Saturday, November 25, 2006


Beta Pi:

GUEST BLOGMEISTER DOUG MARTIN: I had asked Venerable Brother Doug Martin to contribute a column to this blog, and Doug sent me some very amusing words - that apparently flew back-and-forth between him and Venerable Arthur Landry. Doug’s contribution is presented herein, for your amusement:

"Final note on Homecoming/Reunion 2006 - Class of 1976

Received an e-mail from brother Arthur Landry in response to Homecoming pix that Kathy, my wife, took and I forwarded to you both. Excerpts as follows.

"...And the prize for the person who looks best after all these years, other than your wife, goes to----Frank! Just kidding. It goes to JD Strickland." (censored derogatory comment about source of JD's remarkable preservation 30 years later) "...Is that a tin foil hat on his head? And why the tiny crowd at Dudley on a beautiful day? These do make me sorry I missed it, but it couldn't be helped..."

Sent Arthur the following reply this morning.

"Yes, it was more fun than I'd thought it would be.

"Homecoming was a nostalgic, time-warp sort of experience. A lot has changed to be sure - new construction all over, Phi Delt house closed down, Krystal and Steak & Egg are gone, Phi Psi's seem to be the party boys (what???) with many beer cans and cups strewn across their lawn. But there were momentary flashes, at the Tic house, Rotier’s, the wall at Rand terrace, when it seemed as though it was still the '70's. No moment more so that weekend than seeing JD.

"You are absolutely correct - other than a better haircut, he has not changed in appearance (or demeanor) AT ALL. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if Dom and Fur would appear next. He is not only a Vandy season ticket holder but a member of the National Commodore Club and travels to some road games where he continues to harass opponents and take abuse from all he encounters. He is attempting to enlist others in his deranged and Quixotic quest to lift the Commodores by verbally abusing opponents and their fans. His hat, not tin foil but a sissy, shiny gold ball cap, is part of the Liberace ensemble to which Buck's jacket belongs. He claims the hat is good luck. Doesn't seem to work for the Commodores though.

"The Tic house now seems to be permanently infused with the post-Shipwreck bouquet of mildew and stale beer. All carpet is gone, minimal furniture, kitchen gutted - limited meals are catered in (Alex & Laura, God rest your souls), no cow, and worst of all - no pins. Some of the kids seemed oddly impressed we were amongst the group that cracked the foundation. They don't build a pool anymore, for any number of good reasons, but it lives on in their lore from ancient times when we did. Some of them have seen or heard of Wales Tales ("played by old guys who occasionally come by") but don't play themselves opting instead for the modern scourge - beer pong - a pointless excuse for a game involving no mental acumen, little skill, and no redeeming social, educational or self-disciplinary value. What has this younger generation come to?

"The crowd for the football game was disappointing made even more so by the fact that a third or so were South Carolina fans. VU has to be thankful the SEC travels well and that the university is in Nashville with other attractions rather than someplace like...Starkville. I can't even imagine how pathetic it must have been for the Temple game.

"Wish you could have been there. Others should do it as well. At the very least it seems to give Bozo a sense of purpose; plays to his border-collie instincts."

CHECK OUT WORLD'S CHEEZIEST WEB SITE: Venerable Vin Starr sent me a link to web site that is so cheezy I could only bear 6 seconds of it. Hilarious! Just click on the link to find out why Vinnie's favorite singer is Johnny Mathis.

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Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


"Gentlemen ? what a great job Larry Simon has done in re-connecting the Tick-lor nation after all these years ? Bravo, Bozo.

I had the great pleasure of visiting El SenĂ²r, The Legend, Marc C. “Biggie Rat” Darling at his home in Colorado this summer. Attached you will find a photo of Hizzoner and the once venerable Dr. Phibes enjoying an afternoon of play with the Daughters of the Pi Phis ? the evening photos are not appropriate for distribution on the Internet. Tick-A-Lo!"

NOTE:  There was a technical glich with posting Matt Hart's original comment, and he's ask me to re-post it, and to post a photo he sent.  By coincidence (apparently) I'm having technical difficulties with displaying photos (previously posted to this blog).  I hope to be able to post Matt's photo soon.