Sunday, March 18, 2012

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2012, No.05 - The World's Best Contest, Part 2

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously -

it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

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By Frank J. Biller

Your intrepid reporter is filing this report despite fighting through a late afternoon Vodka and Crystal Lite Pink Lemonade fog (kudos to my 2nd ex-wife on this local brain scrambler) and intermittent fits of rage.  I have regained consciousness after my last seizure, wiped the foam from my mouth and will rely on spell check to clean up the vodka spills.

Vanderbilt's 5 players played more than well enough to beat Wisconsin's 5 soundly Saturday night. However, Wisconsin had 3 additional players on the floor in Albuquerque. Clad in black trousers, black & white striped shirts and sporting whistles the additional Wisconsin players called 8 offensive fouls on Vandy, a crucial no contact foul sending red-hot Jeffery Taylor to the bench early in the 2nd half and were apparently taking a smoke break when Festus Azili was arm barred by one Wisconsin player while pushed 5 feet by another underneath the Vandy basket with Wisconsin leading by 2 points with 30 seconds left to play. Had the official seen the foul would Festus have overcome his dubious free throw shooting to tie the game? We don't know. But, it would have been nice to let the boys play it out.

Referees are human beings. The service that they give to our athletic events is noble. They never get cheers. Only boos. However, they do make mistakes. Over time, the mistakes even out. It's sort of like karma balancing in the universe. You always hope that the mistakes will even out in a game. You certainly hope that the mistakes won't determine the outcome of a game. Particularly in the tournament when there is so much on the line and one loss sends your team home. Unfortunately, that happened today.

The game ended a great season for our Commodores.

We are all very proud to be members of the Vandy nation and proud of Coach Stallings, JT, JJ, Festus, The Gold Standard, that little white guy with the funny haircut and all the boys. I hope JJ comes back next year. It is a joy watching him. I wish JT and Festus the best if they decide to play professionally. I believe they could both have successful careers as key players in Europe or role players in the NBA. The other seniors will have the great experience they gained as b-ballers at Vandy and their Vandy degrees and the Vandy nation to fall back on. I wish them all the best and thank them for all the thrills and chills they gave us over the last 4 years.

Go Vandy.

Go to hell UT and the numb nuts officials that did this "game". Sorry, I could not help myself.

I love you one and all,

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The mystery e-mail that started this contest:

“Vandy thankfully racked up enough points to vanquish Harvard yesterday. Can anyone identity this rack? .... a couple of you guys out there might know who carries these bad boys around...

Go 'Dores!!!”

JUDGES’ NOTE:  Some votes are in, but not enough, so the Contest has been extended.  Here are the votes so far, and they are awesome:


Larry:  My guess is Rena Dabney, but it's probably not because that's the obvious choice. Vinnie (Steve Starr)”


“. . . Es’ not enough there to be my beloved Steak!!! Travisimmo”


My guess- Sonny Stephenson.”

While these votes were pouring in, our mystery sponsor sent in two more photos to perk up the contest:

“Vandy thankfully racked up enough points to vanquish Harvard yesterday. Can anyone identity this rack? .... a couple of you guys out there might know who carries these bad boys around...

Go 'Dores!!!”

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1.      No Hints.

2.      No prizes.

3.      Your entry must not be posted to the Blog, or mass e-mailed.

4.      You may not confer with other Ticks, or Gal-Pals (honor system, no cheating).

5.      Send your entry by e-mail to – you must guess the name of the human wearing the Vanderbilt Jersey in the photo, and put it in the e-mail.  Entry must contain your name (or Tick nick-name accompanied by your real name), no anonymous entries.

6.      Once a reasonable number of entries has been received, the mystery Judges will make a decision, which will be announced in the Blog.

There is still time to redeem yourself.  This is real, not some made-up scam, this scam has been perpetrated by bona-fide Vandy Co-eds of Yore, just to toy with us. 
Take a chance, wager a guess, you know which gal-pals have been Blog friendly over the years, no one’s feelings will be hurt. 


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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of March 18, 2012, the Blog roster stands at 109 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Dear Tic Nation,
It appears that drink has got the best of our dear Brother Travis Parr. Not only is Brother Travis speaking in tongues- he is now emailing in tongues. My heart goes out to Brother Parr. Do you think an intervention is in order? Perhaps an exorcism?

Concerned in Chicago,

PS to TParr- Well said mi amigo mas borracho de todo el mundo!"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Let me assure you that it t'was not I who started the "rack" quandry. However, I can report that I miss you all and love the banter. Still US Prime. R."

TO RENA: On behalf of the Tick-a-lors, we love you and we miss you too, especially Frank Collins and Tom Lovinggood!! Larry

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"and, especially, Tom Lovinggood."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

Open Letter to Rena

"Are we not gentlemen?
My Dearest Rena,
I feel compelled on behalf of my giggling, sophomoric brothers to apologize to you and the other lovely ladies that grace our group for their continual indelicate references to certain portions of the female anatomy. As a gentleman, I want you to know that my fond memories of the young ingenue Rena Dabney include only images of your lovely eyes, sparkling smile and sweet Southern demeanor.

I can only conclude that my wayward Brothers are suffering from Oedipal issues related to the common practice of bottle feeding as popularized in the post WW II baby boom generation. Other explanations might be post traumatic brain disorder caused by continual blows to the head during the gestation period (again due to the relatively new practice of continued marital relations during pregnancy) OR being jerked by the head through the birth canal by a pair of modified salad tongs as was yet another common "modern" medical practice at that time.

Irregardless, you have my humble apologies.

Your friend,

PS The next time I am in Atlanta, let's go for a Mani/Pedi and some power shoe shopping!"

OPEN LETTER TO BUCK: you are an amazing writer old friend! I love you! Your words make this Blog absolutely ROCK! You will not believe which gal-pal initiated our latest contest - and, of course something like that would not be remotely possible without it's originating from the gal-pals themselves. We will therefore overlook your decided double standard - having placed your contest entry on the man-boobs of a Brother (I myself am considering purchasing a man-ssiere). I guess that you, still possessing your boyish figure, are entertaining prospects of luring the wise Rena into some sleazy Nail Spa? She is wise to your ways (but then, she has always been wise to ALL of our ways)! I have complete faith that Rena will keep you well at bay, whilst teasing you incessantly (just as in days of yore).
My dear friend, we count on you to write of your Nail Spa adventure! Be well, Bozino

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Dear dear Buck,

It is with teasing grace, I accept your apology. And, while I am fairly certain that it was indeed the tongs that punctured your brain at birth, I am sure your toes were spared. So, let's do the spa circuit when you are next in Atlanta. I can send you home with a lovely melon colored pedicure and very happy feet - just in time for summer. It's a date. R

PS - By this time in life, dear Buck, have you realized it is the brain, not the boobs that truly define the gentler sex and keep the boys never knowing what to expect next???????"