Sunday, December 4, 2011

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2011, No.08 – Bowl Bound Tick Hounds

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously -

it is meant for


The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

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So, yesterday YOUNG ANN began e-mailing me – forwarding e-mails she had received from Vanderbilt Athletic Department. 

Vanderbilt is Bowl eligible, and this evening the Bowl Selection was announced:

Vanderbilt is going to the LIBERTY BOWL - MEMPHIS - December 31, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. CST!   Our opponent to be announced tonight at 7:30 CST. 

YOUNG ANN had an idea.  And people – I’m here to tell you, when Young Ann gets an idea, and gets excited about it, you DO NOT want to be standing anywhere in between Young Ann and the fulfulfillment of her idea.

The idea:  YOUNG ANN with the help of her ENFORCER, LORENZO BOZINO will be leading a contingent of TICK-A-LORS and TICK-A-LOR GAL PALS to the LIBERTY BOWL!

Ann has said many times  “I live for parties!”  She has a great party planned to a Tailgate. 

As you well know, this is maybe the third time in Vanderbilt History that we’ve gone to a Bowl.  This may be the last chance we have – being Certified Geezers – to attend a Bowl and root for our beloved Commodores.

I am forwarding 3 e-mails to you, which Ann forwarded to me from the Vanderbilt Athletic Department, these have links to Bowl Central, and links for accommodations.

YOUNG ANN said today – there is one ATO who I guaran-damn-tee will be there, and he lives in Cullman Alabama.  Of course, she speaks of none-other-than

the inimitable J.D. STRICKLAND (who lives with his Mother, and stubbornly clings to the past by refusing to own a computer or communicate by internet.

And, knowing FRANK BILLER and STEVE STARR, I can practically guarantee they will be there as well.  Of course, as you may imagine, this is NO STAGG EVENT. 

It was Doctor Phibes' idea - with help from Biggie Rat - to invite plenty of women. 

This is TICKS and GAL PALS, so every effort will be made to lobby ATO GAL PAL GREATS. 

I will be asking TOM LOVEMAN LOVINGGOOD to personally form a committee of Ticks to make repeated calls and ROBO-CALLS to


Knowing Loveman, he will selfishly make that a Committee of One!

We are under a deadline, imposed by the Vanderbilt Athletic Department, and Tickets are going fast. 

No effort will be made to get seats together – everyone is on their own to get Tickets.  Tickets must be purchased by ______.  After you get tickets, let us know, so we'll know how many to plan for Tailgating.

PEOPLE – this is it,
it's going to be BIG.

So, as YOUNG ANN’S ENFORCER, I can make it very simple.



R.S.V.P to Lorenzo Bozino, by e-mail or cell phone 615-512-1448.

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of December 4, 2011, the Blog roster stands at 109 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Claude Cody; "I'm in, haven't read the blog yet."

David Haines: "probably"

Dara Howe: "I can only do a day trip. Trying to find someone who wants to do that too."

Pat Haustein: "Hi larry it looks like i will not be able to make the vandy bowl game pat h"

Frank Collins: "Shit. I was hoping for Jacksonville on the 2nd. Would have been much easier to plan. Honestly, this is a tough one. I'll let you know. Probably a possibility if 3 out of 10."

Sally Jasper: "All my kids will b home 4 christmas. I can't very well leave them!"

Matt Blankenship: "Maybe. Don't know. I have to talk to Mimi."

Joel Kadarauch: "Your Bozoness,
Nothing would please me more, but I'm afraid I have to play the too-far-from-Alaska-and-should-be-with-family-wuss card. May I propose an Iditarod reunion?

Chuck Wharton: "Larry -
Dores at the Liberty Bowl! Exciting - will be in Savannah GA w/my in-laws unless I can do some maneuvering - unlikely at this point!
Have fun!

George The Heme Tomlinson: "I will, but doubtful as my kids will be here for holidays."

Herb Ladley: "Visiting my son in Sydney Australia so won't be in the country. Enjoy"

George Welborne: "Sorry but we can't attend. Will watch w beer in hand and hope to see you on the big screen."

Travis Parr: "Hi Larry-- Poor planning on my part. On Dec.31, I will be boarding a cruise ship here in New Orleans with my whole family at exactly the time Vandy takes the field. I will be able to watch the whole game while headed down the Mississippi on the way to Mexico & Belize.  At least we will be able to celebrate a victory over the hated Cincinnatti Bearcats in style!   TParr"

Chad Weiss: "I'll be in Jackson Hole skiing. Have a great time. Chad"

TO THE GREATS WHO RESPONDED: Thanks for responding. Those of us who are going will cheer for you. Be well, and Marry Christmas, Happy New Year, and to Jor-el Blessings of The I-Ching! :)

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


John Stein: "Beth and John  Stein will be there.  Go ' dores !!!

Herb Ladley: "Going to see my sons in Australia/New Zealand right after Christmas so will cheer on THE DORES from down under. ENJOY. Herb Ladley....Prince of Whales."

Frank Biller: "...if it wasn't for Claude Cody, I would STILL be in the Nashville jail.  I was a tight end when I was mistakenly incarerated but I am sure I would be a wide reciever by now after 40 years in the lockup.  Count me in for the game.  I think I owe old Claude a couple of beers anyway.  I don't suppose Emile is coming with Claude.  He is probably older than Dean Bingham.  Maybe Barbara Glenn:)
PS- I am calling out X. Neal Crenshaw.  They have planes from Tibet or where ever you are at.  Bring the Dali Lama along to bless frickin the game.  We will beat those son's of bitching Bear Cat's for sure if The Lama puts the fix in.  What the hell is a BearCat anyway?  Is it a bear or a cat?  These preople can't decide if they are a bear or a cat.  I am saying they are a cat, because cats are pussies and those Cincinati people are just a bunch of illiterate criminal pussies and we are going to skin them cats and kick their ass! We're going to go through them like crap through a goose and use their living guts to grease the treads of our tanks...  Sorry about that little rant.  Patton flash-back.  Time for my medication:) 
PS:  I am going to Milwaukee on 12-29 with the Chicago Vanderbilt club to see Vandy BBall bitch slap the Marquette Warriors.  Although I think they are called the Maroons or something like that now because the PC elitist Liberals in Madison don't want to offend the native Americans.  Even though they dynamite all the god dam walleyes in Lake Winnebago and sell them to the IGA and all own $500k houses on private lakes they bought with all the casino money and laugh at the rest of us while they cruise by in their Towncars.  BTW:The young guys at the Vandy club all want to knoew about the human torch.  Matt and Boss were Human torch #1 and #2 as I recall.  We should get a good written history on that for the anals (sic):).  You old guys chip in a bit on all this lore stuff. After I come to the morning/afternoon of the 30th, I will pay the message (edited for content) . . .for a tank of gas, a carton of Marlboro's, some beef jerky and a case of Nattie Lights and head downriver to Memphis.  Nothing like the romance of the open road. Me, Larry, Boss and Claude are all big shots with lots of important stuff to do.  We might even bring dates (I will have to see if my "niece" Trixi is free).  What's your excuse? "


TO THE GREATS WHO RESPONDED: We are gaining momentum, this WILL be an EVENT TO RIVAL ALL OTHERS. Merry Christmas Friends. And Buck, the Human Torch Story is in the annals. At the Great Reunion of 2009, I asked Phibes, and he recounted it for posterity in minute detail (best kind). It is "in there" among the Posts and Comments in Archives, October 2009. As I recall, Phibes said it was Claude Cody who was given the frightening task of putting the match to a gasoline drenched Phibes dressed in Asbestos Suit! Glory Days!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Chris Regas: " have no idea how much I would like to be there...the game and the guys, dosen't get better. I am hosting a ton of family over game time weekend and will not be able to go. I looked at flights anyway but it just won't work. I will just have to imagine Liberty Tails and hope for the next occasion. Have we considered Skype Tails?‬‪ ‬‪Thanks for all you do to keep everyone connected....not an easy job!‬‪ ‬‪Best to you and the fam...Greek‬"

Don Engleman: "Got your text message at 6AM PST today.GREAT to hear from you!Although I'm Vandy's #1 sports Fan ( I follow everything in detail!), I have to be "out but out but out" for this one.My wife will be in Rome that week and I'm Mr. Mom with the 3 kids.If you ever make it west, please let me know.  I'd love to catch-up...and see how my Tales game is after 40 years.Go Dores...I'll be watching!
PS.  I very much enjoy your Blog. 
Sincerely,Don Engelman
SVP National Sales
BergHOFF International
(c) 559-908-0935
(h) 559-433-9021"

Scott Sheppard: "Larry:
Thx for thinking of me but I have vacation plans in place at that time!

John Stein: "Steins are staying at The Westin"

TO ALL: Liberty Bowl here we come!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Chet Brewer: "Larry, Sorry I can't make. Thanks for all the party planning that you undertake.  Maybe you should have been a social chairman.  Chet'

Mark McGann: "Harpo and I attended the '74 Peach Bowl, on the way down to his parent's condo in Ft. Pierce.  The description of the game is accurate, it was essentially a soccer game.M"

Steven V. Starr: "Ditto!"

Rick Ziska: "In Honor of Steve Jobs passing"

TO ALL: Just want to say I miss you all, and hope everyone is well. There still may be time to get tickets. Ann is planning a Tailgate, and she has the spot booked - more on that later. If you can,come to the Liberty Bowl with us!! So far, solid core-group: its me & Ann, Buck & Memphis Mystery Date, John & Beth Stein, Claude & Anne Cody; a hopeful maybe from David & Kathy Haines, and maybe from Matt & Mimi Blankenship. As you can see, the Man-o-Few-Words Vinny has morphed into the Man-o-One-Word Ditto. I am an optimist, so I interpret "Ditto" as a hopeful maybe that Steve & Gwen Starr will make it! Merry Christmas

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Larry,It makes me VERY sad to say that I just cannot make the bowl game, even as a day trip.  The cost of caregiving for my mom for the day, plus transportation, ticket (would have to go sadly solo...) puts it out of my reach financially right now.  Life is unfair, but hope springs eternal that better days are coming!  Isn't that the core belief of true Commodore fans?  Go 'dores! I look forward to reading a full report on the blog!Dara"

"Larry-  Thank you for all that you do to keep everyone connected-  I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas-  God Bless You-  Ben"  

BOB AYLWARD: "Not going to make Memphis."

"The one the current ATO guy sent out, it was the one with Vanderbilt and air/aire in the URL, they have a website for the house and its under their pictures. BTW, Merry Christmas to you and Anne, I should be
coming down to Memphis for the game and your gala event, but I'd
already made family plans. Nice thing is, if the Vandy is smart,
they'll pay Franklin whatever it takes to keep him and build a program where we are always a 500 club and bowl bound every year then, and the outfall from it helps with selectivity because more kids will apply, and we'll get on TV more, instead of having to rely on our opponents
reputation, aka Alabama or LSU or Auburn, or Florida, or ????? Again, thank you for all you do for the Tic nation, we all love you and wish you the best, we know Anne is a saint, how else can you explain a pretty young thing like her hanging with a guy like you!!!!

God Bless,
