Thursday, May 31, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.32 - Blog Unplugs for Mexico

Beta Pi:

BLOG UNPLUGS FOR MEXICO: Ann and I are taking a 10 day vacation - our first vacation without the kids since our honeymoon! We are leaving on June 2nd, heading to the Mayan Riviera (near the ruins at Tulum). We love Mexico, and we both really need a break. I am stressed, but my career is low stress compared to Ann’s.

Ann is a Pediatric Oncology Nurse at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. She loves her work - which is really a ministry - she ministers to kids who have cancer and their families. You may not know, but the success rate (survival rate) in pediatric cancer is much better than for adults. 2 out of every 3 children survive! Of course, it is an extremely demanding and stressful job, and Ann meets the challenge. There has not been a time when we are walking through a Mall, or at a sports event, when someone, some family or patient of hers comes up to her - and its as if they are greeting a beloved family member. Boys, I am not exaggerating on this - Ann is a Saint, and I am really blessed to be part of her life. She can also be a pain, sometimes, but hey, look at me - I’m the all-time-biggest P-I-T-A on the planet.

I am totally un-plugging on this trip - which means the Blog will fall silent until I get back in mid June. We’ve been to Mexico before, and I’m posting a few favorite photos of past trips.

BETA PI BLOG IS GROWING: The Tick roster now stands at 77 Beta Pi brothers, 64 of whom have e-mail addresses, and are on this Blog. If you can help, get me the e-mail address of a Tic!

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

FROM ART LANDRY, June 1, 2007:

"Larry, you're my brother, but you suck! Your wife does wonderful work. Have a great time."

MY RESPONSE TO ART:  yeah, yeah, yeah - bite me!  ILAMATOB

Anonymous said...

FROM TISON KEEL, June 1, 2007:

"Espero que su viaje y vaccacione son muy divertidos. Visite Playa del Carmen muchos anos pasados y fue una playa muy bonita. Si puedes, deben ver las ruinas de Chichen Itza - son especulares!
¤ Sent from Blackberry ¤
Tison Keel
Daikin America Inc"

RESPONSE TO TISON:  T:  I'm a bonehead, I don't speak Spanish - I'll have to get Ann to translate.  But I can get the gist of your communique.   Yes, we'll be staying close to Playa Del Carmen, where we plan to engage in much needed diversions!  We both love the ruins - on previous trips we've been to Chichen Itza (and climbed to the top, both on the pyramid, and up through the tunnel into the "inner pyramid" up the slippery stair to sacred Chac Mul), a truly mystical place.  My dream is to someday go there at the solstice, when the famous shadow is cast (forming the head of El Snako at the foot of the pyramid) and do the horseback mountaineering trip.  Thanks for the note - I love you, my old friend!  L.

Anonymous said...

FROM T. KEEL, June 1, 2007:

"Yeah, that panther throne at the top of the inner pyramid was a spooky place. I was happy to get back into the sun.
¤ Sent from Blackberry ¤
Tison Keel
Daikin America Inc"

Anonymous said...


"Just to confirm-  Ann is an angel, Larry is a PITA.  I concur."

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, June 1, 2007:

"Good to see "Son of Dub" aka Randy Martin pop up on the Tic-a lo radar!

PS to those in the Greater NJ/NJ Metroplex-  I feel an obligation to let you
know that my son Hank lives in the Bronx and my son Jack is visiting there
for the summer.  The appropriate authorities have been informed.  McSorley's
is bringing on extra stock."