Thursday, December 17, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.33 - Merry Christmas & Happy Neuburg

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

BLOG COMMENTARY (the opinions expressed by Bozino do not represent the opinions of the Beta Pi Chapter, Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. They are merely the opinions of a humble clown).

Merry Christmas from Beta Pi Blog! What does Christmas mean to a humble clown from ATO?

ATO is a Christian Fraternity. Christian principles are at the very core of ATO. That is historical fact. If you joined ATO and were unaware of this fact, you were asleep at the wheel, my friend.

Christmas is, among other things, a National Holiday, and has a lot of tradition which is rooted in European and pagan customs. Nevertheless, Christmas is above all a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. I try to keep that simple truth in my mind as the onslaught of commercial Christmas bombards me.

There, I’ve admitted it - I feel bombarded by commercialism at Christmas time.

To my Brothers in ATO and friends of ATO, I love you! I wish you peace.

Merry Christmas from Beta Pi Blog.

* * * * *


I received a nice note from

Chip Heartfield  , with a link to a Youtube video. I will try to insert the link, but if it doesn’t work, you’ll have to get the link from Chip:

In honor of Brother Don Scott  , who made this the ATO house band during our tenure. Throughout the period 75-78, by blasting their music off the front porch of the Tic House, we succeeded in keeping away approx 99.6% of the Vandy coeds. The founding trio were all dead by about the same age as we are now. Have a Very Merry ATO Christmas and a great 2010!
Chip Heartfield

And this from Don Scott:

Very uplifting.

Merry Christmas to all.


* * * *

Here is a poem that has a Christmas feel, written by that Schwim-baggio, Dr. Poeticus, George Welborn  .

George submitted this last summer, and I love it so much I’m posting it again. Read on and you will understand why I say Christmas feel:

T’was the Tick-a-lor
By George Welborn

T’was the summer before reunion and all through the Nation,

The Tick-a-lors were planning a VU October vacation.

The now graying Brothers were snuggled all warm in their beds,

With visions of Wales Tales and wenches in their heads.

For soon there’d be drinking, Tales and carousing;

Just like the old days when their youth was arousing,

For a gathering was at hand and would be quite the site

If only the participants could still stay up late at night.

For the Class of ‘74 was the largest ever you see,

With an incredible, amazing amount of diversity.

Never a dull moment with such a range of personalities

Including jocks and swimmers and dealers and Yankees.

The diversity there seemed to impact them all,

With a number of great evenings they can barely recall.

Though from bad memory or alcohol it may not be clear

It is certainly known that there was always lots of beer.

And lucky for them that Alex and Laura were there,

For their patience and tolerance was beyond compare.

Providing food for their stomachs and advice for their ears

That was only appreciated later after a number of years.

So be forewarned all those that are brave enough to join in

You may have to wear name tags to still recognize a friend.

For damaged livers, medications, prostates and bladders

May have taken a toll on faces but it’s the spirit that matters.

So in spite of the decades of time that have passed,

And for me it has all gone way, way too fast,

I would be most delighted to again see my old friends

At the ATO reunion where the fun never ends.

* * * *


A few days after the last blog (late November) - I got a nice e-mail from that weird and wacky Tick-a-lor,

Jerry Neuburg  . Jerry is one of the Greats, and we hope he will crash our Class of 75 Reunion Party next fall. Here is what Jerry sent:


I just thought I'd send this to you from Gregorytown Eleuthra. I'm here with Tammy my wife, Suzy my sister, Samanthas, step daughter, and my sister's son and girl friend. Look up (link) turn up the volume.

It's Elvin's tonight, Thompson's bakery for breakfast, Surfer's beach or Rainbow Bay beach this afternoon, Thanksgiving banquet tonight.. Pass this along

Jerry Neuburg

* * * *

NEW MEAT: My geriatric memory fails again. One of you guys told me at Reunion - I forget, but you know who you are - that you had a line on a Brother Tick-a-lor, I forget who it was. Total memory failure. So now, it’s up to whomever, to realize that I am in the dark with your lead, and it will die on the vine unless you water it. So, I leave it up to your conscience - will you take action and find this Brother, or take no action and realize nothing?

* * * * *

HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of December 17, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


maryspal said...

God bless us everyone and to all a guten nacht. Thank you, Brother Larry, for a great year of blogs. I am told it feels great to be a part of something bigger than me (but not bigger than Travis Parr) and you have proved this to be true. I hope you get everything you want out of this wonderful season. You deserve it.

Love, Brother Frank (some may remember me as Marty, tho' I prefer the Frank tag myself)

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, December 18, 2009:

"Hi Old Topper,
I am drunk and disorderley in Vegas tonight. Discovered a wonderful single barrel bourbon. Just stopping in on the blog and I have a request. If you would be so kind, please post the ATO prayer as you remember it.

I have just taken up prayer again after a 40-50 year absence. I am betting there may be some input from the brothers regarding the exact wording. I would love to hear from the Cusak's on this issue. I believe Tim and his younger brother (who's name eludes me at the present time) may have deep knowledge on this subject. Also, Brother Mansfield.

Please post and share responses.

Fond regards,

TO BUCK: Gladly!


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TIM CUSACK, December 20, 2009:

"The prayer, as stated herein, is what I remember. Younger brother’s name is Steve. He also lives in Roswell, after retirement from Louisville, Ken. Police department. He is also a gunsmith Who keeps my guns and ass in line.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER & CLAUDE CODY, December 21, 2009:

"More input from Claude Cody. I do remember the national line for some reason.

Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 11:33:07 -0600
Subject: FW: FW: ATO prayer

Apparently this was in my mail box and I didn’t see it. Old age strikes again.

* * *

From: Alexander Mansfield Alm []
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 4:58 PM
To: Claude Cody
Subject: Re: FW: ATO prayer

Mr. Cody,

The prayer as it reads on the plaque is:

"Lord of Mankind
Master Divine
Keeps us strong in heart and mind
So we may know thee
Thy presence show
Guard and guide us in ATO"

This varies slightly from the ATO national grace, of which the last line is "Guard us and guide us in ATO"

I hope this helps! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Love and Respect,
Alex Alm

* * *

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Claude Cody wrote:

I am an alum of Beta Pi chapter. A brother has made a request and I was hoping you would help. He (and I) couldn’t remember the ATO prayer. It is on the plaque by the kitchen. It was said often by Alex Wilson, also an ATO. I would appreciate it if you could send it to me.

Claude Cody
Beta Pi ‘69

* * * * *


Great historical info. I recall Alex using "pure in heart and mind."
Larry Simons

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM CLAUDE CODY, December 22, 2009:


My memory of the prayer and Alex was perhaps before your class. I was living in the house and at every meal there would be a rush to see who could get to the tables the fastest and stuff their face. Some of us wanted to have a more civilized meal. It’s not like we were all raised like a pack of wild dogs (a favorite euphemism of a friend’s father). I suggested that once everyone was seated and eating someone would say the prayer. The obvious choice to say the prayer was Alex. It worked quite well. After about a month, Alex asked someone else to say the prayer. Needless to say it didn’t take long for everyone to wait for the prayer before eating.

Claude Cody"

TO CLAUDE: I have to thank you personally, because that tradition - Alex saying the prayer before each meal - is very special to me, and in my view it helped forge our sacred bond as Brothers. God bless you my friend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM CLAUDE CODY, December 22, 2009:

"All we needed was a little guidance from someone we respected."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


I just received this from Tison Keel, regarding Earl Stover -


Earl asked me to clarify that any reports of his demise were premature.

However, he did have heart bypass surgery last week and is recovering at home for the next few months.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Tison Keel
281-752-3264 (work)
845-664-2431 (cell)
908-766-6268 (home) "

TO TISON & EARL: Tison, thanks for the update. Earl, obey your doctor's orders (doctors trump Judge's orders in this case) - we love you and need you to get well. God bless you & Merry Christmas.