Thursday, March 29, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.20 - On my way down to New Orleans

Beta Pi:

ON MY WAY DOWN TO NEW ORLEANS: Yeah, we used to sing that - and we loved it! Well, I was actually on my way down to . . . The Delta . . . fussing around with my new Blackberry Wireless . . .

I was on the road, heading down to the Delta - I called George Ford and had a really pleasant chat. George's daughter just graduated Vanderbilt with honors! I said LINK - she must have gotten her brainy genes from the wife, eh? George, you are one of the all-time-greats! LINK is on board for Reunion 07, 30th reunion - this October.

And yes, I talked to Bob Smoot who is in Virginia near D.C.. Bob is indeed interested in BYOG - he and I both have old Gibson ES-175 guitars, mine a sunburst - his a blonde! Bob said "sheeet - you don't want to hear me play." Oh yeah, we do! Smoot is on board for Reunion '09.

Clyde Noel mailto:cnoel@optonline.netand I reconnected. Turns out Clyde’s son is into ice hockey, like my step-son. DONUTS lives only 5 miles away from Immortal MARTY a.k.a. Frank Collins . NUTS has also kept up with Buck Biller , whom he links up with in Chicago on a semi-regular basis.

Of course, Mark McGann is well - and I know that because I spent an hour on the phone with Marlon - because Marlon is pissed - about just about everything under the sun - just like the old days (does my heart good). Marlon is in talks with Earl Stover - wanting to turn Texas upside sideways. Marlon - you are a walking miracle - I'm thankful you are above ground old friend.

Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless.

MOVIE REVIEWS FROM THE UIS NETHERWORLD: 300 the movie. B B B The critics panned this art movie - but my 18 year-old step son William thought it is awesome, and he's right. I call it an "art" movie because this movie is all made with art graphic computer scenery - with human actors interposed. Same technique as was used in Bruce Willis' SIN CITY - bigger than life. It is the tale of the legendary Battle of Thermopylae - how King Leonidas and his army of 300 Spartan soldiers stood up to the onslaught of Xerxes and his 1,000,000 strong Persian invasion force - yes, I did not screw up the numbers, it was 300 against 1,000,000! Absolutely the coolest medieval war movie ever made - mayhem galore. Cool nubile teenage oracle, too. Worth seeing for the Oracle scene alone. I give this film a Netherworld rating - three B B B’s. 3

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Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...


I have a '52 ES-175.  Burst.  What year is yours?


Matt, I have a 1946 model ES-175, I love it.  Recently I treated it to a makeover at Gibson - they are fabulous.  They took it apart, planed the neck, frett job, and set it up (all for $500).  It plays like a dream.  I have been doing maintenance myself all these years, and finally thought - hey, I want the pro's to do it, so when I croak, I can leave it to my son in perfecto condition!  Posting a pic of my son Andrew playing it (he is a bassist who loves to fiddle with anything stringed) he loves it, too.  Come to BYOG, old friend - it will be blues guitar heaven.

Anonymous said...

FROM ARMS AYLWARD, March 30, 2007:
"Larry - Enjoy the Delta.  You may not remember, but I grew up about 40 miles from Clarksdale outside of Pace.  If you are looking for some suggested places to eat;  Abe's Bar B Que at the intersection of 61 and 49 in Clarksdale is a great pork sandwich.  Nothing fancy, just good Q.  And my favorite is Crawdads in Merigold, about 25 miles south of Clarksdale.  Just ask and the locals will direct you.  Great steaks, cold brew and steamed crawdads to enjoy.  Very casual and highly recommended.

On a negative note, did you see that Ollie Grace has been caught up in the Take Two backdating of options scandal.  He was removed from their Board of Directors yesterday according to the Wall Street Journal.  Ollie should always be remembered for his Lobster Fest.

Have a great time in the Delta.  Wish I could have joined you.


Good news, you have not missed anything - my trips down to the Delta are carpentry trips, to fix up the place we bought - in preparation for Blues festivals and BYOG.  I am so glad you reminded me you are from Pace.  Bob, you simply must come to the BYOG I am planning with Pierce Hodnette, Jack Muench and Chester Brewer.  As you know, Chester is a Clarksdale born boy.  I am loving this.   Hey, Ann and I eat at Abes, and as Chester will testify, Abes is indeed the best Q in the zoo!  Thanks for the tip on Merigold's - I'll make the effort to try it.  Arms, I am counting on you to break the mold, take a weekend off, come deown and relax and have some blues fun with us!

Sorry to hear about O. Grace.  I'm praying for Ollie.  Ollie's LobsterFest was an all-time-great event.  A fine humanoid.

Anonymous said...

FROM STEVE CUMMINGS, March 30, 2007:

Have a great trip to the delta.  I am officially on board for Reunion ’07 in October.  See you then!  I am shocked and pleased to see that George Ford made the leap from M-link to humanoid.  Someone married him??  And had his child??  Whew!


Glad you are committed to Reunion '07.  You, Van Sayler and LINK are now a core, and I hope you coordinate promotional efforts with Van, who volunteered to be promoter for your Class-less Class!  I personally cannot wait to see humanoid LINK.  Aparently, LINK'S rugged good looks landed him a fine wife, and his offspring are not genetically challenged - as is the M-LINK!  LINK is an all-time-great!