Friday, April 3, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.08 - The Herrington Induction

Beta Pi:


Yes, and


It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the Beta Pi Blog, not the entire content. The blog is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

During the whole Girlfriends-of-Yore excitement (See Archives, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.32 to No.34, July 2008 and No.48, September 2008) - unbeknownst to the blog community - Tison Keel made contact with Katie Herrington and informed her about the blog. That was a year ago. And a few weeks ago, Becky Bruning Manyak brought up Katie’s name again, so I called Tison. Tison gave me an e-mail for Katie, but it bounced.


Persistence does count my friends. In today’s e-mail, I got a letter from that great gal of glory days - that former flame of Frank Filler (the alliteration was too good to resist) - Biller , that is, the one-the-only Katie Herrington :


The blog site is wonderful and I'm amazed at the number of participating ATO’s. I never dreamed that so many guys would stay in touch so vigilantly. They have you to thank for sure. I think I worked with your wife on D3200 if she is the Ann Polk I'm thinking of. I even have an apple crisp recipe of hers!

I've been living in Ann Arbor, MI for the past 23 years and I've been happily married for 30 years to a great guy. Tison Keel actually knows him since he would visit us when he was working in Columbus, OH. I have two kids who thankfully are gainfully employed in these rocky times. I'm a neonatal ICU nurse at the university hospital and continue to enjoy my work even after all of these years.

I loved the Bruning chronicles and looking back through your archives. So I guess you should sign me up for the blog so I can keep up to date on all of the current antics or connections of the ATO brothers. The Pi Phis should be jealous! All the best to you Larry. Thanks for the heads up on the blog!


TO KATIE: Great to hear from you! Thanks for your kind words about ATO’s and the blog. Yes, my wife’s maiden name was Ann Polk - I know she will remember you, something as distinct as a family apple crisp recipe is almost sacred.

Its good to hear you have been happily married for so long (whilst your’s has lasted so long, many of us have been forced to visit the Doctor of Divorce, myself included). Ann is a Pediatric Oncology Nurse at VUMC - she’ll be happy to hear you are also in pediatrics. I have a private law practice here in Nashville, and Ann and I just celebrated our 13th Anniversary!
I will happily induct you into the ATO Blog-o-sphere. You know, my Mom was a Pi Phi - so its in my very blood. I hope we’ll see you at a Reunion soon.


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I checked the blog Photo Archive, and found a mysterious picture that Steven Starr sent to me - he was so proud to be "snaking" Buck’s girl!

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DON’T FORGET - CHECK OUT THE COMMENTS - BETTER YET POST A COMMENT. (Click on Comments - just below "VTL, . .") Too lazy? Send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of April 3, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 95 Beta Pi brothers, 87 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - deliver it, mister!
Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

1 comment:

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM SALLY TUCKER, April 3, 2009:

It's obvious that the NURSES RULE as far as girlfriends-o-yore go. And I'm proud to boast that I was the first one (after Ann) to invade the Blog!

TO SALLY: Nurses not only rule, they ROCK! I think its no coincidence that so many fine Nurses dated so many Tick-a-lors. It must have been written in the stars. The Gypsy Woman told me so.