Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2011, No.06 - Last week, the troll . . .

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for


The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links,

Archives of previous issues,

and other

time-wasters.  To get there, go to web address: .

*      *      *

POETRY CORNER:  Here is a short poem that sums up my last several days:


By Lorenzo Bozino

Last week, the troll of computer viruses
Took a big shit on me!
I must be writing something offensive
On my political blog J
I pissed-off some cowardly and anonymous enemy
Some troll sent me an e-mail marked USPS –
And stupidly -  thinking it was legit -
I opened it!
My computer screen began to careen
Doing double back flips.
I bought a new computer, and
It’s taken me a week
To regroup, and clean up
Troll poop.
I survived, to blog again!

*      *      *


Today, I got this message from my best friend Buck Biller:

Hey Larry,
Do we have a plan for the weekend yet? I want to make sure I have the right outfits:) I am looking forward to seeing your ugly mug and that cute little wife of yours. What group is coming for their homecoming this year?


PS. I am trying to get an interview for an executive position with a Nashville company. It's a long shot, but you never know. I could get season tickets for the Dores football, baseball and basketball (boys and girls)and maybe find Big Jackie. She and I had the original "Friends with Benefits" relationship. If you can dream it, you can do it my friend!

PSS. Matt Hart Sucks and so does Steve "Vinegar Vin" Starr.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

TO BUCK:  My friend, the plan is the same as our tried and true plan the last 5 Homecomings, roll out the red carpet for Tick-a-lo’s! 

Hey, I didn’t know that Statewide Janitorial Corporation was looking for new talent, good luck with that one!  Maybe you and Big-Jackie can apply as a “team”?  She can do all the “bend-over” tasks, you can be the hard-ass crew boss – dream on that one, too.

*      *      *

CLASS OF 1976 NEWS:   As previously reported, the 5th Annual ATO Dinner Reservation has been confirmed at Cabana for 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 22nd!

Here is the list of KNOWN-KNOWNS scheduled to attend:

IGOR FRANK COLLINS (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES! Frank & Mary and clan!

RALPH McGIBONY (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES!  Charlie & Jan - woooo!

DOUG MARTIN (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES - Doug and Kathy will attend.  NICK NICHOLS (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES!  That's the plan.

LUNCHMEAT BILL WHALEN (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES!  Sure, When? Living a sane existence in a basically insane society.  BUCK BILLER (Beta Pi, Class of 1975): YES!

TRAVIS "G-MAN" BURCH (Beta Pi, Class of 1971): YES!

INDIANA BOZINO (Beta Pi, Class of 1975): YES!

YOUNG ANN POLK SIMONS (Chi Omega, Class of 1976): YES!

JACK MUENCH:  (Beta Pi, Class of 1974): YES!

BOSS STEIN (Beta Pi, Class of 1973): “Larry, only tentative…….I have a possible NYC conflict that weekend.  John F. Stein”

STEPHEN MAGLI (Beta Pi, Class of 2012)& guest: YES!

J.D. STRICKLAND (Beta Pi, Class of 1985): ALWAYS.

*     *     *

HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of October 6, 2011, the Blog roster stands at 109 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...



I am a current member of the Beta Pi Chapter at Vanderbilt, and I stumbled on your Beta Pi blog a few days ago. I appreciate your networking to keep people in touch, and I just wanted to make you aware of our chapter's new website and Facebook page, if you're interested:

If you want to send those links out to your contacts who are brothers of our chapter, please feel free to. It will only help maintain connections to the chapter. Additionally, if you have any great pictures of the chapter and/or members from years past please send them my way and I'll get them on the Facebook page and website.



Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, Oct.20, 2011:

"Update to Brother Kuley.
The lad depicted on the right (absorbing a wild blind left hook from my hopelessly overmatched and frightened roomate and life long best friend Larry "Bozo" Simons) is none other than myself- Frank J. "Buck" Biller at the tender age of 19. Should I bear a resemblance to Daniel Kravitz I must extend my compliments to my doppelganger brother for his fine looks and physique.

This lucky punch set forth a steady stream of blood from both nostrils causing several of the ladies present to swoon and led to my unlikely demise that evening despite my obvious better looks and prowess at drinking (it was after all the "Brew-Boxing Championship of the World"). My second that fateful evening was none other than Pierce "The Wimp" Hodnette. A more worthy fellow has never drawn breath and I would stand in the corner again with him to this day. However, neither Pierce nor I knew how to stop the voluminous flow of blood and alas it was our mutual decision to call the bout.

None were more disappointed than Pierce and I at the outcome with the possible exception of the fellows who appear to be CIA operatives just to my right. These were SAE's who had arrived several hours prior to the bout to secure ringside seats. The popular rumor was that these well heeled Brothers of the Lions had reportedly bet each other several hundreds of dollars that my legendary drinking ability would best Larry's fine boxing skills given the bout going the distance. As luck would have it, Larry's punch nailed me at the close of the 2nd round. We never came out for the 3rd and the bout went into the history books."


Fear is a very useful thing - that was your problem, you had no fear (and as Pierce Hodnette testified, you did little or no training). I learned fear (and how to punch) in Tae Kwon Do after Rob Anderson layed a kick to my solarplexus. And many other guys kicked me around the martial arts world.

My fear (of losing to the likes of you, and getting hurt) motivated me to train, which motivated me to solicit a few sparing partners, namely THE RAT-MAN, aka "Biggie Rat". I told the Rat, hit me in the "kisser" with everything you've got. He said "Are you sure?" - I said Rat, I if I can take a punch from you, nothing Buck Biller throws at me will matter. Herb Ladley, my trainer, had endorsed this plan. To this day I can remember seeing "stars" after Rat slammed me.

And my bro - I trained on that left jab (it was a left jab to the face that bloodied your handsome nose) day after day, just to be ready for that moment. It remains a mystery to me why you dropped your guard. Maybe it was one of your Muhammed Ali poses? HAAA! You are my best and lifelong friend - and I love you. ILAMATOB

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JOHN STIEN, Oct. 21, 2011:

"Guys, get a room.
John F. Stein"


You are "old-school" all the way, baby! Buck already arranged for a room - hey - not that there's anything wrong with that. HAAAA!

Hey - don't miss the ATO Dinner. Here is why -

I am sworn to secrecy, but I can officially promise there will be a SURPRISE TICK-A-LOR to show up at the Game and ATO Dinner. This is no hype - not one of my promotional schemes. The secrecy bit is for dramatic effect, and I gave my word. Suffice it to say this Humanoid has not graced the hallowed halls since days-o-your. You will absolutely s_ _t when you see who it is! So you simply MUST ATTEND. You will SORELY regret it if you miss this thing - being RIGHT HERE IN NASHVILLE.
