Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.26 - A hero! George the Jack Russell Terrier

Beta Pi:

A HERO! GEORGE THE JACK RUSSELL TERRIER: Sometimes, I think I’ve run out of spark to write - then, I remember - hey, I have hobbies. One hobby I love is my Jack Russell Terriers. Best dogs I’ve ever had! Well, the other day, an article came over CNN about a Jack Russell named George, who saved some kids. Then, next day, I heard a friend mention she’d heard such a story on Paul Harvey "The Rest of the Story" - and this is a great story. Check it out by clicking on the link (to the right).

One reason I love this story, you may recall - I have a fondness for boxing and martial arts ( I fared better in boxing against Buck than in Tae Kwon Do - I earned a black belt but managed to tear the hamstring off the bone, suffer 2 broken ribs, and a broken finger, getting "whupped up on"). Exciting adrenaline rush, and worth it to find out what lurks deep within my worthless soul).

Anyway, this dog George came upon some kids who were being attacked by 2 pit bulls, and being a Jack Russell (big dog in a little dog’s body) George had to jump in the fight. This distracted the pit bulls, who turned their attentions on George, and they mauled George instead of the kids - who escaped with their lives! George fought valiantly, but was so mangled, his owner had to put him down. Very sad, to me.

Ann and I have a Jack Russell named Lily, who is 6 years old, and a puppy short-leg Jack named Odie, who is 8 months old. Last year, I lost a female pup named Riley to a car who hit her. When Riley was about a year old, and got her adult hormones, she became territorially aggressive, as females of this breed do. Well, Lily and Riley had but to look at each other, and eye contact led to lips quivering, teeth began baring, and they’d lunge at one another to do battle. Blood, everywhere! Once, Riley bit onto Lilly’s paw and refused to let go - even as I held Lily up to separate them - there is Riley, latched on to Lily’s paw with a "death grip" and wouldn’t let go, even as I swatted her over the head to try to break the grip. This other time, Riley - who’s young teeth were much sharper than Lily’s - tore up the flesh on Lily’s legs and face and back of her neck, leaving scars. I’m telling you - these dogs are highly affectionate to humans, but they absolutely love to fight other dogs - no matter how big.

Reminds me of my training for the match with Buck. I enlisted the help of Professor Risilious, a/k/a Ratman a/k/a Biggie Rat Marc Darling to go with me to the gym - to teach me how to take a punch. I figured if I could withstand Ratman’s punch to the kisser, I’d be able to handle Buck’s best punches. Buck later confessed to me, "Larry, after we came out, I landed my best shot to your head, and when you didn’t go down - I knew it was over." Thanks again to Ratman for the pounding practice.

Now, I’m not saying I like watching my dogs rip each other’s flesh (brings to mind the famous Frank Zappa album "Weasels ripping my Flesh"), because it really upset me when they made a habit of trying to kill each other, the blood was upsetting. What I admire is the courage they have. After Riley died, I found out from my breeder that a male pup might work better with Lily - that way she could be the dominant female who does not feel threatened by a male. It has worked well - Odie is very submissive, she has trained him well, and she shows him mercy - much the way Ann has trained me. Thus, endeth the hobby diatribe.

BETA PI BLOG IS GROWING - SLOW BUT SURE: We now count a roster totaling 76 Beta Pi brothers, a/k/a Tick-a-lors. 63 have e-mail addresses, and are on this Blog. If you can help, get me the e-mail address of a Tic!

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:



Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...

FROM MARK McGANN, May 8, 2007:
"Melanie my chiropractor has a Jack Russell also named Lily.  They are the best.This is what my nephew flys.  Follow the link and click on the picture where it says Langley demo." (see link on the right)

Anonymous said...


“Your Grand Dudeness:
Do my aged eyes deceive me or does that photo of your best friends Buck look just like Matt Hart or what?!?!
Francisco Franco Martino”


Its Buck - I know because its an edit from the group picture at Olympic Tale 1984 - Buck was totally nude, barely covering the family jewels, and I mean barely - his crop was showing so I had to edit above the waist for publication on El Blogo.


Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless”


Anonymous said...

CHECK OUT "WORLD'S BADDEST MAN" website (see link on right).  My favorite is Wladimir Klitschko, boxer, a/k/a "Dr. Steelhammer" - his last 5 fights he's won by knockout.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, am I the only one who has noticed that Vandy's baseball team is ranked number one in the nation?"