Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2011, No.05 - Indiana Bozino

Beta Pi:

YEA . . . . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together. The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun.

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political. It includes
pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,
and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address:

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. . . or . . . So, I was getting pretty frickin’ fed up with the mundane satan-sandwich being spoon fed to me at the courthouse by lawyers, by Judge Judy, by clients, by parasites, by the sons-of-parasites . . . people saw me as some lawyer-schmuck. They have no frickin’ idea that I am actually a quasi-archeologist-schmuck.

Time for a trip to the nearest jungle . . . time for . . .

So, I and trusted Jungle-Assistant Young Ann Polk, headed for the Yucatan Peninsula.
At the airport we rented kayaks and got right into the river (and no, that is not Burl Frickin' Ives in the canoe, it is I, Lortenzo Bozino).

There were birds and

crocodiles everywhere.

From there, we saw a tarantuala.

Our Jungle Guide said it was an omen - DO. . . NOT . . . SEEK . . .THE. . . TREASURE. We ignored her advice and pressed on.

The entrance to the treasure was accessible only by rappelling to a mystic sinkhole, called a Cenote.

Instant rappelling lessons.
Then we had to swim the underground river - the locals call it a Cenote.

There were some semi-naked girls in the river, but Nurse Rachet stood guard, so

we were undaunted.

Then, we reemerged, and had to take a Zip-line (the natives call it a Cenote) across crocodile infested swamps (the natives . . . enough). Did I say there were crocodiles?

Then, we got there and the only way to the MYSTIC PYRAMID AT COBA was by what the locals call a Mayan Limousine (aka Cenote). We were frickin’ kings.

Then, there it was . . .


I spent some time studying this face. Why the sheer terror in the facial expression? Could it have been the ritual human sacrifice at the pyramid? No, this was a religious rite, a sacred honor.

Could it have been the ritual human sacrifice of the Winning Captain of the Ball Court? No, this was the Mayan sport, the Ball Court. Teams competed, and the winning team Captain had the great and sacred honor to be decapitated. No it had to be something else.

THEN, it hit me. There could be only one explanation. THE MEANING OF THE MYSTERIOUS COBA FACE:


Once you get it, instant terror! I know this because I was at that moment in the grip of a case of Tourista.

Then, we got to climb this ancient pyramid called COBA.

Why, because we are geezers, they said it might be closed to climbing soon, and the rest of the expedition were 20-somethinngs, honeymooners - we could not take the easy chair.

We begin our ascent. The stairs are not a gentle 45 degrees, or even 50 degrees, or even 60. Frickin’ 65 degrees. About as close as you can get to a sheer 90 degree wall, and still call it stairs.
That means that you climb in the erect position at your own risk. Thankfully, there is a rope to grasp.
From the top, the view was awesome.

It is only in looking down the so-called stairs that you realize how perilous it is.

You could look into the Mystic Chamber of the Priest.
Then, as I looked out, in my head, the trumpets sounded, I became a Priest, the song Flyin’ High Now started playing, the theme song from ROCKY, Flyin’ high now . . . NOT. No, this blog did not morph into ROCKY.

I stretched out my arms in a ritual Ann and I play out every time we travel to a foreign country. We find the tallest building with a balcony - the place most likely used for a Presidential Address, and I imagine myself as El Presidente. Then, I address my people. Hey, at least I don’t have any imaginary friends (or do I?)

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CLASS OF 1976 NEWS: FRANK COLLINS, the 5th Annual ATO Dinner Class of 76 Point man has notified me that the ATO Dinner Reservation has been confirmed at

Cabana for 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 22nd!

(Now, I guarantee I'll get 5 e-mails asking when and where, guaranteed.)

Here is the slate of Mystics scheduled to attend:
IGOR FRANK COLLINS (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES!
ART LANDRY (Beta Pi, Class of 1976):

RALPH McGIBONY (Beta Pi, Class of 1976):

BIRDMAN PAGE (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): NO. Will be on Mackinac Island in Michigan that weekend. 30th anniversary. Maybe next year.

CONAN PETERSEN (Beta Pi, Class of 1976):

DOUG UNIBROW MARTIN (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): MAYBE. PETER PAN SYNDROME, CLASSIC INABILITY TO COMMIT. Highly likely. About 90 pct sure.

NICK NICHOLS (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES! That's the plan.


OLLIE GRACE (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): MY LITTLE BRO', NO EXCUSE.

STEVE QUATTROCHI (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): LIVES IN MT. JULIET (NASHVILLE SUBURB), NO EXCUSE. Roach, do not tell us you have a lake trip planned.

LUNCHMEAT BILL WHALEN (Beta Pi, Class of 1976): YES! Sure, When? Living a sane existence in a basically insane society.

BUCK BILLER (Beta Pi, Class of 1975): YES!

TRAVIS BURCH (Beta Pi, Class of 1971): YES!

INDIANA LORTENZO BOZINO (Beta Pi, Class of 1975): Yes.

YOUNG ANN POLK SIMONS (Chi Omega, Class of 1976): YES!

LURCH the ringer (Beta Pi, Class of 1977)

JACK MUENCH the super ringer: (Beta Pi, Class of 1974): YES!

BOSS STEIN the board ringer (Beta Pi, Class of 1973): LIVES IN NASHVILLE, NO EXCUSE.

STEPHEN MAGLI the Active ringer (Beta Pi, Class of 2012)& guest: Yes.

J.D. STRICKLAND the Grecian 44 ringer (Beta Pi, Class of 1985): ALWAYS.
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HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.
BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of August 25, 2011, the Blog roster stands at 109 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!
Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Hi Larry,

Thanks for the offer, however I will not be able to make it.
I will be in CT that weekend picking up my father who has been living with us the past 8 years. He has been at my sister's for the summer.

Just read about your trip. Sounds like it was a great adventure.

Enjoy the Reunion!


TO CONO: As discussed, your Dad is welcome! Consider that 2 years ago, D. Price brought his whole-frickin'-family. Last year, Frank Collins brought his wife and teenage kids! We would love to meet your Dad!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Larry, You have become your father - not Burl Ives. I couldn't figure out at first why everything was called a Cenote, then I caught on! Very funny! Glad you didn't become crocodile breakfast.

TO SALLY: Thanks! I have great memories of my Dad, I know you remember him.

He died in 1975 (my senior year) at age 46. I was 22 then.

Well, when I turned 46 in 1999, it dawned on me that I had out-lived my Dad. My memories of him are stuck at age 46. That also means he never knew "me" at older ages, like 23, 33, 43 etc..

I never tell many people, but have told my closest ATO buddies, I attribute my health and happiness to my decision in June 2001 to acknowledge that I have an alcohol problem. I ask Dr. Joe Cruz (founder of Betty Ford Clinic) "Am I, or am I not alcoholic?" Dr. Joe said, "Larry, only God can answer that. But you might be careful in your late 40's, which is when your Dad, and his Dad ran into alcohol trouble." That very day, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, I had an epiphany, and made my decision never to drink again.

Today, I am 20 years clean and sober. Best decision I ever made.

Among my Dad's effects, I found an AA wallet card. The Serenity Prayer. Apparently he tried AA, but could never admit he had a problem (a must). Sometimes I wish I could tell him about how much God has helped me. Sorry to lay all that.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Your Quest was too funny…El Presidente…I love it. Thanks for the laughs…Mark

Best Regards,

Mark Reed

The Reed Company"

TO AMAZING CHEEK-UN: Mark, ever since you dressed in that white suit to Become "The Amazing Cheek-un" with D. Price, you - along with Alex Wilson, Herb Ladley, Pierce Hodnette and Frank Biller, and Doctor Phibes, and the Great Muenchie - have been at the very top of my list of heros. You and the greats of 1973 are in my heart, I love you, my Brother.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Hey Old Topper,
Thanks for sharing your story. I will always remember the day George died.
I admire your courage and conviction.

I love you my Brother.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


I know your dad's short life and his circumstances sadden you. But knowing what happened to him helped give you the strength to turn away from that life and make a different life for yourself. Maybe he even knows that he had a hand in helping you - we can only hope so.
Best to you,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MARK REED, Aug.26, 2011:


What a beautiful testamony to your father. May God bless you, Ann, and your family. This blog has been a wonderful way to reconnect with old friends. I greatly appreciate the incredible amount of time and energy you spend on this for all our benefit.

You may know Barret Sutton, a Nashville Attorney, who played with me and was in our class. Barrett has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and at this moment is in St. Thomas undergoing a biopsy to determine what his treatment plan needs to be. Keep him in your prayers.

Love ya…Mark
Best Regards,
Mark Reed
The Reed Company"

MARK: Thanks for your kind words. I do know Barrett Sutton, great guy and excellent lawyer. I first saw Barrett try cases when I was a night law student, working as a Court Officer in Circuit Court. Barrett came to our ATO Dinner in 2008, which I thought was really classy. Knowing guys like you, The Heme, Barrett and Claude Cody is walking among Giants. I will keep Barrett and his family in my prayers.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...



The voice-mail message you left for me on my old number was passed to me.

Was there something you needed to discuss? I am on vacation this week and out of the office.

If your call has to do with the VU reunion in October, Kathy and I still plan to attend and will probably get around to registering next week when we return home.

Doug Martin
New office # 402-544-6897

Anonymous said...

Sorry, i only attend reunions in years divisible by 5, when the moon is in the 7th house. Maybe 2015! And Larry, you missed the most obvious explanation for the rictus-grinning Mayan sculpture - they were Deadheads! The Dead was known to play the pyramids and the so-called "estadio pelota" (no, not cenote) was the original stadium concert venue. -