Friday, September 18, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.25 - Move Over Rover, Make Way for October!

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

* * * * *


Well, Ann and I got back from vacationing in Dominican Republic. Here is a poem, to celebrate:

Vacation was Good

Vacation was good, vacation was fine,
I lay on the beach, resting my mind.

The ocean was lovely, the sun and the sky,
The beach was topless, yes my, my, my.

* * * * *

Good news! ATO Dinner Point-Man Jack Muench has selected a venue and time for the ATO Dinner!

WHEN: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: CABANA RESTAURANT, 1910 Belcourt Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212.

Cabana is a stylish (and not-too-pricey) restaurant in Hillsboro Village, minutes from Campus. The theme is "Cabanas" - as in pool-side cabanas. They have very large "booths" with privacy curtain, where people have small "private" parties. Its very popular with the Vandy crowd. My wife Ann and I have had nice dinners there, and we’ve been to Super Bowl parties there. She knows the owner, and will be helping to get us a great spot.

"You are gonna plotz" when you see this place! The food is great.

Sadly, I have no new reports of Class of 74 Reunion attendees, and neither does Muenchie.

Doesn’t surprise me - after all, the ATO Class of 74 is huge, and "diverse" - not exactly what I’d call a "tight-knit" bunch. I am still predicting a fabulous turn-out.

The best we know, 12 ATO’s and spouse/guest are slated to attend. The known list of attendees is posted at Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.23.

At Muenchie’s command, we are committing to the CABANA, and will make reservations.


All Tick-a-lors (not just the Class of 74), and spouses (and/or significant other),

and ATO Girlfriends-o-yore,

and gay/life partners,

and including children, are invited.


I’m serious - last year, Claude Cody and his wife (nice looking wife, no?) brought their kids, and I’m proud to say we all had a great time, and all Tick-a-lors behaved as gentlemen (which we are). In other words, it is safe for kids.

Hey, people - face it! - we are all geezers now. I am 56, and all of my hero’s from Class of 74 are age 57 and older.

Boss Stien is 58!

Love-Man is 70 (which is why he owns stock in Viagra).

Therefore, you MUST attend this MUST-ATTEND event!

Please let Muenchie (or me) know. We will be fine-tuning the head-count as the event nears.

* * * *


Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: . Matt Blankenship is a MySpace Music friend. Buck, I posted one of your Johnny Winter blurbs there.

COMMENT, YE HEATHEN: To post - or to read comments - go down a few paragraphs. The button is very small, in red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Or, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of September 18, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - remember what you learned in Kindergarten - share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JERRY NEUBERG, September 18, 2009:

"Interesting thought. 50+ year wenches servicing a seniors' old school, Tales episode, (nude, bag preferred) would be colorful, would you not agree? I'd like your thoughts on such an event.
Jerry Neuburg, completely recovered but, then agin" possibly not."

TO JERRY: Yes, I agree. Excellent idea. However, if such a game erupts, you will find me there leading a nude-bleachers contingent (I am alcohol-free since 1991). I hope you will come to Reunion, old friend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM D.R. Flower, September 18, 2009:


Welcome back to the land of the clothed.

Are we still on for next Wed?

We are staying at the Renaissance Hotel downtown, arriving Wednesday afternoon. We are driving in, so your choice of dining venue does not need be within close proximity of said hotel.

What is/are your phone contact(s)?

D.R. Flower"

TO D.R.: Yes, indeed, we are looking forward to it. My best number is 615-512-1448. Drive safely!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, September 18, 2009:

"A guy has gotta have a dream...."

TO BUCK: "You may say I'm a dreamer . . . but I'm not the only one . . ." John Lennon.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JERRY NEUBERG, September 19, 2009:

"It's a long shot. I'll be working on it.
Jerry Neuburg
Senior Mortgage Consultant
West Star Mortgage Corporation
Cell 703 967 3372"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM CHIP HEARTFIELD, September 19, 2009:

"I am about 50/50 right now. We are trying to buy a 14-person company and it has been dragging on for months. There is a hard deadline of 10/31 for them
to vacate their present space, so it now appears the purchase and move will occur about exactly at the time of Homecoming - ugh.

Will keep you posted; would love to make it and get to know some of the "older" guys a bit better!


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM CHRIS REGAS, September 19, 2009:

"Trying to work it out to be there....sounds like it will be a great gathering.....hope it works....Chris"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TRAVIS PARR, September 19, 2009:

"Hello Bozo---highly doubt it.
We come back from a cruise on Friday morning from down in New Orleans. We are headed down to the Big Easy on Sept. 30th for our annual 6 to 7 month escape from Michigan. We finished our remodeling our house and building a new guesthouse in the Big Easy last year.
Been way too busy to pay much attention except to note the date coming up fast..... My father passed away after a lengthy illness in mid- July and I spent a huge lot of time in Little Rock. I am also the executor, etc....& I've had a very successful summer business wise with a wide variety of deals which has kept me on 14 hour days X 7, with even more in my projects & investments still to go.
If I do come I would most likely be a surprise last minute hasty drop-in.
Best regards,

TO TRAVIS: Very sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. We'll keep you in our prayers, brother. I know the feeling - having lost both my parents. When it rains, it pours, right?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT, September 19, 2009:

"Larry --

I am planning to although hotel rooms are in short supply -- trying to work out plan B. Do you have an agenda-places to meet worked out?

FYI -- David Haines is trying to get a head count for football tickets -- are you doing the same? Maybe you can coordinate with him.


TO JIM: We are meeting at the '74 Class Party Friday Night. Saturday, we are meeting at the VU tailgate (for lunch, great food) and at the ATO tailgate (food there is expected to suck, but its hard to screw up beer). After the game, at the Tic House. Then, Saturday night, 7:00 at Cabana Restaurant for the ATO Dinner. Be sure to RSVP with Muenchie or me for that event. I have season tickets, and most guys are getting their tickets with Reunion Registration. Good to know Haines will be there, haven't heard from him much, I've called him (an asshole) a few times (kidding). Looking forward to seeing you, and giving shit to Haines (kidding).

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DAVID HAINES, September 19, 2009:

"Yes. Am trying to coordinate some tickets/accommodations for Grisset, Stoner, Wharton, etc.
How large will the Cabana detail be?"

TO DAVID: They will probably put some tables together for our party. You guys plan to join us, I hope?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TISON KEEL, September 21, 2009:

"Thanks for asking. I've been trying to figure out how to make it, but unless my work schedule changes it isn't possible. There's a chance for a last minute event, in which case I'll let you know.

Tison Keel
281-752-3264 (work)
845-664-2431 (cell)
908-766-6268 (home)"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TIM CUSACK, September 21, 2009:

"Can't make it this year. Tim"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JEFF PEROUT, September 21, 2009:

"Yo, Larry,

I was planning on it earlier in the summer, however business conditions for my longtime employer have been abysmal for quite awhile and we had a deep RIF in August, me included. Consequently, I'm heads down looking for a job and unless I land a big tuna in the next few weeks, I think I might have to give it a miss.

Know anybody who needs a resonably experienced geezer I.T./software developer guy?

If plans change, I'll let you know.



Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BECKY BRUNING MANYAK, September 21, 2009:

"Sorry to say, Larry, that I can't make it this year. I'll be on a fantastic trip to Cambodia and Vietnam.... Give my regards to all! I do enjoy the blog.... Becky"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM HERB LADLEY, September 22, 2009:

"On call and trying to switch but not looking good. Take too many pictures. HL"

TO HERB: My "picture taking" finger is practically twitching in anticipation of the event. Any neurological explanation for this tremor? I hope you are able to switch - I'd love to see you, as would many Tics.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM ART LANDRY, September 22, 2009:


Regrettably, I cannot. But I am determined to make the effort for the class of '75. Will keep you posted."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM STEVE QUATTROCHI, September 22, 2009:

"Scheduled to be at the Lake in Kentucky.


Steve Quattrochi - Area Plant Manager
Nashville, TN. 615 - 315 - 4066"

TO STEVE: Excellent - the Tics were looking for a brother to schmooze on at the Lake - we'll be there Saturday morning! (kidding)

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM RENA DABNEY, September 22, 2009:

"Oh BOO, Larry. I will be in Hawaii from Oct. 13 until the 20th. I was so looking forward to seeing all the boys. I was going to come all by my little self - just like ole times. Truly, I will miss being there so much. You will
have to send me pictures so I can decide who has fared the best. Why don't a few of you make a little jaunt to Atlanta for a visit?? Please give my regards to everyone, esp. Munchie and Matt. T.P. pays me no never mind these
days. He's probably scared because I'm on the loose again - what do you think? Give him a hug for me anyway and ya'll have a ball!!! Steak"

TO RENA: We are all scared - as are men (and married men) everywhere - that you are again on the loose, you beautiful human female! You have my word, Travis always speaks highly of you. We will all be taking pictures - I think Buck Biller will be most disappointed, and all Tics are disappointed that you can't attend. Hopefully you can next year ('75 Reunion). I love your idea for a jaunt to Atlanta - might be the next venue for a Stooges + Rena Reunion? I guarantee Buck will be energized at the prospect. Be well,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM STEVEN "V is for Vindictive" Starr, September 22, 2009:


You must be devastated. I'm so sorry for you. Can I do anything to alleviate the pain? I suppose this means you are cancelling your plans to attend reunion. However, I now realize what a potent tool I have. The next time I go to Las Vegas and you try to wimp out on me for bullshit reasons, I am just going to call the Steak up and offer her 5 grand, a free suite at Caesar's Palace, and all the booze she wants if she will come to Vegas when I'm there. That way, I can be 100% sure that you will change your mind and be there too.

Well, no Steak at the reunion. I suppose we'll just have to settle for Po' Shops.


P.S. Buck, what are your flight schedules to Hawaii?"

TO VINNY: I'm obtaining a Minnesota law license to supplement my Tennessee practice - you are going to need a good divorce lawyer after the guests you're lining up for the next Vegas trip. And, don't forget, you'll need to have me there - onsite in Vegas - to advise you as it unfolds! HA!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, September 22, 2009:

"Damn, you guys are stone cold....

Making fun of me when I don't feel good. Why, it's almost like if you were playing a rotating numbers drinking game (and acting gay and chasing all the chicks away from your frat house) and some miserable freshman or some stoner tool was trying to play with you and you just kept calling his number over an over again until he puked. Yeah, like that.

Cold brothers...

PS. Steak did me (and probably herself) a favor. You two would be all lathered up to watch me make a fool out of myself trying to put the moves on her. I am certain I would have obliged you
PSS: I don't get in until about 10:00 Thursday night. Leaving at 4:30 on Sunday.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM CHUCK WHARTON, September 23, 2009:


My wife Karen - who was a Tic House regular because we dated from Sophmore year on - and I will be there and are bunking with the Haines.

Don't know for certain who else is coming although I've heard
rumblings of a Grissett - Heartfield possibility.

I think David may have more info -

Hope to see you there! On a three, who?


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Thanks for the concern. It has been unbelievable. We had almost twenty inches in four days in Buckhead, which is in the city. Other areas had more. They closed almost 300 roads and three interstates due to flooding. I live
right across the street from Chastain Park which is a gorgeous park with a beautiful golf course. Nancy Creek, which runs through it, swelled so violently that the flow washed away big wooden picnic tables, pulled up swings which were concreted into the ground and toppled the already stressed
trees Between the drought of the past two years and this, we've had a wild ride. But, as the norm, Atlanta raises her beautiful head, shakes out her mane, and gallops on - a wonderful place to live. You are dear to inquire. A lot of people lost their homes and cars. I am lucky and go unscathed
except for a little sogginess around the edges. R"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT, September 23, 2009:

"Larry --

Sorry, I can't remember if I responded to you or not -- am supposed to be in Wisconsin this week/at the moment, but have been dealing for the last several days personally if not directly with the floods down here -- pretty wild, it came very close.

We're OK if some of our friends and neighbors aren't -- will send pictures.

I do believe I will make it,

I think David Haines has a better handle on who is coming -- Bob Smoot and I have also traded notes on doing a golf outing on the previous Thurs or Friday, perhaps others are interested -- will follow up when I get caught up and dried out tomorrow.
