Friday, August 17, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.46 - Thanks to the Rat-Man

Beta Pi:

THANKS TO THE RAT-MAN!: I was sifting through some old papers in my desk (yes, career boredom creeps in from time-to-time, especially on Friday evening) and I ran across a letter I received from Marc "The Rat" Darling

, dated August 3, 2006 - a letter I received in response to my letter (sent to a few brothers, leads given to me by Matt Hart). The letter has never been published on the blog, and after re-reading it, I realized it must be published. Because it has historical significance - it contains valuable Tick-a-lor knowledge which belongs in "the annals" - and it is from a master word-smith. It reminded me that we truly do inspire one another, just as in days-of-yore. Thank you, Marc - hat’s off to you old friend!

LINK CITY: Heads up - here is the link (which you can copy and paste to your browser). Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72

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