Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2010, No.06 - Historical ATO First

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . .

NAY, or


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

HISTORICAL ATO FIRST: So, I was reading my e-mail several days ago, and I get a random e-mail from a Beta Pi Active who said he happened upon the blog, and this is what he sent:

Dear Mr. Simons,

My name is Abe Benavides and I'm the alumni relations chair for ATO Beta Pi at Vanderbilt. I've been working to improve our alumni relations and I stumbled upon your blog during my research. It is clear that you have done a great job at maintaining strong connections with several Beta Pi alums. I sent out an alumni newsletter earlier this semester to our alumni email contact list. However, it seems that several of these e-mails were outdated. It would be very helpful to us if you could provide us with your email list for your blog. We see the alumni newsletter as an important way to strengthen the connection between alumni and the current house. An updated and more accurate email contact list would help us connect with a bigger group of alumni.

Below I am attaching the initial version of the alumni newsletter. Hopefully you received it the first time around, if not, enjoy.

Love and Respect,

Abe Benavides, Class of 2011

It was clear - from the fact that he addressed me as Mr. Simons, as opposed to HEY BOZO! - that this is a fine young Tick-a-lor, of excellent breeding. I encouraged him to join the blog, and send a photo. Adding him to the blog would, of course, fulfill his goal of tying in to the Geezer Line-up. Here is how - to my amazement - he responded:

Mr. Simons,

Thank you for the quick response. I'll go ahead and attach my picture to this email. Also, I'll go ahead and attach a few other pictures from the year that you may enjoy. One of the pictures is from the

Top Gun party outside on the porch this fall. The other pictures is of the brothers at the

Winter Formal in December.

Thanks again for your help,


So, with further  to-do . . .


Gentlemen, the blog is now not only international, it stretches from Classes as early as 1970 to an Active ATO, a member of the FUTURE Class of 2011!

Welcome, Brother Abe  !

* * * * *


Since I don’t practice that ancient religion where barefoot monks in black robes walk up steep and rocky mountain trails flagellating their own backs with whips . . . I thought I would pound on myself - figuratively speaking - by showing you a slice of my worthless life, doing something I really enjoy doing. This calls for an original poem . . .


It is not Animal Farm, though a noble tale that was.
It’s not a farm fantasy, with lots of soft peach fuzz.

It’s not American Gothic, with pitch fork in hand.
No, this is the tale of a most peculiar man.

Its neither here, and it’s neither there,
For upon his head is not much hair.

It does not come, it does not go.
Call it Farm Fixin’s - the tale of Barnyard Bozo!

Some of you know that a few years ago, I bought a small  farmette - 10 acres near Dickson, Tennessee. And, I’d always wanted to buy my lovely wife Ann a horse, so I did that, in fact I bought two. We plan to build a house there in several years. Right now, there is a barn, and horses, and plenty of hills to hike. This is something I really enjoy, something Ann and I have a lot of fun doing. I thought, why not share about it, and have a little fun, therefore . . .

Beta Pi Blog proudly brings you . . .


We are on the road to Dickson, which is 45 minutes west of Nashville. We get off at the Centerville Exit, drive past the

broken down truck stop.

Our farm is about 10 minutes

back in the woods.

Charlie is our stud.

We will be getting him gelded.

Before we erected a line fence, he fell in love and got our neighbor’s horse

Star pregnant, and a few weeks ago she had a foal! We had a time, but I caught her and got her and the foal separated from Charlie.  On many occasions, Charlie’s legs are barely long enough to prevent his member from dragging the ground.  After we get Charlie gelded, he will be trainable - but for now we cannot ride him, he is too  spirited (code word for Too friggin' wild)

Our mare is named Ruby, and she is very gentle, and I ride her a lot.

Before any riding, our

Pole Barn must be mucked. To get this done, I rake and shovel up

the manure - why mince words here, horseshit is what it is.

As I do this, I cannot help but remember

George C. Scott as Patton, saying:   Someday, when your grandchildren ask you - ‘What did you do in the Great War?’ - well, you won’t have to say . . . ‘I shoveled horseshit in Idaho.’

Shoveling done, time to practice some

  riding moves . . .

Getting Ruby saddled is fairly easy, she is gentle.

The hard part is getting my foot in the stirrup, and mustering enough bounce to propel my fat carcass up

and onto the saddle.

This is when the expression on my face changes.

I like to wince like my hero Clint Eastwood.

We check out the creek.

Charlie is hot on Ruby’s rear-end,

which could spell trouble for MY rear-end.

After the ride, time to brush Ruby.

But something seems familiar.

Something under Ruby’s tail reminds me of . . . 2 words come to mind . . . just 2


Wild, in wild West Tennessee!  HAA!

* * *

HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of March 25, 2010, the Blog roster stands at 93 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, March 25, 2010:

"Larry, how did you get a pic of my newest girlfriend? She told me she just escaped from Cuba.

Cudos to Brother Abe the Lesser from the current tribe on Kensington. I love all my ATO Brothers. My heart is lifted to see a band on the very spot where I stood with Larry, Vinnie, Alex and Laura on my graduation day in 1975 while my Mom and Dad snapped pics. I love that you guys are having fun and building friendships that will last your entire lifetime like we did. It is the circle of life. God bless you guys. I will be in Nashburg this fall for my 30th reuniuon and I hope I can raise a glass with you fine fellows.

Your Brother,
Frank J. "Buck" Biller"

TO FRANK: Uh, Frank . . . hello? 2005 was our 30th. This October will be the big 35. Its ok, a little more Gerital, and a little less Jack-Daniel-ital, and the old memory will re-ignite, Old-Timer! HAA!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MARK McGANN, March 26, 2010:

"Two words come to mind, Ruby Falls, and it's geritol ya heathen."

maryspal said...

Clint the Squint never could boast a package like the one you carry ABOVE belt, Brother Larry. Here's to you and your spirited companions!

Rancher Stoner said...

New nickname suggestions:
Bozo Wayne
Bozo Cartwright
Bozo "the rifleman"
(aka Chuck Connors)
Do we need a vote?

Gee, the Vin Starr we knew was a fine law student.... we never thought of him as a horse's a--

Unknown said...

Hey Rancher Stoner -

He's already given himself the nickname -

"Barnyard Bozo" -

and I for one like it!


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

TO THOSE LAWLESS WESTERN THUGS, MARTY THE KID, RANCHER STONER & CHUCK CONNORS WHARTON: "You don't look like no rootin', tootin' son of a bitchin' cold-blooded asassin to me. You'd be Mr. William Muney. . ." Guys - I need you to come to Reunion in October. My Class is plagued by laziness and complacency - I need you guys to come and administer CPR to the zombies in my class.