Thursday, September 24, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.26 - D.R. Flower Power!

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . .


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

* * * * *

D.R. FLOWER POWER: Yesterday evening, that ATO man of the hour, D. R. FLOWER (‘78) and his lovely wife Deirdre were in Nashville on business - they are in the medical device manufacturing business .

Ann and I had the pleasure of their company over dinner at our favorite restaurant, Ted’s Montana Grill. It was a good time had by all. Thanks D.R. and Deirdre!

While Ann and Deirdre tried not to look bored (kidding), D.R. and I waxed nostalgic about such greats as
Ted "Fi-Fi" Stephany (D.R.’s Big Brother),

Art Landry ,

and Don "Funky" Engleman .

Apparently, Funky got his nick-name from a comic strip character (with whom I’m not familiar).

I thought Funky got his nick-name from his fabulous Afro hairstyle.

* * * * *

Here is the latest list of "known-known’s" slated to attend:

FRANK BILLER (‘75) : Yes, committed? (Vinny insisted on the question mark)


TIM CUSACK (‘73): No, cannot.


JIMMY GRISSETT (‘78/’79) : Maybe, committed.

DAVID HAINES (‘79) : Yes, committed.

MATT HART (‘74) : Yes, committed.

CHIP HEARTFIELD (‘78) : Maybe.

TISON KEEL (‘75) : Maybe.

HERB LADLEY (‘74) : Maybe.

ART LANDRY (‘76): No, cannot.

TOM LOVINGGOOD (‘74) : Yes, committed.

RANDY MARTIN (‘79) : maybe.

MIKE McCARTY (‘73) : Yes, committed.

REX McPHERSON (‘74) : Yes. Class of 74 Fund-raising Chair - we’re confident he’ll be there.

JACK MUENCH (‘74) : Yes, committed.

JERRY NEUBERG (‘77) : Maybe.

TRAVIS PARR (‘74) : Highly doubtful.

JEFF PEROUT (‘74): No, cannot.

CHRIS REGAS (‘74) : Maybe.

GREGG QUALLS (‘78) : Yes, committed.


LARRY SIMONS (‘75): Yes, committed.

BOB SMOOT (‘74) : Yes, committed.

VINNY STARR (‘75) : Yes, committed.

JOHN STEIN (‘73) : Yes, committed.

DICK STONER (‘78) : Yes, committed.

GEORGE WELBORN (‘74) : Yes, committed.

CHUCK WHARTON (‘79) : Yes, committed.

TOP-SECRET SURPRISE GUEST: Yes. This Tick-a-lor swore me to secrecy. Be there when the "mystery-man" appears!

Awesome! We have 16 committed Ticks and guests - approximately 32 people on board for the ATO Dinner.

* * * *

LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: .

This weekend, I’m headed to Memphis to see Groundspeak play at The River City Jam Festival at Minglewood Hall.

They are playing Friday at 6:45 p.m., as the opening act! This is a good opportunity for them, I’m proud of them (as you know).

Then, after the gig, I’m driving down to Clarksdale to spend the weekend. Blues,

bar-b-que, YEAH! What could be better?

COMMENT, YE HEATHEN: To post - or to read comments - go down a few paragraphs. The button is very small, in red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Or, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of September 24, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - remember what you learned in Kindergarten - share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, September 24, 2009:

"Hey Larry,
Conspicuous by their absence are all time West Coast Great, Surfer Extrordinaire and Yang to the Lovely Kay Emerson's Miles Walsh and DC Crew stalwart and all time all time Mark "Marlon" McGann (not to mention Chester, JD and Arms).

Sidebar to Miles: We all want to see your mug, but if you can't come send Kay!!!

What say ye boys????

How about more Tic chix? We love Chix Hblblblblblblblbl...


PS to all Tics: If one of your all time homey's is missing from Larry's Official Unofficial list, call them out here on this blogoshpere. We're talkin about Porch Crew here (closed circuit to T. Parr.). If you wait till the next reunion, we will have a jam up from all our walkers on the handicap ramp!"

TO BUCK: Yes, Marlon is sour grapes, Chet Brewer is A.W.O.L. as usual, and T.Parr is a super-work-a-holic powerhouse who never slows down. Roses? Who's ever smelled 'em? You have my friend!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

NEWS FLASH: CHET BREWER IS A GRAND FATHER. He sent a picture of an adorable baby, but that's all - no explanation, no name given. He must be beside himself. Congratulations to Chet!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM ANDREW BAIRD, September 26, 2009:

"I would love to come, but that is my Wisconsin hunting weekend with my oldest son. Best Larry and please give best wishes to all the Tics.
Best Andrew"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DICK STONER, October 2, 2009:


Somehow I was labelled as a "definite yes" but that was before Heartfield became a maybe, and Martin, who I was hoping would be the travelling back-up each developed complications.

Did not want you to think I was just skipping the dinner. I will give it one more shot, but with a trip to Columbia, SC the next weekend to see my daughter, a KD nonetheless, at USC, who plays Vandy on the 24th, it just might be too much travel for an old working guy like me. Will let you know if this changes, but right now, I am a very slight "maybe" and drifting off the edge....."

TO DICK: What I hear you saying is that you, Chip Heartfield and Randy Martin are now "maybe." Thanks for fine-tuning your status, I appreciate that. I do hope you'll be able to join in. As for Bum-jam, well . . . (kidding).

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DICK STONER, October 5, 2009:


I spoke to Martin and Heartfield over the weekend. Hearts is NO, Martin remains in Maybe status with me.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DOUG CAMPBELL, October 5, 2009:

"i will be in tomahawk wisconsin with andrew baird and our sons grouse hunting. sorry- i'd like to see the old crew.
just had a total knee replacement(8 wks ago) and am glad to report full recovery - doc has released me to full activities- running, tennis ,whatever. dmc"

TO DOUG: We'll miss you guys.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM GREGG QUALLS, October 5, 2009:

Count me with a guest. Thanks for asking.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MIKE McCARTY, October 5, 2009:

"I would be bringing a guest but I now have to once again bag out of the event. I will be in lovely Omaha for the weekend for command performance instead of Nashville. Enjoy the time together and I am sorry to miss it all. Lift a few for me and don’t say too many obnoxious items about my character. THX for the invite.


TO MIKE: That is disappointing - we'll miss you . . . again. Here's hoping you block off Reunion weekend in 2013. Be well,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MATT HART, October 5, 2009:

"In but in…Alone."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DAVID HAINES, October 5, 2009:

"My wife tells me I'm coming stag."

TO DAVID: Sounds almost "punitive." Are you in the "Dog House" for being too ascerbic?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, October 5, 2009:

"Sorry Larry-- cannot make it.

TO TRAVIS: We'll miss you old friend, and we'll lift a toast in your honor!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TISON KEEL, October 6, 2009:

"Sorry, I thought I was clear that I was extremely doubtful. Upgrade that to a definite maybe.

Seriously, sorry but NO, I won't be there.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JERRY NEUBERG, October 6, 2009:

"no I won't be coming
Jerry Neuburg"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM CHRIS REGAS, October 6, 2009:

"Larry…really appreciate all the work you are doing to bring us together. I am still hopeful to make it but not able to commit at this time. We still have a 16 year old at home that adds more complexity to our lives than our age deserves! This is the last of 5 to come through Regas U….

Anyway, I may be a last minute show so do not plan for dinner for me. If I am able to come, I will catch up with everyone afterward…by the way, to you have a list of the tic’s that are coming, where they are staying and what is going on just in case? Hope it works out, and thank you again for all the organizing…Greek"

TO CHRIS: Understood. The latest info on who is coming will be on the next blog, which should come out tomorrow.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM RANDY MARTIN, October 6, 2009:

"Don't include me on the dinner reservation. I won't know whether I can be there until later in the month.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM GEORGE WELBORN, October 6, 2009:

"Hi Guys,

Unless we have an unforeseen issues, such as sick children, my wife, Jan, will be joining me.

Thanks for organizing this.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT, October 6, 2009:

"Larry --

Sorry for the delay -- I am trying to figure if I am going to have to leave on Sat afternoon after the game for a trip on Monday. I think I have everything worked out, so put me down for one -- just me on this trip.

Will follow up when I get back in.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM HERB LADLEY, October 6, 2009:

"Call can not be moved. Won't be there sadly. Send pictures. Thanks. HL"