Sunday, July 20, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.36 - Video Tick-a-lo Extravaganz-o

Beta Pi:

IS BETA PI BLOG JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address:

A hand-full of Tick-a-lo’s have submitted videos to this blog, and up until now, I used the "Links" section (to the right) to place the links. This was tedious - it required you to move your "mouse" to the right, visually search the long list of links, and click on the link. No longer. Today, the blog is unfurling new blog-technology which allows me to "embed" a video "link" within the text. This eliminates all of e-red-tape and puts the link where its convenient.
Why all this e-bull?  Well, as I said there have been several Tick-a-lo Men, a Tick-a-lo-Offspring, and even a Tick-Ex-Girlfriend-o-Yore who have submitted videos. Beta Pi Blog is proud to present a new feature, so without further "to-do". . .


Here are the videographers who have contributed:
J. NEAL CRENSHAW, a.k.a. XBG-NEAL, a.k.a. X-NEAL: The video submitted by Neal is original, creative and fun. Neal works and lives in Thailand (he builds Embassies), and his video, entitled "Neal's Bike With an Killer Sound" - features a very-cool motorcycle, a Bavarian Motorcycle Mechanic (yeah, pump-you-up!), and Neal’s beautiful wife and children. Thanks, J-Neal!

*      *      *

JOEL KADARAUCH, a.k.a. ITCHY, a.k.a. JOR-EL: Joel lives and works in Alaska (he is in the Beverage Distribution Business) and loves to ski with his dog! Joel’s video is original, highly creative - he uses a "Helmet-Camera - and I’m certain it is Joel playing the eggs-cellent bluegrass music in the background. I found this video - on YouTube - whilst searching the web for Joel. Eventually, I e-mailed Joel, he responded, and I had a great phone conversation with Joel. Enjoy the video, which is at the link (on the right) entitled "JOEL KADARAUCH  HELMET-CAM VIDEO."
*      *      *

ANDREW TAYLOR SIMONS, a.k.a. Bass Player-Groundspeak. My son Andrew plays in a Memphis Jazz-Fusion band called Groundspeak. They made an original video and put it on YouTube - of their band playing a Memphis Night Club. I am hereby dubbing Andrew "Son-of-Tick-a-lo Lorenzo."  The video, which is at the link (on the right) is entitled "GROUNDSPEAK ON YOUTUBE - LIVE AT THE HI-TONE."

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MARK McGANN, a.k.a. MARLON: Mark Marlon brought a great DVD to last Reunion "Eleuthra-Mania Memories" and Vinny, Buck, and J.D. Strickland and I watched it on the DVD/tv in my den.  It was the best! Unfortunately, Marlon very selfishly kept it to himself and took it home! I’ve asked him for it, but he is stubborn - (Marlon, remember in Kindergarten, they taught a concept: "sharing?"). Thus, thanks to Marlon, "Eleuthra-Mania Memories" video is not yet presented herein. Thanks, Marlon!
*      *      *

SALLY TUCKER, a.k.a. SALLYDORE: My ex-college-girlfriend Sally made videos in college using a home movie camera. She was kind enough to have thoseconverted from VHS tape to DVD and mail it to me. I’m able to view in on a conventional DVD player, but due to some computer glitch (which I’m still working on) I’m not yet able to play the DVD on my computer - and thus not able to present it yet. It will be featured soon, in an upcoming blog entitled "Tick-a-lo Wimens in History, Part II - The SallyDore Video."
Thanks to my good friend Sally!
*      *      *
STEVEN STARR, a.k.a. DIP-WAD, a.k.a. VINNY, , a.k.a. WHIPSNADE: Vinny submitted a video to me, but it was not original, and it contained some x-rated content not suitable for posting on this blog. Vinny . . . BEHAVE!

*       *      *       *        *


Of the Ticks-o-73, we know this much:
ABER will attend.
BOSS STEINwill attend.
CHEEKS REED will attend.
THE HEME will attend.
CLAUDE CODY, GEORGE JOE or MIKE McCARTY will attend or not.


I have written a letter to Cusack (explaining the blog) and have placed calls to his law office. My Dad, the late George H. Simons, used to say "Son, there isn’t anyone on the face of this earth that I can’t get on the telephone in one hour." I used to be that good, too, but Cusack has destroyed my record. I can’t get the man on the phone. And BOSS STEIN, don’t try calling him, since you’re in charge of fund raising. No . . . we need one of the All-Time-Greats-o-73 like ABER, or THE HEME to call this nebuloid CUSACK.
Timothy J. Cusack
Cusack Jaramillo Romero & Asc
P.O. Box 250
Roswell, NM 88202-0250

(505)622-3542 (office)
Your mission is to get Tim’s e-mail address for starters - we’ll worry about getting him to Reunion later.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 20, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 90 Beta Pi brothers, and of those, 82 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.34 - The Girlfriends-o-Yore Show!

Beta Pi:


 Yes, and


It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the Beta Pi Blog, not the entire content. The blog is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply Click on the web address: _


A new program has been approved for broadcast . . . inspired by Jimmy Grissett . . .

Welcome to the show. I’m your host, Lorenzo Bozino.

Several prominent Tick-a-lo’s will be joining the show in a panel discussion.

Today’s question is:  What ever became of your college sweetheart? - a bold question, not one for the meek or the shy.

Please welcome our Panel . . .Gentlemen, a few ground rules - I will pose no personal questions, and gentlemen - in your responses - please, no personal details here - this show is about locating long-lost-friends - that’s it. After all gentlemen, we are not savages (except Grissett).

., Vinny from Minneapolis,

The Heme, and
TravitoParrino from Reno!

A. Phibes, PhD

Last rule is the Lark Mason Rule - which simply means that any leads you provide must bear fruit in order to win - in otherwords, no bogus leads.

One of you will emerge as the winner. To win, whatever leads or information you provide in your responses, it will be up to the audience to act on those leads, so audience, contact the College-sweetheart - and then its up to the sweetheart to make contact with Beta Pi Blog.   Put simply the Lark Mason Rule means that BPB Editorial Staff will not investigate or act on your leads.  Got it? 

Lets play the game, the first sweetheart to contact the Blog by e-mail determines the winner!

Our panel will not be in the studio, they are connected via e-connection. Audience members, prepare for high speed internet search engines to whine!
And now, the first question goes to The Abominable Doctor Phibes:

Phibes, how do we get in touch with Ann Simpson? . . . . (10 seconds, Phibes):

Doctor Phibes:   I wrote to her several years back, tried to get her to come to N-Ville. She was smart enough to decline the invite. I think she had a lifetime of excitement dating the venerable, abominable one for 18 months. I believe she still has a family connection with Mr. L.P. Hodnette, III. That might work.

Next question goes to Vinny from Minneapolis:

Vinny, how do we get in touch with Laura Riddick? . . . . (time’s up):

Vinny: Now Larry, It's been over 30 friggin years since I talked to Laura Riddick, and your question implies she and I are regular buddies! My advice: Ask Art Landry -- he's connected down in NO and the Riddicks are (or were) a prominent family there. Did you look her up in the VU alumni directory?

Bozino: Sorry Vinny, 10 point penalty for addressing the host as Larry, 20 point penalty for using friggin, 50 point penalty for your question implies . ., 10 point penalty for rendering legal advice to Lawyer Landry - and, the Lark Mason Rule is in effect, remember? No help from the Blog here."Cindy Wigton was her name at school. She married some stock broker from Atlanta and still lives there. I have no idea what the name is or how to get in touch.. Cheeks Reed might know better. Why? You got any pics???

Next question goes to The Heme:
Heme, how do we get in touch with Cindy Wigton? . . . . (30 seconds, Heme):

The Heme:   . . .Bozo- - I don’t have her e-mail but do have her phone #’s and street address -
Bozino: Sorry Heme, the Lark Mason Rule is in effect. Take it up with Grissett.

And the last question goes to Travito Parrino from Reno:
Travito, how do we get in touch with Rena Dabne? . . . . (Sorry, that’s all the time we have . . .):

Travito:  Mrs. Rena Sartain, 257 Chastain Commons, Atlanta, GA 30342. (404) 252-2124
(404) 520-6382.   Bozino, Now that I think about it, she was married to one of the principals of Robinson-Humphrey of Atlanta (stock broker outfit). I don't know if she was a Robinson or a Humphrey, but you, Sherlock, will certainly find her. I hope she is still as beautiful as I remember....

Bozino: Sorry Travis, no personal details. The Lark Mason Rule is in effect - remember, to win . . . the "college sweetheart" must contact Beta Pi Blog. The web address is
Bozino: Travito, 1,000 Bonus Points for Concise, factual Response!  (Ding, ding, ding)
(The Heme’s buzzer goes off again . . .)
The Heme:

Folks, that’s our Show. Join us next time for THE GIRLFRIENDS-O-YORE SHOW. Goodnight!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 9, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 90 Beta Pi brothers, 82 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.32 - Tick-a-lo Wimens in History!

Beta Pi:


: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, simply "Click on" the web address:

I’m driving to WalMart to buy a ceiling fan, and my Blackberry signals receipt of an e-mail. Its an AOL Alert telling me someone has posted a comment to the Peta Pi Blog. So far, only Tick-a-lo’s have posted comments. My friends, as you know Beta Pi Blog is not a private blog. It matters not, because we are gentlemen, and anyone is welcome to look at the blog, no? Well, I’m scrolling down , expecting to see the name of some Tick-a-lo like Pierce Hodnette or Steve Starr, and to my utter surprise, my ex-college-girlfriend Sally Tucker had posted a comment.

And, since anyone who ventures to post a comment on this blog must know, those brave enough to post comments are written about (lovingly, of course). Today, in the annals, history is made. And I’m starting a new feature called . . .


Sally Tucker posted this comment to Vol.2008, No.30:

"Larry, you are one crazy bastard. I stumbled across this blog trying to find a picture of your son. I was disappointed to see no old pics of me at the ATO parties!  The mud chick is Becca something. She was in the nursing program with me. Sally"
Sally-the-beautiful, thank you my friend! I am indeed a brick-or-two shy (but then you’ve always known that about me). Thanks for expressing interest in Andrew’s music. Glad you discovered the blog. You have made history, being the first ex-tick-a-lo girlfriend brave enough to post a comment. To celebrate that, this is the first installment of a new feature "Tick-a-lo Wimens in History."
You are correct, the famed "mud-chick" was the awesomely gorgeous Becky Bruning, Pi Phi and former girlfriend to the Mighty Harpo (I think). Fear not, there will be several Tick-a-lo’s who will admonish me if that was an incorrect memory lapse.

Sally, I did post a picture of you -it is posted in one of the previous editions (see Archives), I know not which. I looked for pictures of you and found a few, although they are not pictures of you at parties - I suppose I was too busy dating you to take pictures. However, you and I were in those days having many "private parties" during which we once went to one of those goofy photo-machines. I have lots of very fond memories of you, my old friend.
And, I found a few of you in the VU Annuals. If you have pictures, send some to me.

One of my favorite memories of you is when you (being a life-long Nashville native) took me (a green carpet-bagger VU frosh) downtown to wander around in the Union Station. Today, Union Station has been restored to all its glory, and is a fashionable luxury hotel. When you and I went, it was near condemnation - you could just walk in the building and wander. There was pigeon do-do everywhere (it’s a wonder you and I didn’t catch some exotic disease). But, you were a Nurse, therefore I trusted you, and anyway - when I was a kid, I had pet pigeons and a pigeon coop, so I had a personal understanding of pigeon-poop. But rest assured, if I ever do come down with an exotic disease of the respiratory system, you and I will file a class action against Union Station (though I might end up disbarred in the process).

You also took me on a tour of historic Arcade in downtown Nashville (a glass-covered mall built after a European design).  Thus was born my love of old buildings.

*   *   *

A few Reunions ago, I had the pleasure of running in to Sally, and my wife Ann was gracious enough to let me dance with her at the Reunion dance. Also that year, I got to dance with the ever-beautiful Becky Bruning and Karen Degerberg and Becky Denham! Yeah, baby! Any of you Tick-a-lo’s who scoff at coming to a VU Reunion (perhaps because you dislike the intense fund-raising pressure heaped upon us by VU) I can assure you, its worth it, just for the chance to dance with beautiful Tick-a-lo wimens, once again.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 6 , 2008, the Blog roster total is 90 Beta Pi brothers, 82 of these Tick-a-lo men have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fugetaboutit!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72 (pledge year)