Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.15 - Earl Stover Update

Beta Pi:

EARL STOVER UPDATE: The Mighty Venerable Justice, Earl Stover ebstoveriii@aol.com had contacted me recently, and I was expecting to see him here in Nash-Vegas on Friday, February 23rd - he was set to be here with his daughter Elise, for her audition with Blair School of Music! I really was looking forward to it - His Honor Earl had even put me under a gag-order - made me promise to "behave" my mouth around his daughter - which I duly promised. I assured His Honor, The Heme george@concklin.com had got me to take a similar oath before I met up with him and his two kids for burgers - that I would not reveal certain tales from days-o-yore in the presence of their young ears - might alter their perception of dear ole dad, or something. Having succeeded thereunder, I was given the Heme stamp-o-approval on that score. So anyway, I’m all pumped to see Judge Earl (and family) gag-order firmly in place, and I got an update from the Judge:


Our plans got changed and Elise has already auditioned at Vanderbilt. She did well but the competition is great. I didn't get to go to Nashvillle just as I didn't get to go to Boston, Miami and Dallas for her other auditions. I get to stay at home and try cases. Anyway, thanks for remembering and hopefully she will get a scholarship at Vandy and I can return.

I love all my ATO brothers


Earl, keep me informed, hope she wins the scholarship!


Chris Cooper stars as rogue F.B.I. Agent Robert Hansen. Based on a true story, a few years ago you may remember it making big news. It is the cloak and dagger story of how a young, highly ambitious F.B.I. "Agent-in-training" - played by Ryan Philippe - was unwittingly assigned "internal affairs" duty, in attempt to catch Robert Hansen "in the act" of turning over secrets to the Russians. The Bureau had evidence on Hansen, and they knew he was a spy, but the evidence had admissibility problems. The Director wanted to make a solid case that would get the death penalty. The challenge was to arrest Robert Hansen after he made the drop. You know the real life ending - Hansen got life in Federal Prison for crimes of espionage, having cost the government billions of dollars, and scores of covert agents outed, resulting in several deaths. Chris Cooper captures the eccentricity, and flawed character of Hansen, who was both a pious Catholic and a "sexual deviant." The original music is superb in painting a suspenseful mood. This is a first class spy thriller, and that it is based on a true story makes it all the more fascinating. The film moves briskly, and Ryan Philippe’s screen-wife is a beautiful young actress worth seeing. I can tell you, Vinny Starr starr@mn.rr.com (who fancies himself an expert on spy thrillers) will not agree with this review, because this film is much heavier on cloak than dagger (more intrigue than action) - but the action scene that does involve gun play is absolutely riveting! The hell with Vinny - I loved it! I am anxious to hear what our own Brother Sean Walsh walsh42003@yahoo.com - who is a for-real F.B.I. Agent - thinks of this film.

I give it highest Netherworld marks -

four B B B B ’s.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:



Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

MARK McGANN sent this on February 21, 2007:

""Hey Simons,

Follow this link (see Vandy HX link) then look under the S, specifically "Stover, Earl Bishop   1947-50".  What's up with that??  Of course you will find Venerable Aber first under A."

Marlon, Earl Stover's Dad was a VU graduate, Earl has talked to me about him many times, may he rest in peace.  And thanks for the heads up on that site.


Anonymous said...

FROM MARK McGANN, February 22, 2007:

"Smoky was a three year letterman on the VU football team??  I had no idea, and that's when football was FOOTBALL."