Thursday, November 29, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.59 - All Points Bulletin Ken Mansfield

Beta Pi:

E-MAIL PUBLICATION POLICY CHANGE: This e-mail contains only the written content of "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. To see the entire blog, which includes pictures and links, and Archives of previous issues, you must go to Beta Pi Blog on the web by clicking on .

ALL POINTS BULLETIN - KEN MANSFIELD: I tried the "kinder-gentler" approach - calling Ken by telephone - still, no e-mail address. The man, the mystery. I had this idea to send Ken a letter by U.S. Mail, and e-mail it to you guys, and I am sending it and posting it in today’s mail for delivery to Ken. Here is the letter:

November 29, 2007

Ken Mansfield

315 Taberna Circle

New Bern, NC 28562-7040


Re: Ken Mansfield vs. The Internet

Dear Ken:

A few weeks (or months) ago, you and I spoke by telephone - how great it was to reconnect! I told Fotch about our conversation - and posted a blurb about you on the "blog" to let our many excellent Brothers know of efforts to ""connect"" with you. Now that we are still above-ground in the ""information age"" - bottom line: what in hells-bells is your e-mail address?

Having not heard back from you, and also being in need of some mundane topic to write about - by this letter, I am invoking a blog tool known as ""All Points Bulletin"", asking the Ticks who know you to call you, at your home phone number 252-636-5547, this evening (or whenever), to wish you Merry Christmas, and to implore you to divulge an e-mail address, for old times sake. And, I am sending a copy of this letter to the Brothers instantly via e-mail, while this hard-copy will take maybe 3 days to reach you by U.S. Mail service. I personally like our mail service.

Specifically, I am asking Fotch, Buck & Vinny, Matt Hart, Mark Darling, Travis Parr, Jack Muench - and all other known Wales Tales Alumni, to make the call for this difficult challenge!

Merry Christmas, Ken! I miss you, and hope to see you soon. My cell number is 615-512-1448 - I hope you will call or e-mail me, and give me an e-mail address I can share with Tick-a-lors.

I remain,


Lawrence A. Simons


cc: Blog Roster


Anonymous said...

FROM DICK STONER, December 3, 2007:
"Ken does not like spam.    I'll get a quote from him the next time we see him at Lake Gaston, NC"

TO STONER:  Tell him Beta Pi Blog is premium quality spam!

Anonymous said...

"As Lick Stoner has indicated, Ken can sometimes be found wandering around Lake Gaston hot spots (photo attached).  He refuses to shave, dress properly, or use the internet – apparently it has to do with something he read on the sign at the 11th tee at Gospel mini-golf one summer night.

Now that mini-golf is closed for the winter, the only one who has direct contact is Randy “Bumjam” Martin, and I know Randy would welcome cards, letters, collect calls and pornographic e-mails from all of you (with the likely exception of Grissett) that he can pass along to Ken during this holiday season.

Happy holidays to all (even including Grissett),
Brother Chip"

TO CHIP:  Fire Mission - contact Mansfield and give him the Blog URL address, ask him to e-mail me his e-mail address.

Anonymous said...

MANSFIELD UPDATE, December 10, 2007:
I received a letter from Ken, in response to the letter I sent him.  Ken did acknowledge reading the All Points Bulletin - but says he has no immediate plans to get an e-mail address.  Thus, he remains in the ZOMBIE category - Tick-a-lors who are either unable or unwilling to do e-mail.  Here's hoping he shows up for Reunion '08.