Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.17 - The Big Jackie Show!

Beta Pi:

CAN "BETA PI BLOG" COMPETE WITH THE SATISFACTION YOU GET FROM TWITTER?: Absolutely . . . . NOT! Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together in the blog-o-sphere. The "blog" is non-political. It is easy-reading and user-friendly - it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

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GROUNDSPEAK UPDATE: As you may know from past issues, my son Andrew is the Bassist in a Jazz-fusion band called Groundspeak. He and I are also partners in the independent record label - Delta-Jam Records - we formed last year to release their debut CD. Well, I am excited about their progress - in addition to getting a great CD Review in the Commercial Appeal, and winning an Award on Beale Street for Most Promising New Memphis Band, they continue to gig in clubs from Memphis to Nashville to Knoxville, they did Fool’s Ball Music Festival in Holly Springs, Mississippi, and in September they are booked for 2 Festivals in Memphis: The Cooper-Young Festival September 19th and The River City Jam Festival September 25th. Festivals are good.

If you like music, check out their MySpace site at: . Let me also invite you to become a "friend" on my MySpace site at: .

You’ll see my guitar-buddy Matt Blankenship prominently listed as a friend. It’s fun, it’s my "music blog" - check it out.

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My closest and best friend, Buck Biller sent me an e-mail, which I think may be of interest to all. First, let me congratulate Buck on recently getting divorced - yes, under the circumstances, as it were, congratulations are in order. Mr. Buck is once again a free Pilgrim. Here is the e-mail, in question-answer form:

BUCK: "Hey Larry, I just got a super-wild hair.

BOZINO: Well, I’m not surprised - after surviving the divorce from living hell! - that yon wild-hair is sprung.

BUCK: "You are a legal sleuth with cognitive internet search powers like no other.

BOZINO: Flattery will get you everywhere.

BUCK: "I would be absolutely tickled to death to have a beer with my old "town-girl" GF Big Jackie.

BOZINO: Sure it’s not the wild-hair tickling you? BIG JACKIE, my God man - you are one small step away from Green Gritters. You do not know what you ask.

BUCK: "Could you do a little search there in and around Davidson county and see if you can find her? Her name was Jackie (edited) and Jackie (edited). I am not sure which was maiden and which was married.

BOZINO: Buck, for you my dear friend, consider it done.

BUCK: "She was divorced when I hung out with her. No pressure.

BOZINO: What a relief - you a mere College Student dating town-girl-divorcee.
BUCK: "When I have asked Vinnie to do searches he gets kind of weird. Some sort of lawyers code or something.

BOZINO: Whenever Vinnie hears the word "search" - his mind drifts back to Fuad’s Cast Party, when after becoming sloppy drunk, Fuad came dangerously close to performing a strip-cavity -search of Vinnie, but you and I managed to rescue him in the nick of time (true story). So I totally understand Vinnie’s "issues" with "searches."

BUCK: "Let me know what you think. I would just like to see her again after all these years. Buck"

BOZINO: Buck - I commend you for getting back into "the field" of dating, but I question you dating BIG JACKIE. I’ll let you know whether we find her. Meanwhile, I suggest you check out Hay-Harmony . com.
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TIME FOR YOU TO "COMMENT": You may read "Comments" posted to this page by Blog Editor and other Brothers, below. Check out these random "Comments" by clicking the "button" - as Buck likes to call it, is at the bottom of the "page." The button is very small - small red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." Having a techno-mini-meltdown? Call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Too lazy? Send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. I end up posting most of them anyway.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 15, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 97 Beta Pi brothers, 89 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fork it over!

Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Wasn't Buck just married a few months ago? Is this a dream or just "life as normal" for one Buck Biller?? Buck please tell us if you ever brought Big Jackie to the Tic house... we need visual frame of reference here... All I can picture is Chesty Morgan at that nice club on Printer's Alley in the 1970's

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

TO BUCK: My friend, a trusted friend once told me: "Don't ever accept a call if you don't know (trust) who it is on the line."

We had an anonymous Commentor once before who went by the Psuedonym "POWALES" - at least we knew he played Tales - but this spineless fellow goes simply by "Anonymous."

I think Anonymous maybe had one-too-many to drink or smoke at Printers' Alley. Anonymous has a big ego - that's apparent - speaking for "us" and "we."

As a matter of honor, Buck, I would insist that Mr. Anonymous reveal his identity, or perhaps we're to assume he has pea-size-huevos? Yes?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I didn't know you were a musical talent. Very exciting!

(c) 559-908-0935
(h) 559-433-9021"

TO FUNKY: I'm not - but my son Andrew is a world class bassist. Thanks Funky!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, July 16, 2009:

"My guesses in order of probability:
1. Miles Walsh
2. DW Wilson
3. The ghost of the pledge Alex told us died under nefarious circumstances and was buried in the crawl space under the house.


TO BUCK: You know, we put out an APB to try to find D.W. Wilson - even had a contest to unearth a picture of D.W., but alas, D.W. remains "lost." As to the Pledge, I thought that was Lowenstein.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JOHN "BOSS" STEIN, July 16, 2009:

"Buck, # 3 also is location of the solid brass SAE lion........keep digging boys
John Stein
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM BUCK BILLER, July 16, 2009:

"Lowenstein was the pledge's name!!!"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DICK STONER, July 20, 2009:

"Oh no, fellas, forgiveness may be requested here....

I think I posted something (and yes after a few drinks one evening when I was trying to catch up on emails, and getting side tracked into interesting photos and stories)

It may have been me, as my posting skills failed at the point I was called on to enter my user name, which failed repeatedly.... What did I say? Something about Buck's married status? Something about Chesty Morgan? I hope it was not mean spirited, and if so, that it can be excused like a comment late in a tails game.

I request "In but Out by In" on this one, Prince

hope to see you all and review such details in October if not before....... ( by the way, I think we have the Smoot machine committed to coming, though he has declined to travel with Heartfield and I)

Dick Stoner"

TO ANONYMOUS DICK, a/k/a "A-DICK": Awesome to hear that you and H-Field are coming in October! I admire you for fessing-up on "anonymous" - we love all our ATO Brothers, names ARE important. And congrats oin your new nick-name - "A-DICK". By the way, I unearthered a photo of Chesty Morgan, but Blog policy prohibits me posting it (e-mailed to you privately).