Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.32 - Happy Ticks-giving

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The  blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com .

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After leaves have fallen, and the Autumn winds turn colder, we gather fire wood to build a fire, and hay to feed the

horses, before we hitch them to the wagon for our annual journey, over the river and through the woods . . . to

Grandmother’s house for a Thanksgiving feast - ENOUGH BULLSHIT!

Yet this is the crap that runs through my brain. Why?

I think there must be some hypnotic power in Norman Freakin’ Rockwell’s paintings of Americana - why else does all that tripe keep filtering in?

Here is a more realistic version (straight from the pages of my life):

The leaves have all fallen - time to call the

leaf-guy to clean it up. Who ever said summer time is too hot is full of shit - this

cold wind is biting my ass - enough already! Where is that freakin’ wheel barrow so’s I can haul a load of freakin’ firewood. But wait, I’ve gotta clean all the ash and soot out of the fireplace (left over from last year’s holiday fire).

Then, as if there wasn’t enough to do, I’ve got to load the

S.U.V. for another happy trip to Mother-in-law’s house.
Over the river and through the woods . . . Thanksgiving freakin’ feast, yeah!

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Happy Ticks-giving. We recently gathered round the Tick-a-lor table, let us be thankful for one another. I am thankful to be above-ground. I’m thankful Buck’s surgery went well. Thankful so many greats showed up in October.

I got to thinking - what kinds of food do the Brothers like? So, I conducted a mini-poll and asked several prominent Ticks what their favorite Ticks-giving food is:

Pierce Hodnette: Tater Tots

Jack Muench: Bratwurst Pony Peckers with Sauerkraut

Frank Biller: Swedish  Turds Meatballs

Neal Crenshaw: Thai-stick Brownies

Joel Kadarauch: Jiambeau Shrimp

Fur Wheeler: Fur burger

Matt Hart: Mung Sandwich

John Stein: Beef Tips

Arms Aylward: Pig Roast bar-b-que

Bill Whalen: Lunch meat

Chet Brewer: Mint Julips

T. Parr: Steak, rare

Vinny Starr: Bridge Mix Nuts

Art Landry: Cajun Gumbo

Earl Stover: Texas Toast

Herb Ladley: Artichoke Hearts

Rod Yanker: Rump Roast

Mark McGann: Slim Jim

George Ford: M-Link Sausage

George Joe: Sushi

J.D. Strickland: Psychedelic Rhubarb Pie

Gene Young: Bar-b-que Ribs

George Abernathy: Breasts (turkey)

George Tomlinson: Legs (turkey)

Jeff Overby: Heaven Lee Ham

Jack Nichols: Star Chamber Stump Juice

Bob Smoot: Yellow Car Corn Bread

Dennis Price: Gravy (train)

Tom Lovinggood: Special Sauce (150 proof)

George Welborn: Thighs (turkey)

Jim Cordner: Irish Coffee

Clyde Noel:  Donuts

As we all prepare to approach our respective feasts on Thursday, I want to tell all of you guys how grateful and thankful I am to be an ATO and to be in Beta Pi Chapter with all of you guys. None of my other friendships are as deep and meaningful to me as my friendships with my Brothers. I love you guys.

And now, as Tiny Tim said - and it always bears repeating, God bless us, every one !

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HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button -  Comments - just below  VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of November 24, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry SimonsBeta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, November 24, 2009:

"Goog thoughts Old Topper."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, November 25, 2009:


Marla and I enjoyed our visit to Nashville. We hope to come many more times. You've done a great job on the Blog--keep it up. We hope you and Ann have a great Holiday. Maybe the 'Dores can do better in basketball this season.

Tom L."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JERRY NEUBURG, Nov. 26, 2009:

I just thought I'd send this to you from Gregorytown Eleuthera. I'm here with Tammy my wife, Suzy my sister, Samanthas, step daughter, and my sister's son and girl friend. Look up www.rainbowinn.com turn up the volume.
It's Elvin's tonight, Thompson's bakery for breakfast, Surfer's beach or Rainbow Bay beach this afernoon,
Thanksgiving banquet tonight..

Pass this along

Jerry Neuburg
Senior Mortgage Consultant
Weststar Mortgage Inc.
19301 Winmeade Dr Suite 200
Lansdowne, VA 20176
703-967-3372 Cell"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM NEAL CRENSHAW, Nov. 27, 2009:

"just successfully concluded negotiations of my fee schedule for my next assignment at a 40% increase...

And, my next assignment is:

Tijuana, Mexico...

He, he, he..."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Thank you. It was a major breakthrough in my somewhat small and little known professional fish pond, sorta like being promoted to Sr. Vice President and appointed to the Board of Directors, at the same time... I am having the title "Senior Vice President for Contractor Wrasslin'" printed on my business cards. It has fallen out that I get the tough ones as lead man, and when the projects complete as they all must, inevitably, my boss comes in as "garbage man", and settles everything...

For some reason, I have had an unfair number of tough ones throughout my career. Seems like I shoulda got some cupcake tours somewhere along the line...

But, I just got another e-mail... They want me for 7 months starting in 10 days... This will likely be the end of my international consulting as I will likely achieve total financial independence on this one at these rates...

And in answer to your query, I will likely be in da states... Given the history a dese gigs, I may even be able to be in the states for a reunion, or maybe just a return bout with old friends...

In closing, part a my trouble is I have a great deal of fun living here... In good ways, not bad... I hate to be gone...

