Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2011, No.03 - The Bucko Sports Page

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together. The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. The Beta Pi Blog is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,
and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com/ .

NEW FEATURE : Frank Biller finally took me up on my request that he write a Sports Page Column.

Buck’s famous ATO experience with boxing . . .

And his sharp wit, combine for a real treat for Blog readers. That he chooses to cover a premier boxing event is a b-b-b-bonus.

WITHOUT FURTHER TOO-DO . . . Beta Pi Blog proudly presents the debut of . . .

By Frank J. Biller

Buck on Sports and wine spode-e-o-de.

All apologies to JL Lewis. So I blew $64.95 last Saturday and watched the Manny Pacquiao v. Sugar Shane Mosley tilt. Joined by a smooth dark wrapper Macanudo and a spirited yet inexpensive
Pinot Noir (screw-off top of course- I am very Green. The cork trees are dying in Portugal!), I was reminded that the pugilistic arts act as metaphor for the struggle in Man's eternal soul. I have long been a SS Mosley fan. I so admired his cunning ring savvy and phosphoric flurries in his heyday. But, I loved a tragic hero. I have always known this. SSM has never had the heart of a Champion. Mad boxing skills, but no heart. Senator Pacquiao floored SSM in round 3.
Ali, Frazier, Irish Mickey, Kosta Tzu, a score of great Mexican fighters and countless others too many to mention would have risen and died in their boots on the very next punch, be carried out on their shields to the wails and cries of their loved ones ascending into the lore of their people in countless future tribal fires. My guy, Sugar Shane Mosley, spent the next 9 rounds just trying not to get knocked out.

I cannot help but see the irony in my guy and the way my life is playing out. I was a local hero in Davenport Iowa, I boozed and brawled with you guys at Vandy, lived in Paradise with Miles and Harpo, made and raised 3 wonderful babies, built a great career, crushing enemies, celebrating great victories enjoying the fruits of my blood sweat and tears.

Now, I am 57. Like Sugar Shane in the ring, I still know my way around a bar room and a board room. Every once in a while I can still throw leather with the white hot heat of a phosphorus flare. Every once in a while I can still make a heart flutter on the distaff side. I can still power slam a martini or two. But, a couple of years ago, I got knocked down in the third. I lost a big job, then my marriage blew up, then my folks died. Like SS Mosley, I can still look the part, play the big shot, wink at the girls and make them smile. But, I just don't have the heart of a champion. I won't fight to the death. I won't go out on my shield. I won't be the stuff of legends. I am 57 and I am just trying not to get knocked out...

On a lighter note- The Cubs still suck and I refuse to go see them even though I love the chicken wings in that one bar up by Wrigleyville.

Your faithful sports Correspondent to the ATO blog,

Frank J. Buck Biller

* * *

CLASS OF 1976 NEWS: A worthy Tick has stepped forward to be 1976 TICK-A-LOR POINT MAN. His name . . . Jose Jiminez! (Kidding) FRANK COLLINS.

If you want to attend the 5th Annual ATO Dinner, let Frank know. Check out the Archives - October for each of the last 4 years to look at pics.

* * *


Following the last Blog, W. TRAVIS BURCH, wtburch@bellsouth.net , a Tick-a-lor from the Class of 71 surfaced, thanks to Lance Reising. Travis provided some info:


W. Travis Burch, 8680 The 5th Green, Sandy Springs, GA 30350. BA-1971.
Big Brother was Al Armstrong. Presiding at my initiation was Paul Thayer. The
other e-mail addresses I sent Lance are all members of the class of '71: Steve
Johnson, Bob Vogelei and Jim Burgess, all in that famous Last Supper Picture,
Burgess was on the cross behind Dennis Fite.

Travis Burch

Travis, we are working on borrowing a copy of the 1971 Commodore, to scan that famous religious relic. Welcome aboard the Ship of Fools. Nice coincidence that this fall will be the Reunion year for Class of 71! Looking forward to meeting you face-to-face.


* * *
THANKS TO CLARK THOMAS: Clark (Class of 74) is a professional photographer here in Nashville. Clark tells me that during his time at Vandy, Chancellor Heard hired Clark to be a roving photographer. Clark recently donated several great pictures from days-o-yore.

Check out his website at web address http://www.simplephotographs.com/oldFun2.html

HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of May 24, 2011, the Blog roster stands at 108 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, June 22, 2011:

"Reflection on Reunions...


I reach out tonight to discuss a matter of some importance and some delicacy. It is the eve of my 58th Birthday.

The event of our Homecoming weekend is not about a football game between our alma mater and its worthy rival. It is about us as men of a certain age gathering together to reunion and reconnect and to be together in our older age as lived together as young men.

I love you each and all so very much and I cherish the times I have met my friends again on our campus at Vanderbilt.

Please come to Homecoming this year in Nashville and every year as long as you can.

I will be there. I will represent us if you are unable to come. I hope you will come too. I miss you all.

I Love All My ATO Brothers and All My sisters and Friends from Vanderbilt,

TO BUCK: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may you have health, happiness and many blessings, my dear friend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

GANG-o-music-lovers -

My son Andrew Simons is a gifted, world-class bassist. He is now playing bass in a very popular Denver band - Paa Kow's By All Means Band. He tells me Paa Kow is the best drummer he has played with. They play original Afro-fusion. (when he grew up and moved away, I had to shift from showing wallet photos to sending web-links).

Check them out:


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Very, very nice!"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I looked at the youtubes. Very cool, thanks. Pierce"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JOHN STEIN, June 23, 2011:

"Dear Buck,

Happy birthday, big guy. And remember 58 is not very old………………for a tree.

John F. Stein"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


I received this e-mail today from Stephen Magli, a Beta Pi, Class of 2012:

"Dear Mr. Simons,
My name is Stephen Magli. I am a fellow commodore (class of 2012) and Beta Pi (Spring Pledge Class 09). Recently, one of my brothers sent a link to your blog throughout the fraternity email list serv. While I
am by no means a very active brother, I just wanted to extend an invite of sorts and open a line of communication with you. Being a Beta Pi clearly left its mark on you, and it would be nice if you were to stop by the house next year and retell stories of the fraternity back in the days. Hope you enjoy your summer.
Stephen Magli"

TO STEPHEN: I am honored to receive your note, and kind invitation to the House. I am adding you to the blog e-list - and if you'll send me a picture (or cartoon image) that we can use to depict you, I'll write it up next blog. Looking forward to meeting you, and telling you many tales, falsehoods and slander regarding the infamous Steven Floose Starr, and Frank Buck Biller, my best friends to this very day.
Larry Simons
Beta Pi, Pledged Spring 1972

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MARTY HEFLIN, July 1, 2011:


Great tale! I am in DC on family business and found a 1971 and 72 Commodore- the Last Supper and Biker composites. Sister-in-Law, Cathy Ahern, was Class of '72. Makes me proud to be a Beta Pi.


Class of '80

Marty Heflin
Managing Partner, M2H Group
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile"

TO MARTY: Great find. I have the 72 Edition, but not the 71. I was going to borrow Boss Stien's copy, but got side-tracked. Cathy is welcome to join the ATO Gal-Pals. Let me know. Looking forward to seeing you soon.