Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2011, No.07 - 76 Reunion Recap

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter

Brothers and

ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com

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FRIDAY NIGHT: I attended the Class of 76 Class Party.  It is always a pleasure to see my ATO Buds.  In attendance were Doug Martin, Charlie McGibbony, Frank Collins and Jack Nichols, and yours truly, Lorenzo Bozino. 

Jack Muench was all set to attend, but had to cancel for personal reasons – Muenchie, we missed you and we love you!

Boss Stein was set to make a facial appearance, but sent regrets.  Boss, we missed you, and our love for you is special and undying.  Let me expound on that a little . . . NOT!

Lunchmeat Bill Whalen had said he’d attend, but was a no show.  Everybody loves Schmeat!  Art Landry had lost touch with Schmeat, but suggested we try calling 1-800-SCHMEAT.

Buck Biller had planned to attend, but cancelled last minute due to a work situation – his boss gave him work that ate up part of his weekend – Buck, we missed you as well, you are loved, O’ Son of Fuad!  There was a Junie Borg sighting, you’re gonna plotz for missing this event.  If you want details, contact Jack Nichols – he apparently lives near her and their kids play soccer (or something).  Sorry, wasn’t able to get pictures.  Again, check with Jack.  He hung out in that general area the whole evening.

Here are some pics I got:

Lorenzo B., Charlie McG. & Frank C.

Ralph, Dub, Bozo & Marty

Frank & Mary Collins

Jan & Charlie McGibbony

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SATURDAY - ATO TAILGATE:  Active Stephen Magli e-mailed me, to invite all ATO’s to attend the ATO Tailgate.  I was so proud of these guys.  They had been unjustly put on Social Probation by the Dean of Gestapo because some Freshman was caught – inebriated – at the ATO House during Rush.  That doesn't "fit" inot Vanderbilt's perfect "PC" picture, does it?There was NO JUSTICE because there was NO PROOF the “victim” had been given alcohol by ATO, yet their fate was sealed.  A few guys mentioned "sounds familiar."  The ATO House was locked Homecoming Weekend.

The dilemma: the boys were not allowed to have a Tailgate Party at the ATO House.  Undetered, Stephen and Company rented a VACANT LOT next door to the WILDLY POPULAR NED’S SPORTS BAR.  They hired semi-nude dancers .   .   .   .NOT.  Stephen notified me - I spread the word to all Ticks. 

Frank said “How much did we pay for the Vandy Tailgate?  I paid good money for that – we’re eating there” (which is understandable since Frank had his wife Mary and their great kids Frankie and Claire). 

As fate had it, J.D. was the only other Alum to show, and that’s only because J.D. called me at the last minute.  You see, J.D. still lives with his Mother, and refuses to get a computer or e-mail address. 

Here are some pics we took at the ATO / NEDS’ TAILGATE:

 James Yu, Adam Loftus, Stephen Magli, Troll, Sven & Bozo (Here - I was chewing out Stephen for promising - but not delivering - on semi-nude dancers).

Hayden Kelly, James Yu, Adam Loftus, J.D. Strickland, Stephen Magli, Scott Brockmeir, Michael Brett , Larry Simons, Abe Benevides (not pictured)


Did I say Stephen arranged for tons of coeds to be there? 

THE GAME:  If you didn’t hear, Vandy womped Army 44 to 21. 

Army never manager to mount any real offense.  Vandy looked awesome!

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5th ANNUAL ATO DINNER:  Jack Nichols didn’t attend because of other comittments. 

Several days before the event, I got an e-mail from a Distinguished ATO Potentate who wanted to make a surprise appearance, so he swore me to secrecy.  True to form, he showed up and it was truly a special evening. 

Here are the pics:

Doug Martin and Claire Collins

Peggy, Jan McGibbony, Kathy and Doug Martin

(drum roll, please) and the MYSTERY GUEST – TRAVIS PARR and wife Peggy, and Jan McGibbony

Actives Aaron Fine (the Troll), Hayden Kelly (Russell Crowe) withTravis Parr.  Here, Travis was telling Troll-Man and Russell Crowe about his adventures dating  "The Steak" - they were mesmerized!

Actives Michael Brett (Sven), Aaron Fine (the Troll) and  Hayden Kelly (Gladiator)

My lovely wife Ann Simons, and Active James Bond

Frank and Mary Collins and son Frankie

Larry and Ann Simons and the mysterious “Gypsy Hand”  - I’m told this hand signal was actually a Gypsy Blessing of some sort.

Charlie and Larry

A BETA PI BLOG FIRST – VIDEO!  People, it may surprise you, but this was TOTALLY unrehearsed!

Frank Collins, J.D. Strickland, Charlie McGibbony.  From the look on Frank's face, I think J.D.'s Electric Shock Therapy Treatments were wearing off.  And, of course, again – second year in a row – J.D. denied the use of Grecian Formula 44.  Sometimes I wish J.D. would grow a pair -  like Richard Nixon - when he said "You're not going to have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore."

Charlie and Larry

Frank Collins and Travis Parr

Frank Collins – taking the high road – shaking hands with Peggy Parr

I realize this looks like a Tales Game, but it’s not.  These guys do play Tales (but in strict secrecy, because of the ever-present PC Gestapo)

A great time was had by all.  Thanks to Stephen Magli for coordinating and getting the Actives to join in another episode of . . .GEEZER-FEST!

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of October 25, 2011, the Blog roster stands at 109 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Great pics--sorry I missed the festivities. Rena and I stayed at the Hyatt Regency in the Turks and Caicos--highly recommended to anyone thinking of traveling there. . We had great time. Just lay on the beach, sipping Mai Tai's. But, we were thinking about all the Beta Pi's back in Nashville.

Tom L."

TO TOM: The REAL reason BUCK didn't show for Reunion - he told me he wondered where you were - but said that he truly enjoyed his VISIT to Lees Summit, MO over the weekend! It was a quickie - IN & OUT. He said to tell you he wished you'd been there! That Lees Summit was Back-Door Central - whatever that means? HAAAAAAA!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Did I not read far enough down in the blog?

Who was the SMT (secret mystery tic) attendee promised to astonish all?

Joel Kadarauch"

TO JOREL: None other than Mighty Travis "T" Parr!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


CHIP HEARTFIELD sent me this info, which he got from an ANONYMOUS SOURCE. Remember, you DID NOT read it here:

"Larry, thought you would enjoy reporting on the destruction at the SAE house. You did not get this from me!

From an E

Thought you guys would enjoy this. Truly appaling behavior by some of my friends at our SAE fraternity house this past weekend for Vandy homecoming.

A little context: it's tradition for recently graduated alumni to trash the house in good fun to make the officers clean up

Let's just say this went overboard.

For the record I had to leave Saturday and wasn't involved.

The older alums were pissed, didn't realize that it was fellow alums who did it, bitched to the active guys.

Active guys sent the email below to several hundred alums of all ages.

Hilarity ensues. Enjoy.

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Concerned Alumni,

We appreciate your concern at the state of the house and thank you for coming by this weekend. We agree that the house is currently in the worst state that we have ever seen it and sympathize to a large degree with your concern about a lack of respect for the property. However, we think it is only fair, in the spirit of full disclosure, to let you know a bit more about how the house came to look, and smell, the way that it does.

Our officers and other concerned brothers spent a great deal of time and effort in the two weeks leading up to Homecoming to make sure that the house was presentable and that our alumni would be proud to come back. We had brothers painting, cleaning, repairing dry wall, vacuuming, etc. in order to make sure the house was in good order. We had brothers go to great lengths to get food together for the cooking that they preformed on Saturday - a new addition to homecoming that we hope you all enjoyed. We planned and paid for a cash bar that had been approved through appropriate channels, but the school later reneged and it had to be shut down. All this to say that for a 101 year old house, 2500 Kensington Place was looking as good as I've seen it in my time here. Then our alumni came.

To keep this short we will make a list of a few of the damages done by our alumni over the weekend:

2 4' X 12' sections of dry wall completely destroyed
17 broken windows
2 broken ceiling fans (all blades removed and glass shattered)
Every toilet in the house clogged with various objects including beer cans, toilet paper, etc.
Paint splattered all over the bar room
A slur painted on the basketball goal, which was also broken
Broken porch lights
5 broken door frames and locks
3 broken exit signs
2 discharged fire extinguishers (sprayed into the rooms of officers and onto the cars of active brothers with more slurs and graphic pictures drawn into the chemicals)

Officers rooms:

Treasurer's room:
All furniture broken with over $2000 worth of damage and his ottoman thrown through his window onto the adjacent roof

President's room:
Broken bed
Desk chair thrown through two different windows (incidentally both the chair and the shattered glass hit our president in the face as he was cleaning up beer cans in the front yard after the tailgate)

Rush chair's room:
The entire contents of the rush chairs room were found thrown through a window and onto the roof of the chapter room
Also of note, on Saturday night an alumni had to be stopped from defecating in the rush chair's refrigerator with a roomful of his contemporaries

House manager's room:
Relatively little damage with the only issue being that every window was broken out


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


". . .
Social chair's room:
It is currently impossible to walk into the social chair's room without stepping on glass as 8 champaign bottles and 7 handles of liquor were smashed on his floor
His bed was also vomited in and had a couch placed upside down in the vomit

Total (Minimum): $12,000
- Taken from the minimum cost for replacing or repairing all issues listed above.
- Costs include labor and materials provided by Vanderbilt Plant Operations

As this kind of destruction has become increasingly commonplace over the past few years, we anticipated some level of mayhem. What we got however was much worse than we expected. There is, without doubt, a very serious issue concerning the lack of respect for the property of SAE. The same can be said for the property of the brothers currently residing in the house. It is interesting to note that all of the destruction done this weekend, and in homecoming weekends past, has come from alumni and not the active brothers. There is a wealth of evidence to back up these claims and we take no issue if anyone would like to discuss the issue further.

The house means a lot to those of us who have enjoyed the opportunities that it affords us. For many, it has been an opportunity to meet lifelong friends and have the time of our lives; we would love to see it return to its former state. However, that process of transformation cannot happen solely through the hard work of current brothers. It will require a serious and concerted effort by both alumni and brothers to raise a good deal of funding in order carry out any kind of renovation plan. In so doing we will be able to create a place that commands respect and that will be much less inviting to the kinds of activities witnessed this weekend. We share your in your vision and in your frustration; there is little that would make us happier than to see the house returned to the majesty apparent in pictures we've seen from the 60's. We welcome any suggestions on how we might make the house a better place and hope that we will be able to use this past weekend as a way to bring us together with the common goal of improving the house for future True Gentlemen. We sincerely appreciate all of the contributions that you have made, past and present, that have made the house what it is today. We along with the actives of TN-Nu sincerely hope that the actions of a few will not sour our relationship in the future.

Please feel free to reach out to either of us with any questions or concerns that you might have."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"quite concerned that VU undergrads don't know how to spell champagne."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"My Brothers and Sisters,,
I am trapped at Mike Ditka's on Mike Ditka Way (formerly know as Oak Street) under the influence on numerous Martini's. I am soooo into the Tic Nation and 'Dore nation. Where do I sign up for this "blog". I am calling out all in the Tic Nation- Phibes, D Price, THE Rat, Aber, The BOSS (John Stein), T. Lovingood (funny f****n' guy), G. Loo Joe (My first and best of all time WM (all apologies to Woose- Mike Glover I miss you you SOB, let us know you are alive please!), SBS Steve Starr, Rod Yanker, Chip Heartfield, Marlon, Nick the Nick Nick and all the Alltime Greats to show props and join THE ATO blog. If you don't, you are a **** (not that there is anything wrong with that or that I personlly would give a shit (if you are a **** or not).
Fondest Regards,
Frank J "Buck" Biller
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Dear Frank-I hope you enjoy your evening.No matter what Vin the Vin Vin Vinny says,I think you're a Good Man-always have been,always will be.Get home safely!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, October 26, 2011:

"Dearest Lurch,
You have been out of your office for the last 4.5 years. We miss you Mark! Sign in once in a while so we know you are alive!
Your friend and Brother
Sent from my iPad"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Actually, Larry, if you read my email, it says "you did not get this from me." That means NOT mentioning me. Oh well, too late now."

TO CHIP "MR. UPTIGHT" HEARTFIELD: I read that, but just like "there is no crying in baseball" - there are no secret passes on the blog. Did you forget to breathe? Suggest you contact your doctor, or somebody and attempt to chill. Don't send me something that great and expect not to share in the cudos. I thought for a moment there you were becoming more human, could it be true?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Tics and Toks,
Biller still rocks,
but I didn't know he was a Homo.

There are few things that would entice me to come out and play, but a post by Dr. Phibes is Money.

Boys and girls (and oh what a list you have up there) it's been many moons since I have stopped long enough to see what you are up to. Seems to me that we need to have another gathering. I missed your last, but I am sure it couldn’t have been that much fun.

Biggie, yours truly, The Rat"

TO BIGGIE: We last were together for Olympic Tales, Nashville, 1984. Since then, we've had a few get-togethers, notably the Class of 74 Reunion, in wqhich many Greats - including Phibes - showed. I can safely say that although we had a great time (in a lame sort of way), it would have been truly spectacular if you had attended (note that I do NOT use the verb "come" for obvious reasons).

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM ART LANDRY, Oct.26, 2011:

"I'm in Augusta, Ga. Sat. night while the VU HComing is going on, at a party for my daughter and her new husband, who's from Augusta.I wind up in a conversation with a 1974 E named Sam Nicholson, who wants to talk about Matt Hart and Tom Curtin, among others . There's no getting away from the Tics. It being a nice party and mixed company, I did not dig into the Anals for stories. Because I had not seen the SAE email from Chip, I could not bring that up either. But the coincidence/confluence was astral.

All best to you all.


TO ART: Great to hear from you! Your name came up (while several of us stood at the urinal). Hey - don't mention CHIP HEARTFIELD's name as the guy who DISEMINATED THE FATEFUL SAE E-MAIL - Chip wanted to be a "hidden contributor" - "anonymous" - so DON'T TELL ANYONE CHIP DID IT, KEEP IT A SECRET. :)