Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.09 - A Tale of The Copper Hood

Beta Pi:

VAN SAYLER VISITS NASHVILLE: So, Van Sayler met me for coffee, and he and I go to the ATO House. Its locked, and I scratch & knock, and an Active opens the door. I give him the secret hand-shake and we walk in. The first thing I notice - the Copper Hood (above the fireplace) is gone! Where it once hung, is now just plain red brick (never meant to see the light of day), which is out-of-place next to the beautiful stone fireplace. The fireplace itself is boarded up.

This Active (who will remain nameless because I forget his name) told me that Vanderbilt outlawed fireplaces - and last year the Chapter "voted to take it (the Copper Hood) down." Now, this Active had on a tie (the job-interview kind of tie), and these guys are known to have recently won academic honors. So, I say "I guess the Copper Hood wasn’t exactly in perfect shape, was it?" He said "I think we’re getting a Crest to put there." I couldn’t just let it go at that. " But that Copper Hood had character, you know it was flawed!" He just looked at me with a blank stare, sort of like the RCA dog who sits next to the phonograph and tilts his head, ears perked. Anyway, that got me thinking . . .

A TALE OF THE COPPER HOOD: The old Copper Hood at the Beta Pi ATO House had many virtues.

It was a pledge training tool - as a pledge, I remember being ordered to polish it with Brasso. And the tarnish was layers-thick - the kind of old tarnish that never comes off. And I was no stranger to cleaning metal with Brasso (I went to Columbia Military Academy, where polishing brass was a daily required ritual).

It was a work-of-art in progress: the Copper Hood had hundreds of great dents, and scratches. It had a hole - about the size of a broom handle - legend had it (if memory serves) that Mike Kirk got really drunk and P.O.’ed (and Kirk was a great big muscular guy) and chucked a broom stick - believing it a javelin - at the Copper Hood. Heme recently told me that a few years ago, Kirk showed up "all pumped" and said he was entering the Tough-Man Fight competition!

It was a dramatic stage back-drop: the Copper Hood served as an excellent backdrop for Star Chamber sessions, because the ceiling-mounted lighting - meant to enhance the Copper Hood - made perfect "third degree" lighting, the kind of lighting used in Cold War counter-espionage interrogations.

It was a Character Enhancer: at Chapter Meetings, any of our guys (no matter how ugly) looked great standing in front of the Copper Hood, simply because the it was so very ugly. It was second to none as the place to lean, because every effort to lean on it was an opportunity to put yet another sweaty hand-print on the brass adding to the righteousness of the tarnish.

My personal favorite, it was a Percussion Musical Instrument. Frank Biller used to pound on it rhythmically when he got excited, or happy, or drunk - usually it took all three in combination to yield a Copper Hood performance. Its gone, I guess it had to happen sooner, or later. Strike that - it did not have to happen. I told that Active: "Mistake."

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.08 - Van Sayler sails to Nashburg!

Beta Pi:


: The great thing about hooking up this blog - all these great guys eventually come back to Nashville, and I have the honor of reconnecting. Van Sayler e-mailed me, and gave me a heads-up that he’ll be coming through Nashville on January 30th. He and will probably link up a Starbuck. Van has volunteered to spear-head the effort to get Class-o-77 Tiks to come to VU Homecoming/Reunion ‘07. Check out Van’s e-mail address directory, click on the link. There are some greats from ‘77 I hope will be returning - Mark "Lurch" Hektner, Steve Cummings, Mark "Marlon" McGann, Bill Price, George "M-Link" Ford, these guys are on Van’s hit list. Van, looking forward to seeing you on the 30th.

* * * *


Artist: JAZZ IS DEAD, CD Title: "Blue Light Rain" - by Pierce Hodnette.

Here's the scenario: Instrumental versions of Grateful Dead songs performed by killer players. Sounds lame? It's not. Guitarist Jimmy Herring, Drummer Billy Cobham, Keyboards T. Lavitz, Bass Alphonso Johnson. Collectively these guys have played with Allman Brothers, Dixie Dregs,
Mahavishnu Orchestra, Weather Report. Do yourself a favor, obtain the disc and digest it. 'Nuff said. Remember when the Grateful Dead played outside at Vanderbilt in 1973? There were hippies in the trees.

Respectfully, Pierce Hodnette
* * * *

BETA PI BEAST is a blog which feeds on e-mail addresses. 62 bona fide Tiklors in Nation of Tiklor (not affiliated with Nation of Islam).

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.07 - SCHMEAT UNEARTHED!

Beta Pi:

DR. WILLIAM A. WHALEN, III a/k/a Lunchmeat, a/k/a "Schmeat" FOUND:

I did a search for Bill Whalen, and found a lead at Vanderbilt Directory. Business address, listed as National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. So, I get this female Administrator on the phone, and persuade her that I’m an old friend, and she gives me a number. I call the number, and a nice gentleman answers - its Bill’s former boss, I explain I’m an old friend of Bill Whalen, and he gives me a phone number, and an e-mail address wawhalen@gmail.com . I have tried the number, left a voice message - no Bill, yet. Anyway, without further adieu,


STEVE CUMMINGS UPDATE: So, this e-mail I have on Steve keeps bouncing, and I finally said, enough! I dig up a number, and get Steve scummings@Crossroads.com on the phone today. He is well, living in Austin, working in high tech, and has a wife and kids. Yes, Steve still has his "FRO" - although the curls aren’t as springy. I recall, in ‘75, the Tiks truly had the market cornered on guys with great hair (hair genes) - men with FRO’s Steve Cummings and Funky Engleman, and of course, M-link had that body-hair problem (neanderthal genes). Ah, the brotherhood!

MOVIE REVIEWS FROM THE UIS NETHERWORLD: Letters from Iwo Jima. B B B B Clint Eastwood, Director. Clint Eastwood directed two movies about Iwo Jima "Flags of Our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima." I have not seen Flags, but I heard an interview Clint Eastwood gave, in which he describes it as the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima from the American perspective. Letters from Iwo Jima is the story told from the Japanese perspective. Based on a true story, a clever Japanese General defended the island of Iwo Jima by digging a series of interconnecting tunnels and caves, and fought with guerilla war tactics (attack and evade) at a time when the "norm" for Japanese soldiers was honor-based - if soldiers "lost" a fight for their ground, to retreat or evade was considered dishonorable, and suicide was the honorable way. This clever General was ahead of his time, and encouraged his men that a live soldier is of better use to the Emperor. After the war, they unearthed a satchel full of letters in one of the caves. The General’s letters home to his family serve as a frame of reference as the story unfolds. English subtitles - after the first 20 seconds, I forgot they were there. That’s how good the movie is. The movie is fascinating for the humanity it shows in the Japanese. Clint Eastwood complained in his interview that most of the war movies he saw growing up were propaganda based - the Americans were portrayed as "the good guys" and the Japanese, Germans and Italians were portrayed as villainous or evil. Starring Ken Watanabe (The Last Samurai), the acting is excellent.

I give this film the highest Netherworld rating - four B B B B ’s.

BETA PI BLOG IS A GROWING BEAST which feeds on e-mail addresses. The blog now counts 62 bona fide tiklor brethren in Tiklor Nation.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

Friday, January 19, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.06 - Congratulations Venerable Phibes!

Beta Pi:

MATT HART ELECTED TO HILTON BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The internet buzz is incredible - I get these great e-mails from George Abernathy and Frank Biller, sending congratulations (in twisted Tiklor fashion) to The Notorious Dr. Phibes, Matt Hart, on his election to the Hilton Board of Directors.

It turns out Frank Biller first got the scoop on Hart, and sent it around. Aber has sent me the actual "footage" of the mayhem he then unleashed:

FIRST MESSAGE FROM ABER TO HART: (Editorial Discretion, this message is posted in The Archives, Issue #49 - due to inflammatory content). Click on "View Archives."


From: George Abernathy, GA

Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 2:08 PM

To: 'Matt Hart (BH Corp)'

Subject: Phibes dubbed "Official Tycoon"

I love to hear from you, and CONGRATS on your 'promotion' to the Board. I wish you had been on the Board of the Bank that I started 10 years ago. Hope you and the family are doing well and in good health. Got to go. Love, Aber


From: Matt Hart (BH Corp)

Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 1:23 PM

To: George Abernathy, GA

Subject: RE: Phibes dubbed "Official Tycoon"

May I respond that I never enjoyed the Fleischman's but viewed it as a value play-$.65 for the shot $.25 for a short beer chaser and $.10 tip for the bartender...and those of you that had the experience of a long night at Foxy's know that to be true."

NEW WEB LINK - CONGRATULATIONS MATT HART: The actual news story on Matt’s success is just a click away. See the link on this page.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.05 - Clarksdale Blues Festival is coming

Beta Pi:

CLARKSDALE BLUES UPDATE: On a recent trip to Clarksdale, I pulled into the Sonic in Tunica, Mississippi, got a Sonic Bacon Cheeseburger, got back on Highway 61 South, and put a cell phone call into Venerable Chester Brewer wcblaw@aol.com ! Chet and I reminisced for some time about our various and nefarious Beta Pi Brethren, but more interesting was picking Chet’s brain for Clarksdale history (Chet is Clarksdale born and raised). It turns out the building Ann and I bought in Clarksdale - 149 Delta - is right across the street from Bill Luckett and Morgan Freeman’s Madidi Restaurant, and a block from their Ground Zero blues juke joint. Chet’s father (or grandfather, I forget) was a partner in Luckett’s lawfirm. That weekend, I ran into Bill Luckett at one of Shonda’s parties (Shonda owns Ms. Dell’s Feed & Seed and is a bonds and financial trader from London, England), and Bill confirmed to me that the Brewers indeed had a prominent place in Clarksdale’s legal history. Anyway, Chet is interested in coming to blues festivals, and even if no one else shows, we’ll dig some blues and hang out in ole Clarksdale. Other Tiks who have shown an interest in coming to a Clarksdale Blues Festival are Pierce Hodnette phodnette@eufaula.rr.com , Art Landry awl@awlandry.net , Travis Parr parrfamco@aol.com , Frank Biller fbiller1@msn.com , Frank Collinscollinzes@yahoo.com , George "The Heme" Tomlinson george@concklin.com , Mark McGann markmcgann@prodigy.net , and Rodney "Rod" Yanker rodney@aamglobal.com .


will be April 14, 2007: Book early, rooms are hard to find. Try Shackup Inn, or Big Pink Guesthouse. I will put up any Tiklor who makes the journey (although it may be on a sofa).

149 DELTA renovation update

: I’m posting before, and during pictures, showing our progress in fixing up our building. The plan is to lease the front as commercial space, and fix up an apartment in the rear, for a place Ann and I can stay during blues festivals. I am having fun doing this. I got a new roof put on, and we’re making progress. Long term plan, convert the front space into a small Café and roots blues venue.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.04 - MARLON TALKS TO HARPO!

Beta Pi:

MARLON TALKS TO "HARPO" KEN LINDEN: I received a cryptic message from "Marlon" Mark McGann markmcgann@prodigy.net :

"If you haven’t, you gotta check out (Vanderbilt ATO Active’s website). Go to the active members link and look at the composite. Names like Morgan Intrator? Yeah, right. Check out Rahul Lauhan on the bottom, gots to be a beeeg Bob Marley fan doncha know. Seems they also got some national award for scholarship in ‘06. Oh, and I talked to Harpo. (Emphasis added)."

Brother Marlon, thanks for the heads-up on the ATO actives’ web page. Oh, did the reclusive Harpo give you his e-mail address? Let us know!

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

Monday, January 15, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.03 - LEE HALL SURFACES!

Beta Pi:

CHUCK WHARTON FINDS LEE HALL: I received word from Chuck crwharton@aol.com that Venerable Brother Lee Hall is actually Dr. Lee Hall, a Radiologist in Macon, Georgia. Chuck provided a phone number, and I called the number and Lee answered! Lee has a family and has been in Macon practicing radiology since 1985. Lee glady turned over his e-mail address aldannah@aol.com . Beta Pi Blog welcomes you, Brother Lee.

NEW FEATURE ANNOUNCED: MUSIC REVIEWS FROM THE UIS NETHERWORLD. Pierce Hodnette contacted me, saying he enjoyed the movie reviews, and had the idea for music reviews. Pierce is contributing the first music review, and I will do some from time to time. Any Brother is welcome to contribute a review. Just e-mail me.


Allen Hinds - by Pierce Hodnette.

Allen Hinds is a guitarist with two CDs, both available at cdbaby.com. Allen was raised in Auburn, Alabama but has been in LA for 20 years. His music is hip instrumental jazz/blues, influenced by artists like Larry Carlton, Robben Ford, Pat Metheny, Duane Allman. I suggest that everyone on this blog buys these two CDs immediately. Play them in your car or load them onto your IPOD to play when you are doing whatever you do. If you buy and listen to Allen's CDs your life will improve. If you don't, I can't vouch for you. This sounds like a chain letter. Respectfully, Pierce Hodnette.

* * * *

BETA PI BLOG IS GROWING: This blog now has 61 bona fide denizens of Ticklor Nation. If you know the e-mail address of a Beta Pi Brother, get it to me.

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.02 - Search for Lee Hall

Beta Pi:

SEARCH FOR LEE HALL: So, I’m talking on the phone with Buck Biller, and Buck says:

"Hey, Lar’ - you know who’d be good to get on the Blog?"

And I go: "Who’s that, Buck?"

Buck says: "Lee Hall!"

So I say: "Schwim-baggio! I’ll get right on it!"

Well, now that the "holidays" are over, I go online to check on the Vanderbilt Online Alumni Directory, and sure enough, I find a listing for Lee Hartley Hall, VU 1976. No home address, no e-mail listed, but it gave a business listing showing Lee as "News Director" for W D B O Radio AM, Orlando, Florida. So, I call and - what do ya know - the News Director is some lady, and they have no one named Lee Hall. So, I think, maybe Lee left there, and I ask:

"How long has she been News Director?" 20 years.

So I say, "does W D B O have an FM station?" No.

So, I try the Orlando directory for a residential listing, and I found a "L.H. Hall" but got no answer.

ALL POINTS BULLETIN: Any brother who has information on M.I.A. (Missing in action) Brother Lee Hartley Hall, please contact him, get his e-mail address, and get it to me, so’s I can ‘lectro-cute him with this Blog.

* * * *


Dream Girls. B B This movie stars Beyonce, and is a fiction loosely based on the Motown empire that spawned Diana Ross and The Supremes, The Jackson Five, etc., and is in "musical" format. The format works well, because it’s a story about three rising female stars, so when they "break into song" it works. The only problem - the songs stink! The singing is high quality however, and the "featured" new "star" is Jennifer Hudson, who was a second place finalist on American Idol. This girl can sing, and act, and she’s a plus-size entertainer. Beyonce, as I’m sure you know, can sign like a nightingale, and has the prettiest hips in show business (booty call!) - and I’m here to tell you, her big curvy hips are featured quite a lot on the big screen (swangin’). That feature alone makes this movie one worth seeing, but you should adjust your music expectations to "super-low" because the songs (and music production) really do suck. One other plus - my Wife Ann loved this film - so I could also recommend this as a "chick-flick" sure to please your female significant other. What the hey - political correctness be damned - broads will love this piece-o-dung.

I give this film a mediocre Netherworld rating - two B B ’s.

Check out Beta Pi Blog! Post a comment directly to the Beta Pi Blog at:http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72