Monday, November 6, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.60 - Guest Blogmeister Travis Parr

Beta Pi:

This page, submitted by Venerable Travis Parr, is re-printed here at T. Parr’s request:

My remembrance of the actual moment of the birth of this well deserved nickname is as follows:

"Dear Bozo-- Please Post this into the Anals:


The un-comparably luscious & beautiful
Rena rightfully earned her ATO name due to the ever-present & lustful ATO comments and bulging eyeballs that were displayed each and every time we appeared at the Tic house.

(After all, there was sooooo much fineness to take in that a mere glance was never enough. In fact, a good long stare was absolutely necessary for all ATO' ers and all other males at Vanderbilt to comprehend all that was on display before them.... for their viewing pleasure and resourceful & creative imaginations).

It was a quiet and sunny spring afternoon in 1971. A surreal glow of heavenly light framed the entry for this heavenly female creature as we came into the room, entering the main room of the beloved haven of famous blues singing men and snarling pirates.

Misters M.Hart, Muenchy, Fotch and several other assorted and questionable characters were lounging on the couches, and were all occupied only with lazily scratching themselves as we walked in.

A short pause of silence then resulted in a growing yet distinct and deep & throaty roar of "MMM-MMM-MMM", which was cast in our direction to acknowledge our grand entrance with their hearty approvals and lust......  much to her delight!

As she was the delightful object of such obvious desire and envy, I simply felt spontaneously compelled as the lucky man to acknowledge the helpless, unsatisfied and pitiful wounded animal cries of my depraved and nutritionally-starved brothers by making the following famous historical statement:

"Boys: This is "(pause)-- Steak"......Grade-A-Prime"---
Followed by my next statement of fact "And It Sure is Fine!".......Very verbal approvals then continued from the couches.

And "Steak" became her name thereafter & forevermore.....and for the next 2 and 1/2 years, I was most certainly and truly blessed. And, I am still smiling!!!

Warning: Do not confuse my Grade A Prime meat with the "Luncheon Meat" (his formal name), aka "Lunch Meat " or his real name Schmeat......Bill Whalen.... who rightfully earned his Tic name prior to the Steak.}

Sent with Best Regards,

T. Parr

* * * *


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

DATELINE NASHVILLE, November 6, 2006:


I received this E-mail from The Heme:

"Dear Mr Simons,

The Heme will be present at the VU / Tennessee Football encounter 11-18-06 at "The Dud".  It's letterman's day with Bar-b-que before the game, and a must see stop at the Tic house with my 2 daughters and son (Little Heme).   We will be staying at the Holiday Inn by the stadium, where I "puked" many times while meeting my parents for early breakfast on Sunday AM.  Be there on Friday leaving Sunday.  "4's round the table".......

As I know the respect the athletic dept has for the former Lettermen who will be sitting in the rafters (or the VU equivalent), does any worthy brother have any available seats for that football game??  Any  Tic-a-loes can contact me on my cell phone (312) 543-8106, if they're gonna be round...........

The Heme
Careful, my Kids will be in tow...."

My wife Ann and I have 2 extra season tickets, they're yours (if she didn't already promise them to her kids) I'll have to ask her.  No worries about tickets, Ann is a consumate football junkie, and can obtain lowest street scalper prices!  Expect the Tik "Red Carpet" to unfurl before your very feet!

Anonymous said...

E-mail from Buck Biller, November 6, 2006:

"Damn fine remembrance from Brother Parr!  My cudos to our venerable Brother.

Frank J. "Buck" Biller"

Anonymous said...

God Bless, Steak....  mmmmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

I can recall Travis Parr following Steak with a big mop to mop up the drool of worthy brothers whose lust for Steak was palpable.  I have enjoyed the opportunity to remember these times.  Steak enjoyed the "carryin' on" about her as well as anyone.  Thanks, Travis, for the fond memories.  Respectfully, Pierce Hodnette