Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.21 - Grissett, Schmissett!

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR NAY?

Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com/ .

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That beach-combing-surfing-star-o-the-Carribean,

the Face-that-launched-Four-Shipwrecks,

Mark McGann, markmcgann@prodigy.net has put together this poetic piece, a tribute to the Eleuthera trips:

". . . to be sung to the strains of "Jamaica Farewell" . . .

Down the way

where the nights are

And the sun shines daily

on the mountain top

I took a trip on a sailing ship

And when I reached Eleuthera

I made a stop


But I’m sad to say, I’m on my way

Won’t be back for many a day

My heart is down, my head is turnin’ around

I had to leave a little girl

in Gregory town.

Buck and Miles walk to Vernon’s Bar

They walk there every day, it’s not very far

They got the rum running in their veins

If they drink much more they will lose their brains


Sounds of laughter everywhere

At nude beach you won’t have a care

Take your clothes off lie in the sun

But be careful mon you don’t burn your buns.


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TO MARLON: You-da-man, mon!

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GRISSETT, SCHMISSETT: A few days ago, I received an e-letter from that prolific teller of

tales, Jimmy "Farrah Fawcett" Grissett jimgrissett@aol.com :

"Larry, Chip, et. al. --

Now that we have that Fabio vs. Farrah thing sorted out,

attached is one more from the archives.

From the left we start with Steve "Schumbag" Schuman, starring in his first and only Tales game -- after months of observing the game, he bugled within 30 minutes of entry, came back for more -- and within hours of this photo was taken semi-comatose by his roommates to the VU hospital, where they kept him for some period of time for severe dehydration, among other things.
Next is a fellow I believe we referred to as Apollo, who is hailing The Wench, probably for more napkins and a can for Schuman.

To Apollo's left is Dave McDonald who held his beer down with the best and last I heard was working for Total Oil in some combination of France and Africa -- we need to get him in the blog loop, as he has some good stories.

Panning right, we come to Rod "Please Don't Raid Our Kitchen" Yanker in a rare moment of lovie-doviness with Randy "Bunjam of the Exchequer" Martin. I don't believe this was the night Randy ended up sleeping in the fireplace -- it was too far away.

Next is Dave "What Do You Think Happened to My Shirt?" Christensen, who had done a good job of hosing himself off after requesting a can a few seconds too late. Can't tell who is at The Prince's 7 (probably either staunch regulars Wharton or Haines) but would hazard that Vinnie's beard is what we see in the Prince's throne at the far right margin -- as no one would have played with Yanker as Prince at the other end.

My final observation is that this is clearly the second table of the evening, since we always started in the corner table in the background, but knowing of the carnage that evening, we had to move to the backup table.

I was thinking about having a beer after work, but am not so sure now -- but if anyone knows who the seven was at this venerable table, please let me know -- you will probably remember the consequences of sitting across from Schuman.

PS -- Could someone forward to Haines as I can't spot his e-mail address in the list?


TO JIMMY: Awesome picture, thanks for contributing!

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". . . we can rebuild him, we have the technology . . ."

After his one-millionth performance of


Buck's hips finally gave out. As you may have heard, Venerable-Bachelor-Brother Frank J. Biller fbiller1@msn.com underwent a second total hip replacement surgery on Monday. The operation went well, and Buck is recovering nicely. I know this because Buck called me Monday night, and I overheard him flirting with beautiful, young nurses. As I understand it, Buck will be recuperating for several weeks, which will be well worth it if he gets the same great result he got with his other hip. Call him on his cell phone 651-402-5787 - to help keep his mind off of the FYFN (fetching-young-female nurses). Get well soon, Bionic Bucko!

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Muenchie trujac@sc.rr.com is coordinating the ATO Dinner, which will be Saturday evening, after the Homecoming Game on Reunion Weekend. Last year, The Heme was Point Man, and the Dinner was a huge success. Let Muenchie know if you want to attend - we need a head count so restaurant reservations can be made.

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: http://www.myspace.com/deltajamrecords . Matt Blankenship is a MySpace Music friend. Buck, I posted one of your Johnny Winter blurbs there.

COMMENT, YE HEATHEN: To post a comment - or to read comments - go down a few paragraphs. The button is very small, in red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Or, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of August 11, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 89 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - remember what you learned in Kindergarten - share!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BOB SMOOT, August 17, 2009:


Great pictures from the I believe the second trip to Gregorytown. You ought to get Ollie to write up his fishing story while there. I'm guessing the little shack is Wendell's bar where many of us drank and dance to Jimmy Cliff and et al. On the first trip we had a huge group go over to the other side of the island and swim off shore for a snorkeling adventure, however, it was adjacent to the shipping lanes - not too cool. Also remember Miles and someone else surfing or at least trying; I tried body surfing but had a "close" brush with the coral,
not fun. Perhaps Matt could shine a little light on the first trip
there, it was unique, Tyson and Becky B was there too I believe, as was Whalen, and other swim-bags. I have enjoyed the insanity presented here, sparks long forgotten memories.


TO BOB: Great comment - cudos to Marlon and Becky Bruning for coming up with the pics.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless, appalled at the depths to which your former poetic talent has fallen. I refer of course to the pathetic lines you call 'poetry' upon your return from, where was it, East L.A.? I may have to cancel my subscription.