Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.19 - Marlon & Bruning Deliver!

Beta Pi:


Absolutely . . . . NOT! Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together in the blog-o-sphere. The "blog" is non-political. It is easy-reading and user-friendly - it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

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NEW FEATURE ANNOUNCED: Every now and then, a news story comes along that grabs me - as being perfect for "opinion" comment a la Tick-a-lor. Thus is born a new feature:



Tick-a-lor Commentary. Here is an excerpt from the AOL News story:
"CHICAGO (July 29). Members of the country's oldest black sorority are suing to remove their president, alleging that she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of the group's money on herself - some of it to pay for a wax statue in her own likeness.

In the suit filed in Washington, D.C., the Alpha Kappa Alpha members also alleged that international President Barbara McKinzie bought designer clothing, jewelry and lingerie with the sorority credit card. She then redeemed points the purchases earned on the card to buy a big-screen television and gym equipment, the lawsuit said."


Ok . . . the wax statue. Perhaps as a child, this lady was taken to Madame Touseau’s Wax Museum and frightened half to death.

What types of characters do you find in a Wax Museum?

President Barack Obama, President Abraham Lincoln, Gen. Robert E. Lee, Elvis, The Beatles, Martin Luther King, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Tiny Tim, great characters from literature like Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, and great Circus characters like Bozo the Clown,

Serpent-Boy and The Bearded Lady.

But a Sorority President - or a portly Sorority President? Please.

There are lots of ways that business and civic leaders can get recognition (just ask Ollie Grace ).

But to spend thousands on a wax statue of herself? Can you say "way-way-way-out-of-control?"

The Sorority Credit Card. Apparently, Barbara’s wish for the "good life" didn’t end which such royal trappings as a wax statute. She was a "shop-a-holic" who engaged in binge spending - such things as designer clothing, jewelry and lingerie using the sorority credit card - then redeemed points to buy a big-screen television and gym equipment.

Now the gym equipment - that's what she needed.

Was it Yogi Bera who said "It ain’t over ‘til the Fat Lady sings?"

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That All-Time-Great Brother, Mark "Marlon" McGann , sent me an e-mail today - and was it ever

loaded with goodies!

". . . had a delightful lunch with Becky and she brought a photo album which I borrowed for just this purpose. I borrowed a page from your book, so to speak, and ginned up a little story to go with it. I have more pictures and thoughts about a second installment if you're interested.


By Marlon McGann

In the first book, The Bruning Identity, Becky Bruning suffered amnesia. Over the course of the book she regained her memory with the help of an accomplished physician, Dr. Michael Manyak, and later found that she was previously an operative of the T.I.C.’s in an elite project in Nashville, Tennessee code named College.

After a tragic relationship involving a T.I.C. she joined the RN’s in a blind attempt to avenge the needless embarrassment of countless coeds at the hands of T.I.C.’s.

Following withdrawal from Nashville she joined Project Graduation 75, where she was used as bait by the infamous Tennessee assassin, Karen "The Jackal" Degerberg. Bruning took credit for various ‘‘kills’’ in Nashville acting as a rival to The Jackal, in order to draw her out of hiding and into the hands of the T.I.C.’s. In a climactic scene at the end of the book, The Jackal escaped and Bruning was almost killed as she was believed to be a traitor by her uniformed cohorts.

At the beginning of The Bruning Supremacy, Bruning has recovered from most mental and all physical injuries and is applying her nursing studies and residing happily with her family in Maryland under her new name, Becky Bruning Manyak.

The reader is then privy to a secretive conversation between high ranking U.S. Officials in which they discuss the fragile situation in China. A rogue high ranking Chinese Official who is one of the most well-liked, respected men in China is planning a hostile takeover that will send all of Asia into a giant civil war disrupting world order . . ."

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NOW FOR THE PHOTOS (which are some of most spectacular

pics ever added to The Annals.

A big thanks to Mark and Becky for sharing these - you’re the best:

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: . Love-Man, you said you want your own "web site" - MySpace is where it happens. It is very user-friendly, and it's free.

TIME FOR YOU TO "COMMENT": You may read "Comments" posted to this page by Blog Editor and other Brothers, below. Check out these random "Comments" by clicking the "button" - as Buck likes to call it, is at the bottom of the "page." The button is very small - small red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." Having a techno-mini-meltdown? Call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Too lazy? Send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. I end up posting most of them anyway.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 30, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 97 Beta Pi brothers, 89 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fork it over!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, July 31, 2009:

"Stunning pictures!

Thanks Marlon and Becky."

TO BUCK: The picture of you and Harpo in tuxedos - awesome! The look on your face, absolutely defines "smugness" you handsome devil.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, August 3, 2009:

"Warning to the Tic Nation

I will go under the knife on August 10, 2009.

I am having my second total hip replacement this time on my left side. I had my right side done back in February of 2006. The operation and recovery went swimmingly well and I expect the same this time.

I followed a strict regimen of Vicodin every 4 hours and 2 Martini Cocktails at 5:00 PM with my ex-girlfriend (who, under advice of counsel, I am no longer allowed to make any sophmoric remarks about on the internet) followed by American Idol (the year that Taylor Hicks won).

I have steeled myself to follow the same process again.

However, as you American Idol fans know it is off season and I also find myself unfortunately "between wives".

Therefore, while my attending physician promises pain relievers will be in abundance and I have laid in a formidable supply of pre-packaged Vodka Martini cocktails I will need to entertain myself in a new manner sans female companionship and competitive warbling.

So, be forewarned.

Any narco-alcoholic communications (emails, late night phone calls, courier pouches or Candy-Grams) you receive from me from 8/10/09 through 9/15/09 should not be taken seriously. Not that I don't love all you guys and gals and that you are not my bestest friends and that I don't miss you and wish I would have married you instead of my 1st or 2nd wives (who, under advice of counsel, I am no longer allowed to make any sophmoric comments about on the internet).

I just wanted to reach out and give you a little heads up.

I will settle all bets and make all apologies at Homecoming in October. Just look me up after the Tic Speedo contest on Neely Lawn. I will be the one accepting the unanimous 1st prize and heading out on my date with Steak.

Frank J. "Buck" Biller"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM J. NEAL CRENSHAW, August 3, 2009:


Pain killers n alcohol?


TO NEAL: Yeah - sounds extreme, doesn't it? I have confidence Buck is just exaggerating. He's already been through one hip replacement, he's a pro this time. I will be praying for him, though. Maybe you could enlist some local tribe there in Thailand to sacrifice a goat for Buck.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, August 3, 2009:

"Now there's a twist for you.

Bozo and X. Neal as the Drug/Alcohol Narcs! I could have made a ton of money on that parlay bet 30 years ago:)

"Vicodin and Martini's" sounds really dangerous though don't you think?

Remember lads, "The true professional salesman does not lie. However, he can tell the truth in a thousand different ways."

Truth be told, I didn't have any Martini's until after I was off Vicodin for a couple of days. After lying in bed reading and dozing all day, I would hear K_ _ _n (edited) come home from work. I was bored out of my skull! I would hobble down the hall on one leg to the kitchen where she would whip me up a Martini while she fixed dinner. You can't sit in a regular chair for a few weeks after the surgery, but I could lean up against the bar stool at the kitchen counter. Then we would watch American Idol and I would go back to bed at about 8:00 and crash for about 14-16 hours. A jigger of Vodka makes a nice little sleeping aid when you are recovering from major surgery!

I appreciate your concern and prayers.

I will keep you guys posted and email as soon as I can after I get out of surgery next week. I am certain that all will be well.


TO BUCK: Sorry to hear K-Woman/WWW "whipped" you - just for drinking martinis. I knew it had gotten bad for you, old timer, but I didn't know there was that Dominatrix / alcohol thing. Don't misunderstand - it was Neal who raised the question, I came to your defense and wrote it off as exaggeration. Seriously, I hope your operation goes well my friend. X-Neal and I are both praying for you (I should say I'm praying, X-Neal is out on his motorcycle beating the Thai Bush Country for a tribe to sacrifice a goat).

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM J.NEAL CRENSHAW, August 3, 2009:


Look here, I am a long, long way away from you all, both in time and space... I am not judgemental in matters chemical, just a wee bit smarter with age. I get an e-mail from a brother, who I greatly respect, admire and love, but one that I know has limited chemical experience. sayin' stuff that sounds ill-considered... So, I queries another brother, known, loved, yada yada... and, it grows beyond all bounds...

Buck, please, don't mix Chlorox bleach with ammonia based toilet bowl cleaners, OK?

About this woman thing, didn't Dr. Phibes have this buddy down on 42nd Street, sold "fake (edited)"? (According to Vinnie's last....) I am not sure what "fake (edited)" are, but, Buck maybe ya oughta contact Phibes and inquire? Sounds like a useful substitute for a man in your predicament...

And, in closing, I sure hope "POSTED AT #19" doesn't mean you two put this (edited) on da blog....

Li'l Red

PS: I be gowin' Ougadougou soon for an indeterminate stay. Let me know if you need anything."

TO NEAL: Neal, Neal, Neal. I love you Brother. Yes, "Posted at #19" is a "heading" that means exactly what it says - it means the contents of the e-mail are actually posted in the Comments section of the blog. How's your search for a goat sacrifice coming?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, August 3, 2009:

"Hi Guys,
(K-Woman/WWW) was actually really great during my surgery. Being a (edited) and was facinated about all surgery including mine. She loves to watch surgeries on the medical channel on cable. She watched a hip replacement like mine and was always looking at my incisions and asking me all kinds of questions about how it felt and all that. She was really disappointed that they used dissolving stitches. She had a kit at home and was really looking forward to removing them.

I had some good times with her and she was very good to me during my operation and recovery. She was a (edited) but a lot of fun and really sweet when she wanted to be.


PS to Neal: I appreciate you watching my back. Your observation on my chemical mixing experiences is right on target. I have been know to take Advil with a cold beer, but that is the extent of my mixology at this point. I always had trouble getting that Vodka/Vermouth thing worked out. So, now my "Martini" is just straight Vodka. I do shake the (edited) out of it though. The heck with James Bond. I just like em really cold."

TO BUCK: My main concern is that you seem hell-bent on discussing K-Woman/WWW. Didn't we have to go to great lengths to undo your words before. My advise: forget the entire episode, or at least stop writing about it/her. THIS IS THE OTHER HIP Buck. A new leaf.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM X.B.G. NEAL, August 3, 2009:

"I have become enamored of ice cold Scotch whisky and so keep my bottles in da beerolator freezer...

What DID Phibes say?"

TO NEAL: Read Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.18 - for an explanation of what Phibes said.