Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.54 - Reunion 2007 Redux, Part 1

Beta Pi:

REUNION 2007 REDUX, Part 1: There are so many sub-plots to write about - I was at a loss on how to unfold it all, when Vinny suggested writing it in several parts, a fine idea . . .

THE CLASS OF 1977 PARTY: ATO Class of 1977 made a fine showing. Steve Cummings, a.k.a. Short

scummings@Crossroads.com , George Ford, a.k.a. M-LINK georgef@leedscustomdesign.com , Mark McGann markmcgann@prodigy.net , and Van Sayler van.sayler@raymondjames.com made it to the Friday Night Class Party. ATO Friends-o-77 included surprise guest Brother Vinny Starr starr2456@comcast.net , and Larry Simons, a.k.a. Lorenzo Bozino, Lasimons4law@aol.com . Female Friends-o-77 included the mighty fine younger sister of Chester Brewer, Elizabeth, former Gregg Qualls’ gqualls@quallsengineering.com woman Beth Raebeck, and former Jerry Neuberg’s gal-pal Cindy Love. My day was absolutely made by Elizabeth, and I got plenty of hugs and kisses (the brother / sister kind, of course) and I confessed to Elizabeth that I had a crush on her in days-o-yore, but that Chester (knowing me to be a worthless womanizer) had warned me off of her - "Bozo - keep your hands off of my sister, or I’ll kick your @#$%^&*!"

THE BET: As you may know from the last several blog issues, when Buck Biller learned that Marlon McGann - a cancer survivor almost 5 years cancer free from a near fatal brain tumor - would be coming, Buck vowed to attend. Vinny Starr, being the perennial antagonist - and having suffered being stood up by Buck at their annual Vegas trip, and long suffering many other Buck-Biller-no-show’s - aptly pointed out that Frank has a major issue - inability to keep commitments, also known as the Peter Pan Syndrome. Therefore, Vinny placed a bet that Buck would not keep his vow. The stakes - dinner at Flemings. However, Vin placed 1 in 6 odds on his own attendance.

The Surprise: Well, on Wednesday night - the day before Marlon was booked to arrive in Nashville - Vinny calls me with a "surprise" - and he made me swear to keep it a secret - Vinny planned to attend Reunion 2007, to protect his substantial bet by actually being present to confirm Buck Biller’s failure to keep his vow, and collect on the bet, to enjoy his winnings - dinner at Flemings. So, Vinny showed up, and joined the party Friday night. The Tics in attendance were also brought in on the secret, so as not to inadvertently let Buck know.

Saturday morning: I get this call from Buck, telling me he arrived in Nashville, and thatupon his arrival he called and left Vinny a voice message telling him he had lost the bet, and warning him not to bet against The Buckaroo! Little did he know . . .

The Stage was set. I get Buck on the phone and tell him the boys are meeting at the House at noon. He tells me "Bozo - I’m walking down to play guitars at Gruhn’s Guitar Shop, my hotel won’t let me in until 2:00 p.m.. I’m going to get some bar-b-que at Tootsies Orchid Lounge, get checked in and I’ll see you guys at the House at 3:30." That was no good, so I told Buck I’d get a few guys and we’d come down to meet him at Tootsies. So Buck calls, and wants to eat at Rippy’s - which is where we staged the surprise encounter. Marlon and I met Buck, and placed our order, and from behind the bar comes Vinny, and the look on Buck’s face was priceless. Stooges plus Marlon Reunite!

Stay tuned for more . . .

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

FROM JACK MUENCH, October 16, 2007:
"Sadly, Vinnie looks the youngest. You said too  little about C. Love.  My fingers are sore as hell and I suck! Where do I send the check? Hoping to avoid the Peter Pan syndrome myself, I am, Muenchy."

Anonymous said...

FROM THE HEME, October 16, 2007:
"Great Pic of “The Stooges”!!!!!

The Heme

George Tomlinson
Concklin Insurance
630-268-1600 x-32
800-451-1565 x-32

TO THE HEME:  Thanks, Heme!  As I recall, you are Class of '73, and your Class has its 35th coming up in 2008!  I am looking forward to seeing you and all the Greats of '73!  It will be a blast!

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, October 17, 2007:
"Who are all those old guys hanging around me at Tootsies.  No wonder I
couldn't catch any snapper.  The 3 wise men were scaring the young poontang

EDITORIAL RESPONSE:  That's how it goes when you fish in the twenty-something pond.

Anonymous said...

"You were scaring them off a long time ago, save she with one eye green and one eye blue."

Anonymous said...

" don't know if I recognize Buck without his head of curls. I think I saw Mark McGann at the reunion? And the fourth must be Buck. I'll forward this on to Chet. So sorry I missed out a dinner at Fleming's. Hear it is one of the best. Since I have been living in the north and overseas for the past twenty years, I'm a little out of touch with things.
Keep me posted on all the antics!