Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.10 - A friendship Rekindled!

Beta Pi:

A FRIENDSHIP REKINDLED: I received a very nice note from Jack Muench, that got me thinking. Here it is:

"Larry, W (Pierce Hodnette) and I had agreed to wait until next year so that we could have certain places to stay and whatnot. For him its an 8 hour drive. I would likely fly to Memphis and rent a car from there. If staying isn't a problem, what I want to propose to him is that he and I come without wives and with sleeping bags and the like. My wife is Trudy--she's a great sport, but will probably need more in the way of creature comforts.

Nonetheless, I will call you and discuss.

This (the Blog) is a great idea. I know I would have lost touch with W if not for this, and I'll bet other old friendships will be warmly rekindled, too. WAY TO GO, LARRY!

Regards, Muenchie"

A friendship rekindled! That is the whole purpose of the blog, to bring the brothers together again. It is really a group effort - synergy. It was Matt Hart who provided an address on Pierce Hodnette, and somehow I managed to find Muenchie, I think I found his legal website. Personally, it all makes me feel happy. And these days, happiness means a lot to me.

CD: The Fillmore Concerts
By Pierce Hodnette.

If you went to college in the seventies, you probably had vinyl copies of "Live at the Fillmore" and "Eat A Peach." In March, 1971 the Brothers recorded one of history's best live sets. Those
tracks were produced by Tom Dowd and ended up on "Live at the Fillmore" and "Eat a Peach." In 1992, Tom Dowd remixed the original tapes and put the entire concert on a two-disc CD, hence "The Fillmore Concerts." The sound is fantastic and these songs still sound fresh after all these years. The band was at the top of its game, with Duane Allman and bassist Berry Oakley still living and playing. Duane said he was influenced by the modal jams of Miles Davis ("Kind of Blue") and John Coltrane. This influence shows in the long jammy songs like "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" and "Whipping Post." The CD is a reminder that you had good taste in college. My 17 year old son loves this disc and has it in his ride, a 1995 Volvo wagon.

Peace and love,
Pierce Hodnette.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

Aber reports that he still owns and  plays the original Allman Brothers vinyl records.  You go Aber!  One time Herb Ladley and I went to Atlanta with some other losers to see the Brothers play.  We hitched a ride back to Nashville with a trucker who drank whiskey from a pint bottle as we careened through the night.   Another time I went to Memphis with some other losers to see the Brothers and ZZ Top opened for them.  Their guitarist, Billy Gibbons, was wearing black velvet hot pants (short shorts).   We were all mad because they played too long, cutting the Brothers' set short.  Who knew that Billy Gibbons would grow a long grey beard and become cool?

Anonymous said...

FROM GEORGE ABERNATHY, February 6, 2007:

"Muenchie, good to see you alive and kickin' these days. Pierce, I still have Live at the Fillmore and Eat a Peach albums (YES, albums) from college.  Hardly a scratch on either platter, and the music is still great coming from 8 speakers.  Aber"

Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, February 6, 2007:

"Larry, I sent the attached note to a select few with whom I shared the complete BS boast by former tic John Maddox (I'm pretty sure he initiated) referenced in the note (which he really did claim). Feel free to post in the comments, but I didn't send to all in case someone is still in touch with Maddox. The new sensitivity of old age. VTL, AWL

I see Wimp's record review below, but I see no mention of the fact that John Maddox can be heard on the record shouting "Whipping Post" before they crank into it. Is it possible that Wimp and Bozo are unaware?  Randy, you knew, right? And you, E.Sidney?  Or could it have been lost in the transfer to CD? A mystery.  BTW Chip, my son and I were watching the Cream at Albert Hall DVD the other night. He's 10 and got a Les Paul for Christmas.  Totally enmeshed in the guitar. Anyway, you should get the DVD if you haven't already.
Best to all, Arthur"

FROM LARRY SIMONS aka BOZO, February 7, 2007:

"Yes, Art, unaware and ignorant, thank you.  They said 'ignorance is bliss?' "

Anonymous said...

FROM MATT HART, aka The Notorious Dr. Phibes, February 6, 2007:

"I think Biggie and I ran into Trudy at the volleyball tournament this summer…does she have a big black tattoo on her lower back that says “Munchy”?

Anonymous said...

FROM CHRIS REGAS, aka THE GREEK, February 6, 2007:

"Muenchie....we all miss your rendition of "Chin on Taint".....an indelible memory in tic lore! Good to know you are well.  Greek"

Anonymous said...

FROM GEORGE TOMLINSON, aka THE HEME, February 7, 2007:

"Hey, guys this is making my Year so far!!  Pierce and Muenchie and Aber and Greek and other humanoids.........

My memories of sittin on my "s_ _ _ _d" a_ _ (edited) on the sofa at Herb and Whimps's place (the pentagon,) with the stereo blasting Allman Brothers, havin a beverage and just laying back (Miles bustin in to see "whaz up") soakin up Dickie and Duanne's licks contemplating our "next move".  Go eat, go to the Tic house and pester some fellow Extendo-personel, or just continue to sit, veg, and listen to Herb, Greek, and Whimp pontificate on the issue d'jour ... What treasures!  

Save Miles' Halloween party for one of you to recall.  I have my own recollections of that day....Ms. Mize.

The Heme
Did anyone have a "real" name?"

Anonymous said...


"As you remember, I attended the Halloween Party as a Human Kotex.  I painted my combat boots RED, with white tights, a new Haines t-shirt, a clown cap and clown white on my face and arms. A long white cord falling from the top center of my head made it complete.  I was disappointed that I did not win first prize.

THE QUESTION?    Who was awarded the prize for the best Halloween costume????????????????????      NOT Aber

EDITORIAL INSERTION:  As I recall, the Winner was notorious "Itchie" aka ATO Pledge Joel Kadarauch - who appeared in a medical school anatomy educational costume as "The Human Penis"

Anonymous said...

FROM HEME, February 7, 2007:


I certainly remember that!  I think you might have used my face paint.  I went as "Ronald McDonald", face paint, wig, costume (my cousin was Ronald for real, and I borrowed the costume).  Were it not for my date Cindy Wigton, nobody would have know who I was.  I did not win either.  I think Ms. Mize won!!  With the carriage, costume, etc.

Muenchie, how did you show?


Anonymous said...


"Ah the days of the Vanderbilt Debutante Society

John H. (Jack) Nichols, III
Senior Vice President - Finance & Administration
Datawire Communication Networks, Inc.
Atlanta Office 404-460-5086
Mobile 678-576-2343"