Monday, March 19, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.19 - Blues Update, featuring Marty

Beta Pi:

BLUES UPDATE: Many esteemed and venerable Tik-a-lor Potentates have expressed interest in blues festivals in Clarksdale, Mississippi, among them Frank Biller , Chet Brewer , Frank Collins , Lee Hall , Pierce Hodnette , Tison Keel , Art Landry , Mark McGann , Jack Muench , Travis Parr , Van Sayler , Don Scott , Bob Smoot , The Heme , and Rod Yanker . What a lineup of immortals, if only all could converge.

Nevertheless, JUKE JOINT FESTIVAL is a go for April 14th, and counting. I received this note from the Immortal Marty a/k/a Frank Collins, March 19, 2007:


We won't be able to get to Mississippi for the blues weekend this year. Not for lack of trying. We hoped to fly into Memphis and then drive to New Orleans and fly home from there. I was never a geographic whiz and grossly underestimated the drive time between the two cities. Also, the kids week off that week. I couldn't get straight in my mind how the trip to Clarksdale would work with them. So, Florida here we come. I am disappointed. I plan to write to the Board of Ed here and tell them to keep the Spring break at Easter week next year so we can do it then.

have a great time. I hope it works out for next year instead.


My Response to Frank:


No worries! There are 2 major blues festivals each year, the next one is in the fall (August, I think) "SUNFLOWER BLUES FESTIVAL" - it’s the biggest, and best. As it stands, Chet Brewer & Elizabeth and me & Ann will be at Juke Joint having a ball. I plan to put out the word on Sunflower, and hope you & Mary will be there. Also, there is a sub-plot forming - I’m in talks with Pierce Hodnette and Jack Muench - to do a special Clarksdale Tik weekend BYOG (bring your own guitar) not during a festival - and book all available accommodations exclusively for Tiks: the Big Pink Guesthouse, Little Pink & Honey Hill, all for the Tik-a-lor Nation. Who knows!


Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, March 19, 2007;

"Sign me up for the BYOG.  Buyer beware!!!  I sound like McGibony or a sack of cats (pick 'em) on the guitar."

MY RESPONSE TO FRANK:  Not to worry, I sound like the Tidy Bowl Man, Pierce is in love with the sound of his own guitar, and Muenchie can only play when he's high enough to "think" it sounds any good.  You'll be in fine company, my old friend!