Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.20 - The Heartfield Heresy

Beta Pi:

CAN "BETA PI BLOG" COMPETE WITH THE SATISFACTION YOU GET FROM TWITTER?: Absolutely . . . . NOT! Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together in the blog-o-sphere. The "blog" is non-political. It is easy-reading and user-friendly - it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

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THE HEARTFIELD HERESY: Over the last few weeks, there have been several e-mails mentioning "Speedo." I think this began with a contest involving The Steak ,

morphing into plans by some adventurous Tics - led by Frank Biller -

to put on a Speedo Contest during the upcoming Reunion Weekend (in hopes of winning Steak’s affections), and e-mails mentioning a "Speedo Picture" taken years ago.

Your Blog Staff has followed down the leads, and it has led to that infamous cross-dressing-character-o-yore . . . Chip Heartfield , from whom I received this e-mail:

"Alright, here is the Speedo photo along with another shot from Qualls’ lake house, the perfect weekend retreat for derelict ATOs.

The Speedo shot The "Real Speedo Shot" (provided by Jimmy Grissett)

with Mark Adams (someone needs to ask him if this is OK, I do not have his contact info), Jimmy "Farrah Fawcett" Grissett and me was taken very, very late one night after an outdoor tales game at the lake. Mark was not a regular at these games, but joined (or was coerced) in.

The suits belonged to three gals whose names I cannot remember; they were not pleased the next morning to discover the stretched versions.

This is the same night that we drank beer out of a dog dish, and Chuck "Pilot Fish" Wharton , dressed in a Clint Eastwood poncho, played tales with himself and 7 in-but-out-but-ins (he lost).

The other photo

features Don "the Bigheaded Orca" Scott , D.R. Flower , our host "Bald" Qualls, yours truly, and Sean "Mr. Potatohead" Connery [edited] (now on the frontlines of the [edited] in the Owensboro, KY [edited]), standing on the dock.

Grissett, please help out with the gals’’ names and any other details I have missed!

Chip Heartfield"

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LOVE-MAN HITS BIG JACK-POT AT HARRAH’S CASINO: Tom "The Love-Man" Lovinggood sent me e-mails - Tom sent a picture, and here is the exchange:

LARRY: Again? You sent me a few gambling shots several months ago. Is this another win? If so, write me a blurb about it, and I'll post it with the pics. Larry

Yes, it is. I won this jack pot Friday afternoon at the Harrah's in North KC. I split the money with my wife and we are going to pay off some credit cards and we are going to take a vacation in Sept.
Tom L.

LARRY: "Tom: I picture you there at the Slots, one hand pulling the lever, the other hand holding a cold brewski. Congrats. Larry"

I know you don't believe me, but I don't go to the casino except a few times per month. Last Friday, my wife and I were walking out the door and she said "why don't you just run $100.00 through this slot machine?" and I hit the jack-pot after a few spins. The maitre' d brought us some champagne. It still has not sunk in yet that we won this large an amount."

Your Blog Staff has not yet determined the magnitude of Tom’s good fortune.

If you come to Reunion, and wait until Tom gets "well-oiled" - the amount is certain to surface.

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: . Buck, I posted one of your Johnny Winter blurbs there. For Tom Lovinggood’s benefit - Tom, MySpace is where they make it really easy to get that "free web-site" you have wished for.

TIME FOR YOU TO "COMMENT": You may read "Comments" posted to this page by Blog Editor and other Brothers, below. Check out these random "Comments" by clicking the "button" - as Buck likes to call it, is at the bottom of the "page." The button is very small - small red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." Having a techno-mini-meltdown? Call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Too lazy? Send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. I end up posting most of them anyway.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of August 5, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 97 Beta Pi brothers, 89 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - share it with us!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT, August 5, 2009:

"Chipper --

I am glad you finally came to your senses and relented on the Speedo shot -- but am disappointed that you posted an obviously manipulated picture not even worth of Kim Jong Il's North Korean CIA.

I have attached the true original for Larry to post to the blog for The Steak's perusal.

Also, thanks for suggesting that those weren't our real bathing suits and that real girls were actually there that weekend via the "stretching" question. That caused me to use the scoping tool on my new Commodore 64 to check out the "packages" in each suit and see how much stretching was actually done? At first, I was impressed by Adams' entry before I realized it was mostly his wadded-up boxers and a beer can.

Conversely, you and I were obviously affected diminutively by "shrinkage" from our midnight tubing run on Lake Qualls. At least none of us needed a Mansierre, a la Seinfield -- that's still true for me, I hope so for you and Adams?

Which brings us to the question of whether these entries qualify us for the Buck Speedo Pose-off in October? or if we need to do the Weight Watchers thing with Dan Marino? I have cc'd Tic legal counsels Art and Vinnie as well as Buck and other interested parties and look forward to hearing their decision.

PS -- In the search for this original, I came across another Tales action photo which I will post shortly.

I love all my ATO Brothers,

TO JIMMY: Thanks for uncovering the "real" speedo shot. You are truly the "Mike Wallace" of ATO.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DICK STONER, August 5, 2009:


The Ferrari crasher..... Grissett this is a new low for you.....

Dick Stoner"