Thursday, January 31, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.06 - Spotlight on Fite

Beta Pi:

ROO-RAH-REGA!: This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

SPOTLIGHT ON THE MYSTERIOUS MR. FITE: So I was surfing on Vanderbilt Online Directory, looking for e-mail addresses on our guys, and got new information on Brother Dennis Fite , Class of 1973. In case that doesn't work, here is a phone number: (405) 329-4359. I remember Fite was a mystery man - as many Engineers were, and are. Fite is apparently in Norman, Oklahoma. I could not find a photo of him.

Hopefully, some of the other Greats-o-73 - including Claude Cody , George Abernathy , George Joe , Mike McCarty , Mark "Cheeks" Reed , George "The Heem" Tomlinson , and John "Boss" Stien will get on the phone and reconnect, so Fite-Miester will show for Reunion ‘08.

ALL POINTS BULLETIN ON TIM CUSACK! We know where Tim Cusack (another Great-o-73) is, and we have info and phone numbers on him. Tim is a lawyer in New Mexico - (505) 622-3542. We need an e-mail on him! Mighty Dudes of 73, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!


: The Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 73 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fork it over!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72

Friday, January 25, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.05 - Abominable Dr. Phibes, Unplugged

Beta Pi:

MERCY, HOO-HA!: This is "e-mail" - it is not the "blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES, UNPLUGGED: As I write this, I can hear that immortal tune "Pretty Woman" and the voice of Roy Orbison singing MERCY! That is how hot this column is!

Last week, Matthew J. Hart a.k.a., The Abominable Doctor Phibes, sent me several photos, and a special message (which took several downloads of new software to disencrypt - apparently because Phibes uses state-o-the-art word processing) which it has taken my computer an entire week to pull out of cyber space. Thanks to Dr. Phibes for the memories, submitted for the Annals and re-printed herein by permission:


While rummaging through treasures and keepsakes of a long and lucrative career in the hospitality business, I came across a set of photos that I had to share with my ATO brothers. Hopefully the technology will work to transfer these photos across the miles and may spur other aging Tick-A-Lors to open shoe boxes and relive the days of yesteryear.

The first photo is of the legendary Boss Man (Chris Shaw) and his sidekick from Queens, Dog Shit (Ken Varne). The Boss and Shit had just arrived on a Trailways busfrom New York. Under the mistaken assumption that Tennessee was a dry state, the Boss had packed 96 cans of Rheingold beer in his aunt’s American Tourister suitcase and brought them down to share with the boys from Vanderbilt. Many famous incidents occurred on this trip in the spring of 1971.

Photo #2 is a rare photograph of some of the Hemingway Nudes, taken by the Boss that same week. From the left is Stubbs (Cory Clark), then Dr. Phibes (Matthew J. Hart), Biggee Rat (Marc Darling), Sweet Face (Tim Stryker), Dog Shit, Peach (Cary Gold - note the wood frame racquet) and The Wimp (Pierce Hodnette). Tim is holding a puppy that he bought with his girlfriend. Note the Rat’s imminent display of digital displeasure. Why this displeasure, I wonder?

Photo #3 continues that theme with Dog Shit clearly pointing out his displeasure. You will note that the Boss’s jacket does not fit properly. That is because he brought with him only one extra T-shirt, because of the 96 Rheingolds. He wore my clothes all week until the Hemingway boys took up a collection and sent him and the Shit back to Queens.

Photo #4 is a shot taken later in the spring of 1971 in my room at Hemingway. From the left is one of the Rat’’s boyhood friends from Ft. Lauderdale, Joe Can-Opener, so named because of poor dental hygiene. Next is the Rat-Man, then Phibes, next to Rose Frasier from Tenafly, NJ. Rose dumped me after the Sigma Chi Derby Day, when I drank 2 bottles of Boone’s Farm, 6 tall boy Budweisers and a half pint of vodka the afternoon before our date. I was brought to my room by Douglas Campbell but my hall mates were unable to revive me for my evening date with Rose. They had given me alternating hot and cold showers and exploded hundreds of firecrackers in my room, to no avail. It remains the worst hangover I’’ve ever had. Next to Rose is the irrepressible L.P. Hodnette III, who is trying to sneak up on his date for the evening. I’m sure he can identify the young lady –– but I can’’t.

Photo #5 is a recent photo of Biggee Rat and Dr. Phibes with some of our admirers from Team Cuervo. Old guys can rule if they have the right equipment or enough cash.

For those of you who are extra oldies, please be advised that I still have all of those Super 8 movies, and one of these days I will take them to a video store and make them available for sale. Proceeds will benefit the ATO Orphaned Children’s Fund.

My sincere thanks to Bozo for putting this together, and thanks Bozo for cutting back on all of the sermonizing and religious hoo-ha. I love my ATO brothers."

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: Amen, and Praises Be! Brethren, the Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Hallelujah, and Amen. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - Have Mercy, hand it over! Hallelujah!

VTL and Hallelujah!,

Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.04 - Lurch Update

Beta Pi:

DUDE, IT’S COFFEE TIME!: This is "e-mail" - it is not the "blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

LURCH UPDATE: The last several e-mails to Mark Hektner, a.k.a. "Lurch" kept bouncing, so I called Mark to get that sorted out. Mark has a new e-mail address . In a positive move, Mark left Nationwide and is now practicing law for Zurich in their commercial division. That is good news - and there is more, Mark’s daughter Meagan just got married! Congratulations Brother Mark!

Mark also gave me an update on Brother Bill Price . Mark and Bill attend a men’s prayer group together every week. Bill’s mother-in-law passed on in December. Bill, we are keeping you and your daughter in our prayers.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have information on a Brother - an e-mail address, hand it over!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72

Monday, January 21, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.03 - Blankenship Band PS Nevermind

Beta Pi:

YO’ MULE!: This is "e-mail" - it is not the actual "blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: .

BLANKENSHIP BAND "PS NEVERMIND": Pierce Hodnette sent me this note:

"Larry, Matt and Mimi Blankenship's son's band PS Nevermind has their CD on the CD Baby website for sale. It might be worth a mention on the blog. Pierce"

I wholeheartedly agree! Matt played me portions of his son Matthew’s CD when we were in Clarksdale, and the music was great. Matt played some guitar solos on the record, which whaled! Pierce turned me on to the website "CD Baby" - and you will find a link to the site on the right. Outta’ sight, Cap’n Midnight!


: I had a nice talk with Frank "Marty" Collins yesterday. Frank and Mary and their three daughters will soon be moving to Hershey, Pennsylvania - Frank got a promotion, and Merrill Lynch is moving him there. This will happen sometime in March - and Frank’s new location will put him a stone’s throw from D.C.. As you may know, Washington, D.C. is Marlon Country.

Mark "Marlon" McGann had the idea for a D.C. Tick-a-lor Convention, to be held at Marlon’s home. This has not yet been planned or scheduled, but I can’t wait, mainly because when I go to D.C., I love to tour the art galleries, and especially the famed "Garden of Nude Statues" containing many awesome nude statueworks of art. I plan on wearing a Tick-a-lor Man overcoat for the tour, a’ la Matt Hart .


": I have had no luck finding anything on Thomas Allen Lovingood of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a.k.a. "The Infamous Love-Man." The Vanderbilt Online Alumni Directory shows nothing. And I googled the name, and it yielded a lead on a Thomas Allen Lovingood, but when I called the number the voice message sounded old and crusty enough to be Love-man’s grandfather, and although I left a voice message, I got no response from Love-Man. Anyone know anything about whereabouts of The Infamous Love-Man? Let me know please.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Beta Pi Blog is a beast which feeds on Tick-a-lor e-mail addresses - feed the beast!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72

Monday, January 7, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.02 - Abominable Dr. Phibes In-but-out-but-in

Beta Pi:

YO - WAKE UP, THERE - 2008 IS HERE!: This is a heads-up "e-mail" - it is not "the blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so you simply must raise your "bird" finger and "Click on" the web address: .

THE ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES, IN-BUT-OUT-BUT-IN: In response to a routine request for address information, I got this cryptic update from "none other than" Matt Hart, a/k/a The Abominable Dr. Phibes:

"Former president, now between assignments. Was removed in Blackstone acquisition of Hilton Hotels. Excellent financial result for Shareholders and former president, but first time I have not had a job since 1966.

11111 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 1110, Los Angeles Cal 310-571-9520

Was cleaning out files in my Beverly Hills office and uncovered some truly vintage photos...pls hold blog #100 for me...true classics."

* * *

POETRY SHACK: Letters to The Abominable Dr. Phibes (Continued)

My Dear Dr. Phibes:

I never make New Years resolutions,

I prefer spontanaeity.

However, I am resolving - in spontaneous fashion - to continue

The tradition of letters

Which has largely disappeared in "e-mails."

The tradition of letters

Has few rules

Which are not also

Common sense - chief among them,

Honor thy correspondent with a reply.

Thanks for the update, and I am looking forward to seeing

The vintage photos you uncovered.

Blog #100 will indeed be reserved for

"The Phibes Pictorial Portfolio" -

Which will be dubbed triple p - "PPP."

Upon reading your blackberry message, I also note that

You consider yourself "between assignments." I can only

Imagine the pace and intensity of the life you led as

President of Hilton Hotels, and it must be

Something of a major adjustment to find yourself "between."

Your first time not having

A job since 1966 - 42 years!

A John Hartford song

Comes to mind -

"I’m goin’ to work in tall buildings"

Now that you have

Time on your hands,

I hope you will

Spend some time.

Water your garden.

My regards to our beloved brethren, and I remain,

Lorenzo Bozino

(For previous Letters to Dr. Phibes, see Archives,

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.23 - Muench on Vonegut and

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.36 -Fotch provides lead - Dr. Thomas McCown)

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Beta Pi Blog is a beast which feeds on Tick-a-lor e-mail addresses - feed the beast!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.01 - Marlon Noir Report, Episode 9

Beta Pi:

YO - WAKE UP, THERE - 2008 IS HERE!: This is a heads-up "e-mail" - it is not "the blog." This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so you simply must raise your "bird" finger and "Click on" the web address: .

MARLON NOIR, BLOG REPORTER, Episode 9: It was early morning in my town - time for my morning cigarette with a little dame I call "Dollface." Must remove this black-out mask from my eyes, and start another miserable day.

Whoa - the sun is - whoa - in my face. I can hardly believe that dizzy blonde let up the shades. I specifically told her. . .

Dollface - never, and I mean never, raise the shades. They call me Marlon Noir, not Marlon Solarium! Darkness, baby, darkness is what keeps my creative juices flowing. And speaking of juices - Dollface, be a good little blond bombshell and pour me a martini on your way out. And while you’re out, stop at QuickieMart and get me 6 Slim Jim’s, a pack of Camel, and some Tums. And close the door quietly.

How long does it take to get rid of a blonde?

Now, to business. I had the great good fortune to uncover some new information about Brother Scott Shepard . . . One of my correspondents sends me this news over the wire service:

Brother Scott Shepard will be going under the knife on Jan. 15 to repair/replace his hip which was pretty much destroyed when he took that fall and has caused him to be in pain ever since. He is looking forward to hopefully being relieved of that burden with the surgery and seems to have all his ducks in a row as far as a good surgeon and good people who will take care of him during the lengthy recoup that he will have to go through. This will not be an "ordinary" hip operation. Anyway, I'm not at home right now but I'll send you the details on where he can be reached so that maybe a few of the Brothers can bolster his spirits with some well wishes during this difficult time.

All this worrying about Scott has me feeling hungry. I wonder where blonde-for-brains is with my food? Wait, I hear footsteps, must be her.

"Is my little sugar boy Marlon hungry? I have some Slim-Jimmy’s and Cam-eys and Tum-eys for my sweet wittle Marly"

"Yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talkin’ about"

Another day in my city, another story - that’s my life as a Blog Reporter. Till next time.

Marlon Noir, Blog Reporter

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 72 of whom have e-mail addresses. Beta Pi Blog is a beast which feeds on Tick-a-lor e-mail addresses - feed the beast!


Larry Simons,

Beta Pi, 72