Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol. 2008, No.39 - The Heme Takes Command!

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address: .

THE HEME TAKES COMMAND: The Heme has stepped up to be "point-man" for the Tick-a-lo’s-O-73! Heme is planning an "All-Tick-a-lo Dinner" Saturday evening, October 25th, at Rumba, a fashionable West End Restaurant. Heme, in an abundance of caution, I went ahead and made a reservation at Rumba for 24, and they are loose if more show up.



I think Rumba, 7 pm is perfect. The invitation is extended to ALL Tic’s (and you know who you are), NOT necessarily from the class of ’73. Please pass the word and we need an approximate head-count for the reservation. (i.e.; If we say 20 and 28 show up, no problem, but 45 might be a problem.)

Please let Larry know if you can make it. How’m I doin?

George Tomlinson"


"Heme, place an order for 2 more spots for me and Kimberly. Let's Rumba! Thanks"

* FROM JOHN "BOSS" STEIN: "I am in, total of two. jfs"

NON-OFFICIAL CONTINGENT TO REUNION GROWS - MARTY AND LOVE-MAN TO ATTEND! Reunion ‘08 will not be limited to Class-o-73 and Class-o-78 - I got word today that Immortal Marty, a.k.a. Frank Collins, ‘76 will be attending.

And The Love-Man, a.k.a. Tom Lovinggood, ‘74, and myself Bozino Lorenzo, ‘75 will be in attendance. And of course, what Reunion would be complete without a J.D. sighting?

HUGE GORILLA POPULATION FOUND IN CONGO! This is an amazing story - one that I thought M-LINK, a.k.a. George Ford would find interesting (See Link at right). Apparently, there is a massive throng-o-kong! Link, no monkeying around here, we love you - among Tick-a-lo’s, you will always be King (Kong).

SUNFLOWER BLUES FESTIVAL UPDATE: Ann and I are headed to Sunflower tomorrow! I’m ready fo’ big fun. My step-son William (age 19) is going with 5 of his buds - yeah. They are bringing their sleeping bags to camp out in our apartment guest room. The Festival line-up includes Lil’ Howlin’ Wolf, Jimbo Mathis, Super Chikan, Jimmy Burns, and Shemekia Copeland (See link on the right). Yow-za-bay-bay!

BLOG TIPS: Be sure to check out the COMMENTS at each issue. This is where your e-mails are posted. Go to the bottom of the blog issue, where it says "This entry has __ Comments" - and click on "Show Recent." There are some great comments. Some brothers are posting their own comments. To do this, click on "Add Your Own."

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of August 6, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 90 Beta Pi brothers, and of those, 83 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Bro’ -it’s up to yo’!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM THE HEME, August 6, 2008:

"Bozino, you are the BEST!  There is a place in heaven or at least at the dinner table for such an effort.  I love you brother!

The Heme"

TO THE HEME:  My pleasure!  I love you too my brother.  Bozino