Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.44 - Happy Anniversary #1

Beta Pi:

Happy Anniversary #1: Whoever said "time flies when you’re having fun" was right-on! It has been big fun to write this blog (drivel), which is now one-year-old. So, Happy Anniversary, Beta Pi Blog! Sentiment does have a place and a time. To celebrate, I’ll make a few observations:

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster now contains 83 Beta Pi brothers, 70 of whom have e-mail addresses. To brothers who have provided a lead here and there, thanks-a-million! Growth in the roster is attributable to you. It has been fun for me calling guys on the telephone, after all these years. There have been some disappointments, the occasional dead-end, or wrong number, or bad e-mail address, or un-returned call - but didn’t someone once say "Nothing ventured . . . ?"

Techno-blurb-ology: As some of you know, the blog is "e-mailed" to you (usually with 1 photo attached) when it is published to the internet. Many brothers have used the "link" provided in the e-mail to actually go visit the Beta Pi Blog website. The site contains much more than the e-mail - the site has loads-o-photo’s, comments from brothers, links to humorous sites, and "The Archives" (which has become the de facto "annals") in which you can find all past editions (there were 70 editions in 2006, and 44 so far this year). There are comments which contain important historical tick-a-lor trivia! Several brothers have signed up for "user names" and used the feature which allows you to post a comment directly to the blog. Many of you have sent e-mails, and I usually post these for fun. (I have talked with a few brothers who thought the e-mail was all there was to it - or were too over-worked / lazy to click on the link to the blog web site. Oh well, you can lead a horse . . .)

Special Features: We have had "Guest Blogmiesters" write the blog, music reviews, poetry, movie reviews, blog drama "Marlon Noir, Blog Reporter" - but the banter you guys engage in is my favorite part of the blog - it nourishes some part of my garden that has gone un-watered since graduation. Sometimes, just looking at Alex’s picture reminds me how much love we all shared. Other times, just looking at George Ford’s (M-Link’s) picture is so amusing, its like an oil can lubricating the machinery of memory! ILARAMATOB

Clarksdale / Blues News: This weekend is the Sunflower Blues Festival. Ann and I will be there, and we are also having an "open house" to christen "the blues apartment" we built in the back of 149 Delta Avenue (which we closed on a year ago). Here is the e-invitation that went out today - and if you’re in the neighborhood, consider yourself invited:


(side entrance)

Larry and Ann's new digs


Take a break from the heat, And stop by for a treat!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

3:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.

Larry and Ann Polk Simons

Heads up - here is the link (which you can copy and paste to your browser). Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, August 8, 2007:

"once again, Larry, thanks for all your efforts. It's been fun to read and I know will continue to be. BTW, I thought that picture of your ancestor was actually of O. A.Glazebrook. ILAMATOB. Arthur

MY RESPONSE TO ART:  Now that you mention it, I can see a resemblence.  It would be very cool to get a photo of O.A.G. - I'll try.  Be well!  Larry

Anonymous said...

FROM ANDREW BAIRD, August 8, 2007:

"You are a champ, Larry.  I truly wish I could attend.   I have a second son, Davis, a sophomore at the College of Charleston, who is a great guitar player and a devoted blues musicologist.  He knows a great deal about all the Delta greats.  In addition, my grandfather "Doc" Harold Speer, in the summers of the 1920s, used to sojourn from Virginia's coal region down to Beale Street in Memphis.  He went to all the speak-easies and memorized some of the Immortals' tunes, including those of his favorite, W.C. Handy, whom he met.  He was a great rag pianist, and he played these rags behind movie screens in Cincinnati to put himself through dental school.  Best Andrew

Mr. Andrew C. Baird, Jr.
King Street Holdings, L.L.C.
Suite 306
815 King Street
Alexandria, Virginia USA 22314
(cell) 703-328-0024

Great to hear from you!  It is so cool that your son Davis is a guitarist and blues enthusiast - and to have blues roots like yours is uber-cool.  (My son, Andrew is a bassist, and also plays guitar and digs the blues!).  Andrew, it would be so awesome if you, your wife and your son Davis (guitar in tow) could attend BYOG in Clarksdale on November 9 - 11.  I would absolutely do double-back-flips if you could make it, my old friend.