Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.13 - SEARCH FOR HILL TURNER

Beta Pi:

SEARCH FOR HILL TURNER: Big Easy Brother Art Landry writes: "I can get you Hill Turner, and will do so. AWL" Art, I also want you to get your Big Easy @#$%^&* to a Reunion!

TALES OF MRS. MIZE, By Pierce Hodnette

. . . lore surrounding Mrs. Mize. I first met her as a freshman in fall of 1970. I walked from the freshman dorms to the institution known as the Southerner. I was 18 but looked 15. The drinking age was 21. Mrs. Mize filled my order for adult beverages graciously and without question. To me she was as beautiful and glamorous as Elizabeth Taylor. The next time I made a purchase she gently offered to "have Haley give you a ride back to the school." I agreed and that became our pattern.

Flash forward to fall of 1972. Miles Walsh, posing as the Vanderbilt Debutante Society, hosts a huge costume party at his house. Mr. and Mrs. Mize arrive on the street in antebellum attire in a horse-drawn carriage.

Flash forward to 1973. I entered the Southerner and asked Mrs. Mize to recommend a modestly priced wine "with a screw cap", as I was attending an open air concert. She took my request as seriously as if I were asking her to cater an open bar wedding reception with a guest list of 1,000.

Flash forward to 1974. Mrs. Mize loaned me $250 one weekend so I could purchase a 1952 Chevy pickup truck. The only good thing about that truck was that it looked cool. After repaying Mrs. Mize, I pumped money into the truck for about a year, then sold it to a relative for $250. Mrs. Mize was a character of mythical proportions. Let the stories begin.

EDITORIAL NOTE: As I recall, the "southern" pronunciation was "Mizz Mize."

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:



Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, February 13, 2007:

"Hi Bozo---
    Unfortunately we will still be in Spain during the Blues time you've planned in Clarksdale, MIZZZZiZZZZippi.
So- raincheck time...
    Life in the Big EZY sure is nicer than Michigan in the winter!!!!

Anonymous said...


"Or was it Mr. Mize, with the hollow cane filled with test-tubes Southern Comfort or Jack Black?  D. Price"

Anonymous said...

BLOG POLICY CHANGE ENACTED:  a few brothers recently proposed a search for Miles Walsh, an ATO Social Affiliate.  The Board of Wastrels and Scoundrels voted, and decreed that the Beta Pi Blog Mission be expanded to include the so-called Social Affiliates.  So let it be written, so let it be done.  Check out the revised "description" at top of Blog.

Anonymous said...


"Phibes, standing behind you (in the Smoke 'Em Vandy photo), is that D-Price with cup-in-face, and is that Biggie-Rat with spliv-in-lips?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, February 19, 2007:

Hi Bozo--
You may want to add my winter home address and phone.
We will be in New Orleans mid-Decemebr thru mid- May each year.

Travis Parr
314 Southern Rd.
River Ridge. LA 70123
phone 504-237-5506

Anonymous said...

FROM ANDREW BAIRD, February 19, 2007:

"Thanks larry have knocked in your new number  have enjoyed the blog  a lot best andrew"