking poetic license, to re-tell this tale from my memory (infirm as it may be), exactly as you told it to me (close enough for rock-n-roll), and publish it. Being human, and therefore flawed, there are certain to be errors and omissions. Wherefore, it shall then be up to you and your comrades-in-arms, D. Campbell, T. McCown, and D. Phibes to set the record straight, with comments. So, fasten your chastity belts, here goes . . .

A TALE OF TICK-A-LORS IN NEW YORK, as re-toldfrom an account rendered by The Boss-Man, John Stein:

In the year of yore, One-thousand-Nine-hundred-Seventy-six or thereabout, a contingent of Beta Pi Tick-a-lors were in New York City, visiting Hon. Matthew J. Hart. Present were Douglas Campbell, Thomas McCown, Matt, John "Boss-Man" Stein and his sister - and they all went to the top of the World Trade Center, for fun and frolic, and took this great picture.

Soon they became hungry, and Matt wanted to impress some girl he was dating, so a luncheon was planned by Matt at this really ritzy Chinese Restaurant (the name escapes me). So Matt, the girl, John Stein, Doug Campbell and Thomas McCown descended upon this top-drawer restaurant, white linen table cloths, waiters in bow ties. High brow. Not the kind of joint where you’d play Wales Tales.

Well, whenever two or more Tick-a-lors gather, convention and decorum matter not. Sensing a rare opportunity to embarrass Matt in high-brow-heaven, Doug, Thomas and John ordered up some long-neck brewski's and promptly started up a round of Wales Tales! Waiters were conferring, other patrons of the restaurant were turning their heads, whispering - it was pandemonium! Matt, surprised by this rudeness said "Boys, this place has rules, we can’t play Tales here - knock it off!" Of course, this command only fueled the fire for more Wales Tales. The Tales rounds continued. Matt was highly pissed. Imagine - Matt Hart, Prince of Wales Tales, embarrassed by a Wales Tales game! John said to me, Larry, this was not the Matt Hart we knew back at Vandy!

Thus endeth the tale.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of May 27, 2008, the Blog roster total is 90 Beta Pi brothers, 82 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, June 3, 2008:
"Dear Larry,
Are we sure that is not Ab the Ab Aber, former All SEC pass ruhing specialist, run-stopper and noted herbalist of yore?  The "Babalicious Grace Slick Look-a-like" also bears a strong resemblance to former Abernathy aide, confidant (and possibly wife) Karen Jabbour (sp?).  

Note:  The first time I really thought I was going to die was freshman year when Aber took me for a ride in his 2 seater Euro sportscar.  I was not sure whether it would be a fiery crash or if Aber was just going to snap my neck like a pencil for his afternoon amusement.  I later found Aber to be one of the nicest guys alive who wouldn't harm a flea (or even a numbnuts 18 yr old freshman from Davenport Iowa).  But with those smoked glasses and that crazed look , he was sure scary to me!

Old Tic Guys who were there.  Please set the record straight- Ab the Ab or T McCowan?

I love all my ATO Brothers (even scurrilous scalawag Vinnie),
Frank J. "Buck" Biller
Founder and Former CEO of No Shrews left Behind (a "for-profit via gifts in kind" organization servicing the needs of neurotic slightly overweight divorcees throughout the Upper Midwest"

TO BUCK:  My friend, it was T. McCown because Boss-Man said it was T. McCown - is all I know, but not being an "old-guy" nor a guy who "was there" - I leave the truth to eye-witnesses (if they can still claim eye-sight in their "old age").

Anonymous said...


"John has probably forgotten the episode where he and former swimmer Claude Cody decided to dine at a "High End" restaurant near the Vandy campus.  True to their form, the swimmers enjoyed an expensive meal, followed by deserts and "after-dinner apertifs".  Forgetting to pay the tab, the duo dashed back to the safety of the campus only to be chased by the irate owner of the restaurant.  He finally cornered them on top of the coal pile near the women's dorm where he demanded payment from the two.  I am sure that John has another version of this story, but Claude related it to me a few weeks after the event.  My memory has fogged a little over the years, but I think that I have related the gist of this famous manuever. May be the Boss Man can embelish a little more, but I sure got a laugh out of it!!!

total fiction"

EDITORIAL COMMENT:  The version of that "Rush Spiel" I heard, was that Boss-Man was duped by CC, who told him he'd pay for lunch, then stiffed the joint.

Anonymous said...

ABER REBUTTAL, June 4, 2008:

"Yes, it could be me on the far left, but it ain't and it ain't my previous wife of 13 years, Karen Jabbour, in the picture. Now to all living humans that survived the wonderfully fast and exciting rides in Aber's ' 66 MG Midget. Not that light nor night guided us safely through Nashville city streets or the curves of Percy Warner Park, but pure Andretti driving skills and a lot of God's saving grace. Buck enjoyed at least one of a thousand wonderful memories I have in believing that no one could 'catch me' in that car when I was on auto pilot (enhancements provided by speed crew members). Thank you Buck for complimenting the nice guy in me, as I would not cherish an asshole labeling of my nature. Football does mean things to a mind, but I escaped years of head butts and concussions with only a trace of becoming foolish and forgetful over the years. I do not remember any of you, so please remind me who you are at this years 35th REUNION. I will also attempt at providing a picture of similar appearance as T. McCowan.  See all in October. Aber"

TO ABER:  The last picture I have of you is from 1984 Olympic Tales, which was sent to me by some asshole, might have been Frank Biller, who knows?  Send me something more recent, so we can adjust to it before 35th.

Anonymous said...


You had suggested I search for Kurt Wagner, ATO Class of 1979, whom Vinnie knew during law school at VU.

When I checked the Vanderbilt Online Directory, I found some sad news.  Here is what I found:

" Mr. Kurt Mc Ilwain Wagner

* Deceased *

Vanderbilt Academic Information
E 1979 School of Engineering Engineering Science, Engineering Management"

*      *          *

May God bless him.

I do not know "Wags" Wagner's full name, so I have no info on Wags.


Anonymous said...


"May the “Bearded Wonder” rest in peace.

DR Flower
3205 Oxford Dr.
Rowlett, TX 75088
972.412.5085 H
972.679.9813 C"

Anonymous said...


"Son of Mike.  Bridge enthusiast.  My brother.  We are diminished by his loss.

Anonymous said...


"Last I heard, I, too, show up as deceased in da Vandy directory...

You guys never said any a dis nice stuff about me...

Tbilisi beats da shiest outta Africa... I did some guitar pickin' last night in my hotel's roof top bar... It never ceases to amaze me how similar guitar pickin' can be to duck huntin'... I wuz callin' da babes in... Don't know about you two, but my ol' Gibson J-50 used to get me more babes than alcohol... Anyway, I have the Tele here and was doin' my Bilnd Water Melon routine..."

TO NEAL:  Glad to have you back above ground, you freakin' zombie!