Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.46 - Steven "VJ Whipsnade" Starr

Beta Pi:

FROM STEVEN "VJ WHIPSNADE" STARR: I suppose Vinny Starr is beginning to feel a sense of guilt that he has not planned to attend the upcoming Class of 1977 Reunion, because he sent me this letter yesterday, in which he references a seminar I planned in honor of Buck Biller committing, then backing out of attending Reunion this October - when he absolutely swore he would attend if Marlon attends. Marlon is, in fact, going to attend. Here is the excellent letter from the poison pen of Whipsnade . . .

"Dear Professor Simons:

I would like to know if there are any slots open for your newly created seminar as titled below, I believe you are holding the seminar in Furman Hall, on loan from Vanderbilt, with the permission of Professor Charles E. Scott.

The seminar name, as you indicated in your communication to me is:

"The Inability To Follow Through With Commitments and Obligations: Peter Pan Complex Or The Life Story of Frank Biller -- You Decide"

If there is room I'd like to sign up.

Anticipating your positive response, I remain,

Very truly yours,

Steven "VJ Whipsnade" Starr

Class of ought-nine"

MY RESPONSE TO V.J. WHIPSNADE: Apart from your letter, there has been a pronounced lack of interest in the fact that Buck gave an oath, then backed out on his express intention to attend Reunion ‘07 to see Brother Marlon. Nevertheless, Buck told me his conflict is on Friday of Reunion weekend, and he still plans to make an appearance on Saturday, and Buck asked me not to "lose faith" in him. You must remember that apart from you, Buck is my absolute best friend on the planet. Therefore, I cannot, in good conscience present the Seminar prior to Sunday morning. However, if Buck is a no-show on Saturday, I plan to appear in front of Furman Hall Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m., where my seminar will be duly presented. I am quite certain Brother Marlon will be there, because he’ll be staying at my house.

LINK CITY & FIREWORKS DEPO: Heads up - here is the link (which you can copy and paste to your browser). Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, ‘72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK J. BILLER, August 29, 2007:

"RE: Bro Starr's commentary.  Scurrilous.  I can think of no other
pronouncement but scurrilous. (all appropriate apologies to Pierce
Hodnette).  The mere fact that I was drinking in an establisment last night
on 8th Avenue in Manhattan known as "Matt's Pub" with my 20 yr old son Jack
(and his fake ID saying he is 32) notwithstanding.

I was proud to discover last evening that both my son Hank (the elder) and
Jack (the lesser) had imbibed at the holy temple of ale-dom aka McSorley's
Olde Ale House somewhere near the NYU campus independent of myself this
summer past.  I was priveleged to tell them that they had stood at the
urinal in  that holy temple of imbibition in the footsteps of none other than
the current CEO and general Grand PoohBah of the Hilton Hotel Empire Matthew
James (Don't call me Hart) Hart, the Original Boss (RIP) and Nate.  Never
has a man from the Great State of Iowa had occasion to stand more proud of
his offspring than I at the hearing of this great occasion.

I remain,
Yours truly,
Frank J. "Buck" Biller