Thursday, May 10, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.27 - Pray for Bill Price

Beta Pi:

PRAY FOR BILL PRICE: I just got a telephone call from Mark Hektner, with some very sad news. Bill Price’s wife Donna has died. She died on Tuesday, May 8, 2007 in Bill’s arms. That day was also their 25th wedding anniversary. Donna was 51, and had been ill and it was determined she had a brain tumor. Mark said the funeral will be tomorrow, May 11, 2007, and I asked him to give Bill a hug from all Beta Pi brothers, and tell him we are praying for him, and as life-long brothers we are here for him.

Bill’s home address is 205 Maison Ct., Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410-2215. The phone number I have for Bill is his office number 561-659-3212. Bill’s e-mail is

This is a good time for our prayer.

Lord of Mankind, Master Divine,

Keep us pure in heart and mind.

And so that we may know Thee,

Thy presence show,

Guard and guide us, ATO.

May the Lord guard and guide Bill in grieving the loss of his wife Donna, and our prayers go to Bill and his family. Bill, we love you, brother.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

Larry:  Have they recommended a charity for memorial donations?  Frank

Anonymous said...

FROM CLAUDE CODY, May 11, 2007:

Thanks for starting the blog.  It brightens my day to read about brothers long ago, though it was sad to read about Bill Price.  I really enjoy the pictures.  Have you considered a way to post them all at the same time with some sort of identifier?  I don’t know what that takes but it could develop into a nice album.  My oldest gets kick out of what we looked like back then.

Claude Cody"


Glad to get your note, even in the midst of Bill's loss - I've lost both parents, and my youngest brother (who died at age 43) but I cannot imagine the grief of losing a spouse/lifetime partner.  

Anyway, yeah, I've done mental back flips trying to figure out ways to post things.  The thing is, its a process, and I try to post new things (or recycle old in new ways) every time I write - so, it goes.  Here's an idea, for $199.95 I can offer a CD containing the entire Blog Archives (kidding).

Hey, I miss you my old friend.  I hope you will show your "mug" at some upcoming Reunion.

Anonymous said...

FROM MARK "CHEEKS" REED, May 11, 2007:
"Larry, thank you for this heartfelt expression of loss. I do not think I knew Bill Price. I will certainly keep him and his family  in my prayers. I love all my ATO Brothers...
Best regards,
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006
Email: "

Yeah, I think Bill graduated in 1977, and as I recall, you launched your nuclear sub in May of 1973.  I can tell you, Bill is a fine Tick-a-lor in every sense of meaning.  I can't imagine the grief he's feeling, so I'm thinking and praying for him.  

Bill and I were in a C-Towers suite together, if my dysfunctional memory serves.  He is a true blue brother.  

You know, as we all get older, and some around us start dying, it makes life seem ever more fragile, and more prescious, to me.  I love you, my old friend.

Anonymous said...

FROM MARK REED, May 14, 2007:
"Thanks Larry, keep up the good work...I know you are planning this event in MS this summer. Maybe a gathering in the fall at a game weekend can be suggested...would love to see you. I love you too, dear friend.
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006


There is already such an event: Reunion / Homecoming Weekend 2007 will be October 13-14, and Tick-a-lors from the amazing Class-o-77 will be reuning.  You may not know these guys - I know you graduated Class of 1973, but Buck Biller and I will be in attendance.  

Your reunion year is coming up quick - 2008, and I'm hoping you and Boss Stein and Aber, Claude Cody, Heme, McCarty & Smooty and other 73 greats will show up!  Boss doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to lean on him to rally your guys.  Be well, my old friend.

Anonymous said...

FROM MARK REED, May 15, 2007:
"Larry, Good plan, maybe Oct will work for me...
Best regards,
Mark Reed
The Reed Company
1864-D Independence Square
Atlanta, GA 30338
Phone:  (770)350-8005
Fax:  (770)350-8006