Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.56 - Mansfield Update

Beta Pi:

MANSFIELD UPDATE: You will recall that I have been trying to reach Ken Mansfield (See Archives, Vol.2007, Issue No. 36, June). Well, Sunday evening, I was able to reach Ken by telephone! Ken is alive and well, living in New Bern, North Carolina. He is working for the U.S. Marine Corps - no, Mansfield has not become a "jarhead" - he does consulting work on a multi-million dollar project for the Marine Corps PX (Post Exchange, department store for jarheads). Ken has kept up with some ATO’s, Doug Campbell dougcampbellsr@comcast.net and the Campbell brothers. Ken terminated his voice mail machine (because of too many messages) and Ken does not use his government e-mail for personal use, per government policy. However, Ken said within a few weeks he will be switching his personal internet provider, and will be getting a new "private" e-mail address, which he inferred he will share with us. Ken was interested in the blog, but I couldn’t remember the URL address, so I sent it to him (by U.S.Mail).

The big news is this: I ask Ken what Class he graduated, and he confirmed it - Ken Mansfield is Class of 1968. Why is that big news? Because next year, 2008, it will be the 40th Reunion for Class of 68, and the 35th Reunion for the Class of 1973, which includes such All-Time-Greats as George Abernathy gabernathy@greshaminc.com , Claude Cody claudecody@alumni.vanderbilt.edu , Mike McCarty mmccarty@crtllc.com , Mark Reed m51reed@bellsouth.net , Boss Stein john.stein@bankofamerica.com , and George The Heme Tomlinson george@concklin.com . Boss Stein has formally committed to attend in ‘08. So, my friends, I asked Ken to attend, and although he did not commit, we have roughly 12 months to convince him.

NEW FEATURE - THE FEATURED BLOGGER: Last issue, Frank J. Biller fbiller1@msn.com made history by being the first Tick-a-lor to write a Featured Blogger column. This was historic because in the column, Frank announced he had formally moved in to a new apartment, several hundred miles away from {edited for content at the request of FJB}.   Here is your chance. Any Tick-a-lor can submit a short essay on any subject, keep it short and clean, after all, we are gentlemen and this blog is viewable by the public.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster stands at 84 Beta Pi brothers, 70 of whom have e-mail addresses. A poem is in order:

To blow this horn

We need mo’



Get down

to it, my brotho’

and get them to me.

Check outBeta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:



Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If I'm not mistaken, that photo is a Wales Tales action shot of Prince Mansfield forming the word "who".
