Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2010, No.09 - New Inductees

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . or


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together.

The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other


To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com .

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ANDREW SIMONS’ WEDDING: This past weekend, my son

Andrew Simons married Lindsey Looft! The wedding and reception were wonderful. I am feeling mixed emotions - which I expressed to Andrew - joy at his wedding, and sadness that he is moving away to Denver. Milestones.

ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER. Well, at the Wedding Reception - small world, a really nice coincidence - one of my ex-wife Genevieve’s friends is married to a Tick-a-lor from Class of 1980,

TIMOTHY L. STAFFORD, a.k.a., Tiny Tim - part of

Rod Yanker’s posse.

Tim tim.stafford@vanderbilt.edu  - owing to the sanctity of the Wedding Reception - wisely chose not to launch into any of the many sordid tales of Rod Yanker.


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Recently, I got a really nice e-mail from Becky Bruning Manyak:

Larry- Your blog always leaves me laughing! I've really enjoyed the pics of the Tics from this past reunion. Buck gets my vote as the guy I would still recognize on the street... Anyway, I'm trying to get commitments from Becky Denham, Karen Degerberg, Katie Herrington, Betty Ingle and Ellen Wright to attend our 35th in October. I'd give anything to see some of you play a Wales Tales game again!!!

A few days later, true to form, Becky notified me that she had persuaded that Celestial Beauty,

Karen Degerberg to join the Blog. It is now my distinct honor to welcome to the Beta-Pi-Blog-o-sphere, to that wacky gaggle of gals know as the ATO Girlfriends-o-yore, the great KAREN DEGERBERG karen.degerberg@gmail.com . We love you, Karen!!

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A BRIEF PRIMER ON THE HISTORY OF ATO GIRLFRIENDS-O-YORE. The Beta Pi Blog began in July, 2006, and has grown steadily. After we kicked it off,

Matt Hart had the idea to include women. This idea was very popular, yet it was not until July, 2008, that we were successful in enlisting the first female inductee, my former girlfriend . . .

SALLY TUCKER (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.32, Tick-a-lo Wimens in History, July, 2008)

After that, some of the All-Time-Great Gal-Pals of ATO came forth, including . . .


my beautiful wife ANN POLK (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.48 - G-F-O-Y Prize winner announced September, 2008)

BECKY BRUNING MANYAK (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.05 - The Bruning Chronicles, March, 2009)

KATIE HERRINGTON (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.08 - The Herrington Induction, April, 2009)

LINDA BURNS BAYLES (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.28 - Hurricane Phibes Hits Nashville, PART I, October, 2009)

DEBBIE PAYNE (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.29 - Hurricane Phibes Hits Nashville, PART 2, October, 2009)

In short, history has bestowed on us some of the world’s most beautiful women - and we are glad.

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HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of May 25, 2010, the Blog roster stands at 100 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 11 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Man--Andrew looks just like you!!"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, May 26, 2010:

"I concur with T. Lovingood's assessment. Drew does look like larry of yore. Poor Drew.

Apparently Lindsay did not get the advice from her parental units regarding prospective marital partners. My Dad said "Son, if you want to know what she will look like in 30 years, take a good look at her Mom before you make any rash decisions." Thanks Dad. Poor Lindsay. You will get some comfort in your later years through Hard Liquor and lon Overseas work assignments.

I do wish Drew and Lindsay all the best and good luck!

With Much Love,
Uncle Buck"

TO BUCK: Thanks Old Timer - I love you and miss you, looking forward to seeing you in October!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Larry, Thanks for the nice invite. I would love attend at the ATO dinner. Will get to work on our gang for the reunion! Thanks and nice to hear from you. Karen"

TO KAREN: Awesome! We'll look forward to seeing you.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, June 4, 2010:

"Dear Larry. Please publish email and Blog:

Note to Karen Degerberger (sic):

Dear Karen,
Welcome back aboard the "Ship of Fools".

One of my fondest memories of hanging out at the Tic Mansion was the parents' weekend when the Immortal Travis ("T") Parr, orator and wordsmith extrordinaire, former BF of Steak (and thus the envy of man and woman alike) and older brother of the Mysterious and Mercurial Steve "Sneaky" Parr, paid you that famous compliment.

It was a lovely saturday morning in the Spring. As you passed our boyhood gathering place in the company of your proud Mother and Father, decked out fetchingly as you often were in a lovely skirt and form fitting sweater, our Brother T uttered those now famous words...

"Hey Karen Degerberger, you sure got a looking nice set of (looooooong pause)- Parents!".

Your Mom was shocked! Your Dad (as I recall) knew she was shocked but was doing all he could to keep a straight face. I remember thinking (after I managed to ward off a heart attack from my convulsive laughter), "I can't believe T said that, but what a cool Dad Karen has.".

I will ALWAYS remember YOU. You did not say a word. You just turned your head slowly towards us and kept walking up Kensington with a beautiful smile on your face that said "Yes boys, I AM HOT and there is nothing whatsoever you ridiculous beer soaked/testosterone fueled frat boys can EVER do that will flap me. Not even embarassing yourselves by trying to embarass me in front of my parents."

I can see your face in my minds eye as if it just happened today. The thing that made all of you Tic Chicks so cool was your tolerance and celebration of our sheer lunacy. We had no idea why you loved us. You just did and we knew it was Cool.

I look forward to seeing you this fall.

I Love All My Tic Chicks,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Buck, I do remember that funny episode( but hadn't thought about it in years) and my parents wondering how we put up with you guys living next us Kensington girls! I was a sophomore and it was was their first ever visit to Vanderbilt . Then after a thriller basketball game with Vandy beating Tennessee at the buzzer(or something like that) they were hooked on the southern craziness. Of course, they knew I was studying hard, too.(I think). Had good stories to tell their Boston friends! Thanks for the memories and looking forward to catching up in person at the reunion. From the girl with the good looking.... Parents, Karen"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, June 5, 2010:

"Bozo-- please read and post for me!

Dear Buck,
I heartily salute you for such an accurate recall of one of our many diverse and much treasured moments in our Tic history!
I can only assure all parties concerned, that nothing was ever meant to embarrass Karen or her parents. Serving as the captain of the venerated porch crew that day, my intent was truly inspired as a compliment to Karen's bravery to slowly approach the ATO house, highly aware & well knowing she was most certainly (100% sure) to be subjected to a virtual barrage of commentary.
Lovely Karen had certainly seen and heard many previous porch crew renditions aimed at most anyone who dared to enter the proximity of the notorious porch crew --- which served to heighten the emotions of the moment. I recall many low groans from fellow crew members at the very beginning to loudly make my pronouncement... groans that sorely reflected the fact that the crew, in the fear of and disbelief that I was about to make my comments in the presence of her parents; and, potentially hurl the kind of comments most typically associated with those common to crew experiences.
I also agree with you, that her great smile, so quickly given in reaction to the porch oration, was one of genuine coolness when under fire ----and perhaps a small sign of appreciation, that we Tic's kept the comment clean. Her parents, who no doubt expected the worse, were very visibly relieved --- her dad was exceptionally proud.
Thanks for the memories and to you Karen for being such a good sport!

TO T PARR: In that moment, you exemplified both the "Wild Man" of Mythology and the "Gentleman" traditions that make us who we are. Full Moon! Hats off!