Sunday, December 19, 2010

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2010, No.20 - BYOG-2 Announced!

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . or


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together. The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW DECADE: Somewhere in the Scripture it says - and I paraphrase loosely -
Whatever love you give comes back to you many times over.
I had one of those moments yesterday. My dearest friend on earth, Frank Biller sent this:

I hope you are all on this message.
I just wanted to thank Larry for bringing us all together on this blog.

Larry's labor on our behalf is a labor of love from his heart. He loves us joint and several and I hope that you all feel the love for Larry and all our Brothers and Sisters who gather here from time to time to talk to one another.

I love you all more than I can ever say. I know Larry does too and I wish you all the Happiest Holidays for you and your families.

With my sincere love for you all.


Buck, I love you my friend! ILAMATOB

It’s TUBA TIME! I should have been a Tuba player in the band - Vinnie once called me bombastic - and Dr. Phibes once accused me of proselytizing. Nevertheless, inspired by Buck’s clarity, and in all sincerity (this is not a poem) -

I want to somehow tell each and every one of my Beta Pi Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals that my love for our Fraternity and Alexander and Laura Wilson, our friendships together, my faith in our Lord Jesus Christ - is all somehow connected, and it has something to do with Alex and the strength and love he taught us each evening with the dinner prayer. All of that is in my heart now as I wish each of you, my dear friends, a Merriest Merry Christmas.

NEW ADDITION TO ANIMAL FARM : I won’t refer you back in the Archives, but here is a quick review of our animal friends:

LILY, our 10-year-old Jack Russell Terrier

ODIE, our 4-year-old Jack Russell Terrier

RUBY, our 3-year-old Saddle Horse

CHARLIE, our 3-year-old Gelding

BESSIE, their 7-month-old Filly

THE WOLF-BOZ, fresh from a full-moon-rampage in the Hills of Dickson County

DRUM ROLL, PLEASE .   .   . and the newest addition to our animal farm . . .

BUDDY, Ann’s 6 week old Yorkshire Terrier,

 I gave him to her for her Birthday and Christmas.

She always wanted a Yorkie, and she has named him after her Dad, who was nicknamed Buddy.


What - you may ask - is BYOG-2? One must first understand what BYOG was. To find out more, look in the Archives, - point & click November, 2007 - Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.58 - Pierce Hodnette Guest Blogmiester.

BYOG was a guitar party, Tick style.

Bring Your Own Guitar - was held in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Pierce and Cindy Hodnette, Matt and Mimi Blankenship, and Larry and Ann Simons brought guitars, and Andrew Simons’ band - Groundspeak played for us. We had a ball.

So much so, that

at Reunion, as we were taking this picture, Buck was talking it up, Art Landry and Tison Keel were interested, Mark McGann was non-plused, and grudgingly interested, stating there is only one instrument he knows how to play (and it rhymes with smooch); Frank Collins (though not pictured) was interested; Gene Young (thought we were talking sports) said he'd do anything well involving the word play; Muenchie (though not pictured) was interested, as well as Matt Blankenship (also not pictured), who in his inimitable fashion showed his interest by listening intently, while simultaneously muti-tasking in his brain, imaging the spectacular guitar licks he will mesmerize us with!!

And, as if that was not enough - few days after Reunion, I got a nice call from Pierce Hodnette who expressed interest.

I told everyone we’d work on it.

So apart from the side-story of potential for the first Hodnette-Muench reunion since graduation . . .

Today, I get these e-mails from Buck, reminding me that BYOG-2 is beckoning:

To: lasimons4law@aol.comSubject: Jeff Swollen Mucus Glanz
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2010 22:54:23 +0000

Hey Larry,

I can't remember if Jeff is on the blog or not. He was a good friend to me and the Mims hall crew and as I recall spent a lot of time with the ATO's. Photo evidence of his existence attached.


and this from Buck

I fondly remember the night you nearly strangled me to death in Jeff's room (not that I didn't deserve it). As I looked up at Jeff, unable to speak, about to slip into asphyxia, I reached out feebly toward Jeff hoping he would save me from death's grip at the hand of my best friend, he muttered the immortal words (that could well have been the last I would ever hear in this life!)...Wow man! Vinnie is really pissed at Buck!.

and this from Buck

here's a couple to start that could be fun jams:

House is a Rocking- Stevie Ray vaughn
Boom Bapa Boom- Jimmy Vaughn
Little Red Rooster (in honor of Neal) various artists

Check them out on You tube. I will send some titles for you under a separate email.

We should also prepare some solo stuff. I would love to hear you guys do your best stuff. Maybe we can find some cool tunes to collaborate on.

PS- Please forward to Muenchy. I do not have his email for some reason.

PSS- Jeff Glanz found me on Face Book. He is an old Tic friend and guitar player from Austin. I would like to invite him. Let's all bring guitar buddies for that matter!

and this from J. Neal Crenshaw

Something happening I haven't heard about?

Interestingly, Jeff Glanz showed up on my screen yesterday. I dropped him a note. Per your desire to include other guitar players, I included Joel K's and Matt Oberst's (Mim's Hall vet, partial at the time to Neil Young and Cat Stevens... Wonder if he's still got that D - 35?) addresses above.

One thing tho, this has got to be done in a warm place...

I got plenty of solo CnW and blues in my solo Rooster act... For playing together, may I respectfully suggest Congo Square? I really like the John Mayhall version.



and this from Buck


How could we forget the Itch??? Joel was/is a great player. On FB he is playing in some sort of Bush Country Blue Grass ensemble. Joel must attend BYOG!

I also forgot Pierce. Do you think Bugs Pedigo might come?
Props to X. Neal on Congo Square. I met Sonny Landreth last summer at Clapton's guitar festival. He played a solo up tempo version on the side stage. It is awesome. Sonny told me to play it in open tuning of Am. I have dedicated my life to learning how to play it. I am getting pretty close and may be ready to unveil at BYOG.

The Mayall version is slower and would be a good jam song. I can hear Itchy Joel soloing in my minds ear right now:)


PLANNING POLL: When in doubt - take a Poll. I need to hear back from all those mentioned above, and anyone else interested in possibly attending. So far, here are the definite attendees:

Pierce and Cindy Hodnette

Matt and Mimi Blankenship

Larry and Ann Simons

Buck Biller

Tison Keel

Mark McGann

Jack Muench

POLL QUESTION#1:  BYOG was in November, the weather was perfect.  Your preferred season to do this is Spring, Summer, Fall or November?

POLL QUESTION#2: Nashville weather always sucks.  Your preferred city for this event is Nashville (abundance of a variety of music and culture) or Clarksdale (an abundance of one beautiful thing: sloppy, greasy, rompin’ snatch-yaw Delta Blues)?

POLL QUESTION #3: Are you in, regardless of that other bullshit?

Let me know, we have to get a rough head count, pick a weekend, and - as the saying goes - book it.

* * *

HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: First, you must have an IQ Score of 71 or more (Oppenhiemer, you made it!)   Then, Get off the freakin’ sofa, Potato-head, click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of December 18, 2010, the Blog roster stands at 107 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, Dec.19, 2010:

"Just reviewed Larry's Army photo. You gotta love a man in a uniform (Tic chick's/Overby- Sound in on this. I think I am right).

Hush by Deep Purple is a great jam song for BYOG II. Ritchie Blakemore was the most arrogant bastard guitar player ever. It's a Jr. High lick that we can all play and riff on.

The older Pierce Hodnette/Matt Hart get, the more they look like each other. Kind of like people looking like their pets/spouses.

Larry's fixation on his animals makes me somewhat uncomfortable (remember the photo of him and the poor little horse). The dog is cute though.

Barb Miller is wearing my Foot Joy jacket that was left in the renta-car at 3:00 AM when Tison ferried us back to the hotels from the house party location. I loved that jacket. I hope the Somalian car cleaner that has it is enjoying it. I hope Art's wife's ex-roomate is still talking to her.

For those of you keeping score at home- there were no fist fights with the E's at reunion. Liquor was consumed by those who still do these things. [Edited for content]. Fun was had by all in attendance.

Get yourselves to reunion. EVERY YEAR!!! It's OUR Homecoming for OUR school. For goodness sake. I had friendly conversations with TriDelt's! They couldn't even tell they were better than me. We are all too damn old!!!!

I miss you all and I want to see you again!


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Merry Christmas to you and Ann and happy new decade...wishing you all many blessings in 2011...

Penelope Malone, John Champion, Trixie and Alice (the two best-looking members of our family--see attached pic)"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"That Les Paul sho do look like da one I had and sold to Matt Blankenship... Could it be true?"

TO NEAL: Can't you tell by the high quality of that artsy picture that I did not snap it of Matt's Les Paul? I snagged it off the internet, googling for "electric guitar picture"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JACK NICHOLS, December 21, 2010:

"Larry: I was trying to find the blog piece that went through the story of how Steak got her nick name. Do you remember what issue it was in?


Jack Nichols
Home 770-434-2584
Cell 678-576-2343"

TO JACK: You will find it in the Archives of November, 2006, Issue No.60. One of my favorite stories, and Rena & Travis are two of my favorite people. Many great memories with you and Buck as well.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM RENA DABNE SARTAIN, December 22, 2010:

"Please recall that once upon a time Mr. Parr had superb taste. He always used to tell me that other girls were just "hamburger" but he had No. 1 US prime. He was always such a babydoll.

Merry Christmas to you. I loved all the recent pictures on the blog.

I am just getting settled in my new abode, out from under the pressures of a big house. Spending time with beautiful friends and family and enjoying life.

Pinch me.

Love t all. Steak"

TO RENA: HAAAA! (once upon a time?) You are so clever! I guess that comes along with being an artist.

Of course, back in the day, we did not "see" you as being an artist, because you were introduced as(dubbed) "The Steak" - which in and of itself was mind-boggling to a bunch of wild young men.

I do wish you had come to Reunion - we- all of us - miss you!

Glad to hear you like your new space, and that life is good. It is good to be above ground!

Hey - those two words - "pinch me" could get alot of guys in big trouble. As I look back, I believe you were and still are the Master of the fine art of innocent flirtation. We love you!!

Thanks for your sweet note Rena.

Merry Christmas,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Merry Christmas, amigo, to you and Ann! Please give her a warm ... hello for me.

Larry,Trudy and I vote for Nashville--she grew up in southern MS and has never been to Nashville. And I love it there, for sure.

From a timing standpoint, I'm recovering from a fairly extensive basal cell carcinoma repair--MOHS surgery--from there I have a hernia repair and a torn meniscus repair coming up.. I will need until at least 4/1 to be ready to go. Good news, while I'm recovering, I can be practicing!
As to a song, I think that Key to the Highway(Derke and the Dominoes version) would work well for a group boogie. Second choice, It Hurts Me Too (Dead version).
I hope the schedule will work out. I'm totally fired up about this.
Please forward to Neal so he'll have my address.

Merry, Merry."

TO JACK: I hear Nashville, after April 1st. Even if the concensus is Spring (which I doubt) it will not be in March (too cold).

Merry Christmas to you!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"How about KY Derby weekend--first Saturday in May? Could be a righteous party ..."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Righteous- great word Muench Man. I am so there. Righteous Man. We are going to need dates- with florida tans, big hats and Daddy's credit card:)

Divorcee's or Merry Widow's from Charleston would work well too.

We can party, play and court fine Southern Women.

Let's make it happen.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Oh Rena..."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"You guys ever notice how when you "Reply All" Quatrocchi's address always comes up "Out of the Office"?

'Roach Man- You back in witness protection again?

Just give us a sign. We love you man.


TO BUCK: Every thing I send to The Roach, gets an Auto-matonic Robotic response. I think The Roach is, in fact, a Humanoid. Bear in mind he lives 45 minutes from Nashville. The one time he responded, it was - "Unable to attend, going to the lake-house that weekend." I can see him now, putting on Robotic Water-skis.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...



First of all, Merry Christmas. I have a request: Hannah has applied to Vanderbilt and being the creative mench that I am, I am seeking ways to help her reach her goal. Do any of our brothers have advice they can offer? Do I write a check? Do I call admissions and beg? Do i find a brother working in admissions and send him a bribe? What? This whole process leaves a parent feeling powerless. I don't like that feeling. Give me power, Brother Larry.


TO FRANK: Merry Christmas to you and your family, my dear friend! My son Andrew went to University of Memphis - he had no interest in VU. But here goes. If I were you, I'd talk to Earl Stover (Earl's daughter was admitted to VU) and other brothers who have kids at VU. I'm trying to think of other brothers -and drawing a blank.

Also, anything you've ever seen J.D. Strickland do or say - avoid that behavior when dealing with VU Admissions.

Be well, and keep us informed - Hannah is wonderful and we are all rooting for her!!


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I sat on the Vanderbilt board for 15 years and helped many friends and my son gain admission in an increasingly competitive environment. First arrange a guided campus visit and realize the tour guide actually writes up a review on your child and you. Second think about applying to the Peabody program it is easier and you can transfer. Third arrange a meeting with one of the deans to express your child's particular passion. Fourth have alumni write letters as these all go into the admissions jacket. Stein, me and few other brothers who have been active might help. Fifth apply for early admissions or at least ED 2. Overall your focus on selecting Vanderbilt as first choice is the most important as the university is really trying to get its ratio of acceptances to students up to improve their ranking. I dropped off the investment committee last year or that would have helped so see if you know any of the current board members. Any questions drop me an email. Btw my son loved it but he got in principally because of selecting ED 2 committing early. Merry Christmas to all.


Michiel McCarty
Managing Director

TO MIKE: Thanks, I am sure Brother Frank is thrilled to get your sage advice.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Frank, as a parent of a junior there all I can say is that today the college admissions process is a very random event.

But a few suggestions…..if VU is her first choice relay that to admissions. While an interview is not required, ask for one on campus…that can signal the high level of interest.

Be sure the teacher letters of recommendation get done, those carry more weight than ever before.

It is a numbers game with approaching 25,000 apps for about 1300 slots. All the best. jfs

John F. Stein"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Frank-- Is Vandy her top choice? If so, I think it is useful to let admissions know that if you haven't already. Gene"