Monday, November 20, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.65 - HEME HONORED AT VU LETTERMENS' DAY

Beta Pi:

HEME HONORED AT VU LETTERMENS' DAY: At the now infamous Vanderbilt vs. UT game last Saturday, while we all still had a glimmer of hope in our hearts that Vandy would somehow beat UT 2 years in a row, during pre-game festivities Vanderbilt paraded a slew of All-Time-Great Vanderbilt Lettermen (and women) onto the field to honor them, en masse. Among those greats, one athlete stood out among the horde - THE HEME! George Tomlinson, one of Vanderbilt’s finest football players.

After the game (which was too disappointing to mention further) Heme and his daugther Maddie, and son Grady, and me and my wife Ann, had burgers at Ted’s Montana Grill. I am posting a few pictures of Heme and his kids. Maddie is a high school junior who plays basketball, and Grady is a freshman football player - obviously, Heme’s kids inherited their Dad’s super-athlete genes, but they must have gotten their good looks from their Mother! Heme, great to see you again, old friend.

GEEZER PHOTO FEST FROM 2006 VU REUNION: In todays e-mail, Doug Martin sent me a few pictures from Reunion, which are also posted. Great pics - thanks Doug!

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Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E-MAIL FROM MARK DARLING, aka Ratso Rizzo, November 25, 2006:

"Oye Jorge, your daughter looks cute.