Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.02 - Tison Tours Cordner-Land

Beta Pi:
IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. THE BLOG HAS MOVED TO A NEW ADDRESS. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com/ .

FRANK BILLER PROMOTES FIRST-CLASS AIR TRAVEL: I got this from Past-Potentate Frank J. Biller fbiller1@msn.com , who - along with Vinny starr2456@comcast.net - was a very close friend of my Dad, George Simons. Thanks, Buck!

"This is why George Simons always flew "1-C Baby!".
* * * *

TISON TOURS CORDNER-LAND: Venerable Tison Keel tison.keel@hotmail.com sent me this e-mail the other day regarding his coincidental tour of Jim Cordner’s home in Houston.

"Larry, do you recall a Tic brother named Jim Cordner, class of '74 I think? I was looking at homes in the Houston area last weekend, (we're looking at moving down there in about a year - another story) and found a VU diploma on the wall in one bearing that name. I was pretty sure I remembered an active a year or two older than us named Jim Cordner, though I didn't remember him being around the house a lot.

Anyway, the owner was not at home, so I left a note with my name and phone, asking if he was a Beta Pi ATO, and the scumbag never called me back. So either he wasn't a Tic, or he was a typical Tic who keeps his head down and never calls, never writes....
Do you have his name on the Blog list?

Yes, Jim Cordner cordnerjp@hotmail.com is Class of 1974, and I confirmed the Houston address with Tison, who agreed to be interviewed by Beta Pi Blog:

BLOG: So Tison, what was Cordner-Land like? Any features in the home that "stood out?"

TISON: Well, the love swing and mirror ball in the master BR did catch my eye. If I were to make an offer, I would be sure to insist that stays, along with the window treatments, washer & drier.

BLOG: Cordner was known to be a "ladies man" - and an "Elvis fan." Rumor had it that Cordner had devoted a room in his house, which he modeled after the famous "Jungle Room" at Graceland. Tell us how thick the shag carpet was?

TISON: I guess that would be the daughter's bedroom. Definitely over the top, but no shag or jungle, except for the 4 or 5 large hydroponic potted plants bearing palmate, serrated leaves, under high intensity gro-lamps which also illuminated several colorful posters of Jimi and Cream! The daughter let me into the locked room only after I pledged not to discuss its interior with her parents.
Life sized wax model of the King (white jump suit & scarf years) was in the entrance hall.

BLOG: Jim was an incredibly loyal Tau, and was known to have an occasional drink. I had heard he built a bar, similar to the Zebra Room Bar. Any truth to that?

TISON: Now that you mention it, that explains the boy's bedroom - painted black, had astroturf carpet, and a long red vinyl sofa built into one wall. However, not fully authentic, because there was no zebra painted on the wall. The bar was well stocked, but also cleverly hidden for those Sundays when the preacher came for a visit. A large bookcase in the family room was hinged on one side, and swung open to reveal a keg tap, wine rack and enviable collection of 15+ year-old, single malt whiskeys.

BLOG: While at Vanderbilt, Cordner was known never to miss a meal prepared by Alex & Laura. Tell us about the Cordner kitchen?

TISON: Not remarkable. Lots of stainless steel and cooking vessels hanging on hooks. Living room made me feel at home, though. Couple of long, sagging sofas, marked with various stains, card table in the corner, Advent speakers hanging on the walls. Noted some repair was needed for a hole above the fireplace and several broken ceiling tiles. Also there was a yellow 1948 Buick parked in the side yard that would need to be towed. Overall a most pleasant abode!

BLOG: Thanks, Tison! Here’s hoping this lights a fire beneath Cordner, who is due in Nashville in October for his 35th - Reunion ‘09.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of February 3, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 95 Beta Pi brothers, 87 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 6 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

E-MAIL FROM FRANK COLLINS, February 3, 2009:

"Bravo! An instant classic! Where the hell have you been, anyway? The world needs more consistency - beginning with the Beta Pi Blog. Lord knows, I do. After all, I work for Merrill Lynch."

TO FRANKO: Yes, well, lets just say I have a serious case of the blues - but, thankfully I still have a little zing left in my stinger. I'll try to blog more often.

Since you brought it up . . . it seems like lawyers were bad guys for a while (remember when "lawyer jokes" were hip), then politicians, but we had it easy compared to investment bankers ("Wall Street") - you guys now hold the coveted "scum-o-the-earth" title. Enjoy! Here's hoping the new administration succeeds in stimulating the economy (my portfolio could use some stimulation). Be well!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM SALLY TUCKER, February 3, 2009:

You are so creative. I can't believe you are a lawyer. You should've
stuck with the music biz.


TO SALLY: Aw shucks, Ma'am! There are days when I, too can't believe I'm a lawyer - those days usually happen when I'm working on a grissley divorce or custody case. Be well!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

E-COMMENT FROM THE HEME, February 4, 2009:

"You guys are GREAT!!

The Heme………….."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIM CORDNER, February 4, 2009:

"OK, got to admit Tison's write-up is close to accurate and well done. No, I didn't call him, but things are moving fast around here and a social visit hasn't been my priority. My wife (of 29 years) stated she did not want to be married any more. Hence the house for sale.

Having said all that, I continue to enjoy the blog. But you guys have way better recall than I! I don't remember what I had for breakfast much less what happened at a party 35 years ago."

TO JIM: Great to get your note - sorry for the circumstances around selling your house. I went through that back in 1990 - not fun. All the more reason for you to show up at your 35th Reunion this October. We'd all like to see you.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MARK REED, February 4, 2009:

"Larry...too funny. Tison Keel and Jim Cordner...ghost from the past!

Mark Reed"

TO AMAZING CHEEK-UN: Cool coincidence, Cordner! What a coup if Jim Cordner shows up in October. It will be hard for '74 to beat the outstanding showing of your '73 guys. I enjoyed seeing you all so much last October!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK J. BILLER, February 4, 2009:

"He's back. Pass the word to the chicks, Larry is back!!!
Great "interview" with T Keel. I am at a trade show in Orlando. I will wave when I fly over Nashville. I will also call soon. I hope you are well.

TO BUCK: Tison is awesome, what a great writer. Hey, Vinny called me from Vegas - the annual Vegas / Super Bowl Trip - you usually make that trip. What gives? Yes, we are all well. Take care, old friend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

E-MAIL FROM BOB SMOOT, February 5, 2009:


Enjoyed the tale of Jim's home, in fact I just flew in from Houston about an hour ago. However, Tyson has made a grievous misstatement, the yellow smoking parlor was a Plymouth not a Buick. Just thought I'd set the record straight. One these days I will make it back to Nashville for a homecoming, perhaps this year, in that was suppose to be the class I should have graduated with based on my start date. A while ago I tried to get together with Marlon, Chipper, and Stoner, however, things went amuck and the evening fell apart. I did have the opportunity to go to Nats game with Chipper and Marlon some time ago and enjoyed re-connecting with them, they're still half crazy. Later after dinner, unfortunately it seems, Marlon ran out of brewskis; it was a very tough drive home to say the least, Hope the Beta Pi nation is well and enjoying life.



No doubt Tison's grievous misstatement is because his powers of recollection were affected by activities in the Yellow Car.

Glad to know you might come to Nashville. Best time to come will be in October, Homecoming / Reunion. It will be Class of 74's 35th.

As to Marlon being half-crazy, Marlon would say he is sane and everyone else is crazy. But then, keeping company with the likes of you, Chip and Stoner would tend to support that proposition (kidding).

Be well, old friend,