Friday, April 2, 2010

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2010, No.07 - The Deep Six

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . .

NAY, or


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

In this morning’s e-mail, I get a Happy Easter note from Buck Biller, something he received from . . .


Absolutely hilarious - involving two chocolate bunny rabbits.

Of course, as you well know, ATO is a Christian Fraternity, and

knowing Marlon 

he might not be the first to say that Easter is a celebration of the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

But then, commitment has never been Marlon’s strong suit. Thanks to Marlon  and Buck  for the laughs.

* * *

REUNION SEASON BEGINS: But not by me. The PR Geeks at Vanderbilt Alumni Association are responsible. Should I apologize in advance if some of my love-hate feelings about Vanderbilt spill out in this segment?

So, it’s official. I received my Official invitation to Vanderbilt Reunion, October 21 - 23.
No subtlety here - on the ENVELOPE itself, some PR Geek at Vanderbilt has dreamed up a super theme -


It’s kind of like multi-tasking with words, how clever is that? In the insular world of the college campus, multi-tasking is still seen as something hip. Why waste time and precious resources simply inviting an alum to come back - when you can

HAMMER THEM WITH A HIT FOR CASH at the same freakin’ time?

If they had consulted me first (never happen), I’d have suggested they’d get more folks to attend by enclosing a mouse-trap snapper in each invitation. The momentary pain my fingers would suffer would be preferable to the nausea and repulsion that Come Back / Give Back brings.

Well . . . following the nausea, what comes to my mind is the Lecture Series I gave to the ATO’s at our 10th - or 15th Reunion. The title of that harangue was: Just Say No - The Existential Dilemma of Charitable Giving.

Times are truly tough - there are a few among us who are unemployed, although I won’t mention names. I don’t know about you, but I’m self-employed, and 2009 was not what I’d call a banner year. Things have been slow.

And now comes our dear Alma Mater, inviting us to come back - BUT IN THE SAME FREAKIN’ BREATH, TO GIVE BACK.   Will somebody please gag me with a spoon - before I spew too many toxic words and phrases? That was just the envelope.

Inside the envelope . . .

PEDIGO IN THE NEWS:   there - on the cover of the invitation - is our own Ben Pedigo  , pictured playing banjo with some guys. Awesome Ben! Maybe featuring this picture of Ben is a self-fulfilling prophecy? Ben Shall Return? Could it happen?

* * * *

THE DEEP SIX: I ran into Sally King Norton at Starbucks several weeks ago, and she asked me to help with Reunion Class of 75. I told her I would be glad to contact my friends in ATO, provided that it did not involve fund-raising.

So, I get this packet of sample letters, and a List of ATO's. When I cross checked Vanderbilt’s list with my list, what emerged were .   .    .  THE DEEP SIX - 6 ATO’s with e-mail addresses, formerly unbeknownst, unheralded and unredeemed.

Drum roll please, and listen up . . . this is THE largest one-day find of new Tick-a-lo e-mails in Blog History - a virtual treasure trove of humanoids.

So, without further   to-do   - BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES
the Deep Six Humanoids of 1975 . . .


I remember Paul during pledge training - then he became something of a mystic, and amongst ATO’s that is a compliment, and one rank higher than  mystery man.

DANIEL DENNY  - A Mystery Man among men. 


Humanoid Brother to Venerable Brother Travis Parr.

STEVE SCOFIELD  - A Mystic among mystery men.


Humanoid Descendant of the Immortal King Solomon.


Clark is a photographer (and Mystery Man) and his claim to ATO fame is he shot the famed Biker ATO picture that appears in the 1972 yearbook. Although I frequently saw Clark hanging out at Sorority Houses with his camera in hand, and about campus shooting film, I never saw Clark at the Tick House. I hereby nominate Clark for Mystery Man of the Millennium.

And now, (fanfare, please) . . . small dogs will leap through hoops of fire!!

If any of you guys were close pals with these Mystics, Humanoids, and Mystery Men, we bid you, connect!

* * *

HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of April 2, 2010, the Blog roster stands at 99 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Marty Heflin said...


Dittos on your reunion thoughts. I'm working on the 30th and gads got sucked into the fundraising committee by my roommate. No fun asking people for money right now - not that it ever is. You can always use my tactic:

VU Coed caller:"Hi Mr. Heflin, I'm Susie Sorority, a Sophomore and Vandy! How about giving us all your money!!!

Me: Umm, what's the endowment at?

VU Coed: Why our endowment is $13 quadrapillion...isnt' that awesome??!!!
(Note - I think three exclamations points = smiling giddy face)

Me: When it dips below $2 Billion give me a shout, until then I think you're in good shape.


Marty Heflin

Too Tall said...

Definitely some obscure Tics of yore. I don't even remember ever seeing a couple of those guys after the party at the end of Rush. Of Clark Thomas, in addition to the famous Bikers photo he took several Commodore group photos of the ATOs including the swimming pool in 1974 and the Ship of Fools pirates in 1975. Maybe also the Ezekial Floose family reunion of 1976?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM VAN SAYLER, April 5, 2010:


I enjoyed reading the blog this morning. Thanks for keeping it going.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, April 18, 2010:

"I booked my room already. Get it done soon. I am bringing a mystery date and you miserable mugs cannot crash with me.

PS to Ben Pedigo- Who are those guys you are playing with on the Web page for our class reuniuon? One of them looks like Earl Stover from behind."

TO BUCK: Excellent. If my memory is correct - I got an e-mail from Ben recently indicating he might attend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


" got a note here from Ben. You may want to post.

Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 14:10:02 -0700
Subject: RE: ATO, Vanderbilt Class of 75

Frank- good to hear from you- it was Earl's brother Zach. They toured after Vanderbilt in the band- The Stover Brothers and Little Jimmy. Jimmy is now in California and is a dental assistant. Cousin Benny-"