Monday, November 13, 2006

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.63 - A TALE OF TIKLORS IN SAN JUAN

Beta Pi:

I owe Beta Pi Chapter an apology - some 30 years overdue. I shirked my responsibility as Pledge Trainer, and I apologize to you, sincerely. Here’s the story . . .

It was Spring, 1974. I was a Junior, living in the ATO House with Frank Biller as my roommate. The Chapter had already honored me by electing me House Manager, and you doubly honored me by electing me as Pledge Trainer of the incoming Spring 1974 Pledge Class. I understood the responsibility, and took it with energy and commitment. We were in to the planning of Pledge Training full tilt, and I had a Pledge Training event scheduled for next Saturday morning. It was a Sunday night, Buck and I were tooling around the House.

I walk into our room (the "middle room" at Tik Mansion) and Buck says "Larry, its your Dad on the phone - he wants to take us to San Juan!"

I go "You’re kidding?"

"No kidding, its George, he’s on the phone now!" Buck had gotten to know my Dad, George H. Simons, because Dad came down to visit me at Vandy, more than most parents. He was going through a divorce during my Sophomore and Junior year, and came down to visit me a lot. My Dad was a guy who loved to party. He just showed up and joined in ATO parties, and once he even went with a small group of Tiklors to Columbia, Tennessee for what became "Columbia Tales." By the time I was a Junior, my Dad was on a first-name basis with Buck and Vinny, and many other ATO’s.

"Here, give me the phone."

"Dad, Buck said something about a trip to San Juan, you’re kidding, right?"

"I’m not kidding. I need a little vacation, and I want you to go to San Juan with me - bring Buck along. I already invited him, and he’s in. How about it?"


"This Friday."

"This Friday! Dad, I’d love to go, but I’m Pledge Trainer - I have a pledge event scheduled this weekend. Let me think about it and I’ll call you back."

So, I get off the phone, and Buck says - "Geez, Larry, George is so cool - he just invited me to go to San Juan!" So, Buck and I talked it over, and as you might imagine, the temptation to fly to San Juan for 3 days was too much for a couple of college guys to turn down. I figured I’d get a brother to "cover" for me, run the Pledge event, and - no problemo - I’d breeze back into Nashville - no questions. I was somewhat naive. My memory could be wrong, but I think I convinced Tom Lovinggood to cover for me.

So the plan was in place, I was "covered", and that Friday we flew to San Juan and had a great time - I’m posting some pictures of Me, Buck and my Dad, and also, a photo of George at Columbia Tales.

We get back to Nashville, and I find out the Chapter named Chad Weiss (if memory serves me) as "Co-Pledge Trainer." I felt a chill in my spine, that feeling of "Boy, I really screwed up." I knew that I was one step away from being fired as Pledge Trainer, the boys had even named my successor. Now, I’ve never been a quitter, so I determined to do the best I could, keep my game-face on, and keep my commitment to the Chapter. I finished out Pledge Training, carried out my plan (build the fence) and that was that.

The lesson I learned is one of the most meaningful lessons I’ve ever learned: When a man gives his word, people expect him to keep it. That is the lesson I learned from Beta Pi: Larry, you gave us your word - we expect you to keep it. That may sound sophomoric, but please people - we were only 20 years old!

Gentlemen, again, I apologize for breaking my word, and for letting you down. I thank you for helping me learn a valuable lesson.

* * * *

As fate had it, that trip we took to San Juan was the last vacation I had with my Dad. He died of a massive heart attack in January of 1975 (my senior year). He was 47 years old, and as you guys know - he loved to drink and smoke (doctor’s advice be damned). Over the years, Buck has called me from time to time, and we’ve shared memories about my Dad. He was a real estate broker - a salesman - and Buck has made a career in sales. Dad once gave Vinny one of his promotion gag-gifts - a deck of cards imprinted "Who is George H. Simons?" - which Vinny gave to me a few years back. Buck and Vinny, here’s to you, my best friends, and to my Dad, George, may God rest his soul.

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Larry Simons

Beta Pi, '72


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Larry.  Your Dad was one of the all time greats.  Never be another one like him.

And from the man himself:   Who IS George H. Simons?


Anonymous said...

Nice story Larry,

It was good that you and Buck went on that vacation with your dad.

Respectfully, Pierce Hodnette

Anonymous said...

You're forgiven, Larry.  I think your absence probably gave me the opportunity to dodge the fence bulding project anyway.  And, man, has anyone else told you how much you look like your father?  Nice story.

Anonymous said...


"Very nice, thanks.   jfs

John Stein
Tennessee President
E Region Commercial Banking

Anonymous said...


"Larry, I had my head down a good bit of the spring of '74 ( a mixture of C. Legs and not knowing what in the HELL I was going to do as the sand of time ran out). But I remember no rancor about this at all. Certainly, the Love Man and Waz were good guys--liked to have fun, but still responsible sorts. I remember your Dad pleasantly, of course. Your Dad and Earl ("Weed") Stover's mom ... .

It's been great reading the Blog--my dear friend W (the good W!), TTK, Starvin' Art Landry ... what a great and varied group.  W, I think the "3 times" gaffe concerned The Deb.  It would be good to hear from Matthew James (Don't Call Me ...) Hart, whose influence on me, at least, cannot be overstated, as well as the Rat. And T PARR!!!!!!!!  Who can forget our grad night in '74 when (my idea) we went looking for a b_ _ _k h_ _ _ _r who could  take out her teeth. Travis wisely realized at some point that we were likely to get shot, and that was that. Steak and Crazy Legs ... what a shame we couldn't get them to make a movie together or something. Funny, Jeanne was always wild in many ways, but a scared, conservative little girl in others.

More later, regards to all.


Anonymous said...


"Dear Lary,
Great pic of your Dad and young Bob Dylan.