Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2010, No.04 - Yanker Disciple Keith Schneider, '80

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . .

NAY, or


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring


Beta Pi Chapter Brothers

together. The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for

fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and

other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

*      *      *
So, all of a sudden, this mystery guy  shows up on an e-mail, with no name except kps428 - which sounds like chemical short-hand for some new strain of deadly disease - yet with valuable information on that ATO Hero-o-yore,

Rodney Yanker, ATO, Class of 1980 . . . check this out:

“Hey all, hope all is well.
you can imagine the celebrations here on the bayou...WHO DAT NATION RULES!!
(at least since i moved here from nyc 2 years ago...)

THE TRUTH ABOUT (WM) ROD’S NAME...:   I was his across-the-hall roommate at Curry.  Freshman year when he is moving in with his parents etc, i see the name on his door.

I figure that even if this guy looks like a dork with breasts bigger than my sister, at least he has a good sense of humour....

When they leave, i go across and ask him if thats a joke. He says (deadfaced):

what joke, what are you talking about?
I reply, with a name like that, good thing you look like you can take care of yourself

When i left, he had no clue what i had been referring to. He later said that nobody had EVER told him about his name...

love and kisses,


ROD YANKER responded: Keith Schneider, ATO class of  80 and was treasurer when I was president - I think WKE means worthy keeper of the exchequer.

MARK McGANN responded: I don't know who this Schneider guy is or how he popped into this exchange but he's got the right attitude. What does WKE mean?

CHIP HEARTFIELD responded: Worthy Keeper of the Exchequer, Mr. Fratman.  I, on the other hand, was WKP (as in Porn), as well as WKK (as in Keg). 

Both major leadership positions which helped get me to where I am today.

*     *     *

From there it degenerated when Chip Heartfield (I think) or

Gregg Qualls, found some political ad on the internet, a guy named

WILLIE STROKER, and suggested this guy might be ROD YANKER’S cousin. Immediately, blame was cast toward 

I bet HANS HOFFA MEIDICT might also be a cousin.

The Blog’s opinion: - #1, I'd like to see Keith's sister#2, Rod Yanker must have had a charmed childhood, if he got all the way to Vanderbilt Freshman Dorm having never understood the verb I yank, you yank, he/she/it yanks; yanked, to have yanked, will have yanked, having yanked,

WHO DAT yanking . . .

The Blog finds that mighty yanking hard to believe . . . Never mind that MAN-BOOBS usually don’t begin to haunt guys until middle age. I say we should all burn our bras.  #3, All that aside . . .

BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES a Rod Yanker Disciple-o-80,
KEITH SCHNEIDER  . Welcome aboard, Sir!

We’ll look for you in October, since your Class of 80 will be there along with my Class of 75. Get us more of your guys from 80. Obviously, we owe thanks to Rodney for linking up Keith!

* * * * *

HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of February 9, 2010, the Blog roster stands at 92 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DICK STONER, February 11, 2010:


Why don't you invite Willie Stroker to lunch. If he accepts, I promise I will travel to join you. Our three names at a table might beat any other national news.

I'll bet he did not attend college with a fraternity brother who accused someone of f***ing his chickens. ( Thanks Grissett for the detailed " swiss watch" description of that event.)

It's alway nice to hear from you Mr Yanker.

Dick Stoner"

Tison said...

Reminds of an actual business meeting I attended shrotly after graduating, in which the other participants were Jack Glasscock, Dick Dickhaut, and Nancy Hardman. Couldn't resist pointing out the obvious. What were their parents thinking?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Hey Larry:

Sorry to be so IT challenged, but wasn't sure how best to actually post into the BetaPi blog. I have to say, it was HYSTERICAL.
Any easy hints how best to post? And as to October, do you know the exact dates?

What i wanted to post was that even though Mark McGann doesn't remember me, I remember him when i was a freshman. He was the guy from Miami Vice, before there was Miami Vice..(btw, in the pic of rod, hoov, me etc. playing tales, i'm the one to the left of the kid giving his best who dat cheer..)

thks larry

TO KEITH: Glad you enjoyed it, thanks. Yes, Mark is a piece of work. We nick-named him Marlon, because of his facial beauty. Posting is easy - go to the part where is says, "VTL, Larry" - beneath that, click on "comment" and follow the prompts. Be well.