Thursday, July 9, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.16 - Smootie Speaks

Beta Pi:

CAN "BETA PI BLOG" COMPETE WITH THE SATISFACTION YOU GET FROM TWITTER?: Absolutely . . . . NOT! Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together in the blog-o-sphere. The "blog" is non-political. It is easy-reading and user-friendly - it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

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SMOOTIE SPEAKS: I received an e-mail from Bob "Smootie" Smoot which raised several excellent questions. Here it is, in question-answer form:

Smootie: "Larry, Any idea of hotels or BBs that might have rooms?"

Bozino: Here is what I sent to Tom Lovinggood a few days ago: "Tom: I would also look in the Green Hills area (5 minutes from campus). Hampton Inn on Crestmoor (and other locations). Marriott on West End (and other locations). Lowes Vanderbilt Plaza. Embassy Suites on Broadway. Nashville Union Mission (kidding). Larry"

Smootie: "Has Hart arranged for penthouse rooms for his fellow ATO brothers as a parting gift from Blackstone?"

Bozino: Haven’t heard, but I don’t recall generosity being one of Matt’s virtues.

Smootie: "I'm seriously thinking about coming down for the gathering of Tics and play some golf along the way on the Bear Trail perhaps."

Bozino: In the words of Joel "Itchie" Kadarauch -


Smootie: "I saw you mention the 74 party, is that a VU function or an ATO event?"

Bozino: These Reunions are set up very simply. Your "Class Party" (i.e., the entire "Class of ‘04) happens Friday night. On Saturday morning there are various nebulous events. Saturday afternoon is the Tailgate Party, then Homecoming Game. Saturday night are various parties - and we have typically used the "dinner hour" as a good time to have our ATO Dinner.

Smootie: "What about F-ball tickets? Are there any other "must dos" associated with a reunion?"

Bozino: Football tickets may be purchased along with the Reunion Registration package. As to DO’s and DON’T’s:

DO sign up for "everything" - it’s worth it.

DON’T load up your plate too full at the parties. They give you these cheezie little plates, if you load it up too full (this is not Denny’s all-you-can-eat) you instantly look like a Roving Glutton.

DO admit that you’ve forgotten people’s names, we all do.

DON’T stand there talking to a person pretending like you remember their name, when you don’t. That drips with cheese.

DO take a lot of pictures, everyone else does.

DON’T pinch women on their asses, unless it’s a great ass, you’re single and they consent.

DO look at women’s asses very briefly, as if by accident.

DON’T stare for long periods at a woman’s ass, even if it’s a great ass!

DO confess to beautiful women that you once had a crush on them.

DON’T confess to beautiful women what your private thoughts were about them, during the crush.

DO prepare to defend yourself against jealous husbands who catch you pinching ass or confessing crushes.

Smootie: "Believe it or not I have never been to a reunion, so I'm not astute about the ins and outs of such an affair. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks, Smoot"

Bozino: Smootie, my Brother, no worries - we will all be relaxing, having an awesome time with you!

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TIME FOR YOU TO "COMMENT": You may read "Comments" posted to this page by Blog Editor and other Brothers, below. Check out these random "Comments" by clicking the "button" - as Buck likes to call it, is at the bottom of the "page." The button is very small - small red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." Having a techno-mini-meltdown? Call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Too lazy? Send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. I end up posting most of them anyway.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of July 9, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 97 Beta Pi brothers, 89 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fork it over!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

1 comment:

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Glad to hear from Bob Smoot! Where is he now?"

TO ELIZABETH: Smootie resides in the D.C. area. You and Chester come to Reunion - this year looks to be one of the best.